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I think he turned himself into lightning...
Anonymoose BernieBear - 1727277475
Yeah, it's kinda funny how many things seem contrived at first but when further dissected show how an author has either thought out every possible detaol or really doesn't care.
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1727277402
I know. I'm simply saying to not obsess over people who won't return your feelings anyway. Tthough I think you know more about that than me-

Anyway, I enjoy thinking of stuff like this as it gives a perspective on life that doesn't require worrying about small things. Just live your life to the fullest and regardless the universe will treat you the same.
What I'd find really super fking funny is if the one who stops this from happening is buddha. Just reaches down from the heavens and flicks this bloke back to the spirit realm.
Anonymoose Kale - 1727251019
In my imagination, yeah.

I create things in my head so I can cope with bullshit by altering the story via inserting my creations to heavily skew the balance of power. Any single one of my main gods I've created could crush this entire setting to dust in mere seconds, and that includes every universe & timeline all the way to the 10th dimension.

Why? Cuz the entire point of them is to fit with 3 universal constants of what I make:

1. There are ALWAYS exceptions (even to this rule)
2. Nothing is truely eternal & unkillable (besides when rule 1 is applied)
3. One individuals good ending is another's bad ending. And I like deciding who gets the bad one. (Cassus Belli* for altering stories.)

Also i like cosmic horror, and nothing is more fitting for that than a creature that doesn't look terrifying or shatter your mind when you see it, but one that you only see what it wants you to see. You are incapable of perceiving its entirety, let alone what it doesn't feel like showing. To that end, I don't like creatures that just look ugly. I want mine to have a haunting grace that defies logic, seemingly perfect. Yet the more you see of them the harder it becomes to look at them, and the stronger the being the more they get to see.

Basically if you run into one as a mortal, you'll be completely unaffected and probably not know it was there. If you're, say, Nyanthralotep... your very existence will fray at the seams and be completely annihilated at a glance. They're god killers, not mortal killers.
After all, making my nightmares have nightmares of their own has been my coping mechanism for my whole life.

*a Cassus Belli is generally an excuse to go to war. i.e., Pearl Harbour being bombed.
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1727250385
Being obsessed with certain characters. Point of what i said is that there are infinite worlds with every possibility, like me being there and you not, so either way we both win.
Anonymoose huh ? - 1727250295
I look at her and all I see is endritch maine coon
Anonymoose Kale - 1727249311
If she dies imma alter reality to create another timeline in which she doesn't. Cuz fk that's stupid.
Anonymoose Kale - 1727248677
Probably the gods responsible for the weapon thought this was amusing and wanted to see this king bloke suffer.
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1727248614
In the hand of the god who made it it's probably a butter knife.
Anonymoose Tanjiro210 - 1727247789
At this point, I'm considering reading the novel.
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1727247380
I find this whole thing funny cuz did you really not read my original reply?
The reason I mentioned parallel universes & timelines is that theoretically any change would create a different timeline. An atom moving a single planck length would entail a different timeline.
The number of atoms in the known universe is estimated to be around 10⁸⁰, so any impossibly small difference with a single one of them would create another timeline. Let alone combinations of those differences.
So, both of us can have our cake & eat it too.
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1727247120
Not when you become collateral damage...
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1727247097
He knows all about it. Probably as much as that mage order. He wielded their technology like it was his own, remember? The elves had their tree. He replanted it for them. The dwarves had their forge. He (effectively) relit it.

He probably knows all about it. But what I wanna see above all else, is the antagonists fk up and open a ruin only to wake up an ancient dragon who's absurdly pissed that its old elf friends that should still be around were killed by humans. Especially since that order of mages seems to be responsible.
She's probably gonna do what a certain kind demon lord did, and ask him where his hope went while cutting off his hands and third leg.
Anonymoose satbo - 1727246716
The action is where she, with one hand, cuts off his arms.

Edit: and hopefully crushes his jewels as well. I wanna see him sob in agony. Also I bet the moment she wins our MC is gonna mention the stupifaction poison. He probably knows exactly how it works from his old friend.
He's still small and it's annoying me. But this is just funny.

You've been hit by
You've been struck by
Male pattern balding!
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1727198608
Heh, hahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA
Too bad for you, I will now time travel again to prevent your taking of hostages and make the author indebted to me! You have fallen right into my trap!
Anonymoose Ddog - 1727198417
She is the true embodiment of cuteness.
Anonymoose - 1727198215
He knows the other professors far betrer than Leehan does. He definitely knows they're gonna run him through his paces. Need I mention how the principal seems to like doing lessons?

I doubt Leehan will have enough time to even blink, let alone sleep.