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492 points
132 Comment(s)
108 Upvote(s)
Seraph Truthful_One - 1704593697
It's kind of lame to be talking about a "woke agenda", whatever that means. You have to think bigger
Seraph - 1704552471
Japan is unhinged lmao
Seraph RX-0 - 1703651209
I don't like short people anyway it's just kind of gross because they look like children
Seraph Juicebox - 1703471901
That's my point though, why even involve shitty fanservice in a medical manga? I don't think any of it is relevant to the plot except for the stuff between MC and An (and that whole romance is horribly done because the mc is a freak honestly).
Seraph Juicebox - 1703449693
Seraph Juicebox - 1703449530
I'd say this counts as fanservice, it's not extreme by any means but I don't think random ass shots and such belong in a medical manga. Plus the weird effeminate MC might as well be a self insert character for the type of people that get off to that kind of ecchi stuff
Seraph I demand Sauce - 1702779668
How do you have a lit of trans friends when they're like .1% of the population?
Seraph User-5452053329 - 1702692649
@Edward idk if there's a proper way to @ somebody on this site but it's gay to downvote a whole chain of comments without replying. I guess we know this guy is a shotacon
Seraph Aeol - 1702449887
I'm familiar with nihei tsutomu, I always liked his art but I feel like his latest work has not been as good, like ningyou no kuni or knights of sidonia towards the end. Karate survivor is also pretty good. I'll admit most of the rpg fantasy stuff i have liked was manwha, japanese don't seem to do well with the genre for some reason. Of course there are more modern fantasy and realistic mangas that are pretty good, I would personally recommend Ajin
Seraph Aeol - 1702449519
I agree. Unfortunately it seems like the manga industry does not really produce much good writing anymore. Manwha has started to surpass it in some aspects, although I still think the best manga are better than the best manwha.
Seraph User-5452053329 - 1702264800

Moreover, the character building sucks so far and I don't think it's going to get better. So far we have:
- an impotent, naive MC who has no survival instincts despite living in the streets for years. He gets attacked and almost murdered in the dungeon and watches the elf lady kill the guy in front of him, and the next day he's excited to meet another adventurer showing the same suspicious behavior. It's acknowledged in the story, but like, is the kid retarded? I don't think he is ever going to grow in a meaningful way either, because he has little agency and
- the pedo elf carries the MC with everything. This chick literally shows up and asks to marry the 13 y/o MC because he has no mana (low T) and frankly she is very creepy. I see the shota tag but even aside from the age gap, there's a huge gap in maturity and she basically acts like his mom while asking to be his lover.
I'm having trouble putting all of the issues into words because part of it is just the way that everything comes together, but I have a strong sense that this manga sucks. Now that I've seen the shota tag I guess it makes more sense, since it's probably appealing to some sort of fetish and people might overlook the issues if they're just reading for that. Coming from an isekai manga that I actually enjoyed ( and having read others that executed the same basic premise much better, I think the comments here are way overrating this manga.
Seraph Aeol - 1702264785
I read through chapter 9 after reading the summary (I forgot to check the tags, the shota tag makes things more clear). The worldbuilding is basically your generic fantasy/isekai setting, with MC living in a medieval town with a magical dungeon where adventurers grind for loot and magic crystals. There was an interesting thing about the dungeon-iron sword being able to absorb the magic of the dungeon and be repaired/improved, but that's about the only unique part. The rest of the worldbuilding is bad. Not bad because it's generic/tropey/typical of manga in this genre, I would be fine with that, but the execution just wasn't there. It feels like the author didn't spend any time thinking about the world, and threw together a bunch of irrelevant details that don't come to anything greater. For example:
-Why are there like 7 levels in the adventurers guild? Are each of these levels really going to be important throughout the story? Will MC make an epic progression to the top? I don't think so
-Why can't elves reproduce among themselves? The elf just says that elves have too much magic. So???? Am I supposed to suspend disbelief for a flimsy reason like that? At least try to explain why high magic would prevent two people from having a child. This idea was introduced only so that the author could play out his fetish.
-Likewise, if MC has no mana, why would that mean that the dungeon's magic will improve his physical abilities instead?
-Why are people able to run around noobkilling on the first floor of the dungeon if the mobs are literally trash and there's no barrier to entry? How is it even worth the effort compared to just whacking a couple of goblins yourself? And why is everybody so suspicious to the extent of hiding trivial information about the first floor of the dungeon? Author did not establish reasons for this, besides needing people to be mean to MC so that elf lady can save him.

Seraph - 1702239405
This manga seems really bad and I don't understand all of the comments talking about how good it is
Modern society is oversexualized so yeah, people wear inappropriate clothing outside. It is what it is, doesn't make it normal
Normal for this author but not normal in the grand scheme of things, it's still lewd. If you only read hentai that doesn't make hentai "normal" or less lewd.
If you mean this particular chapter the same still applies, this author draws female characters (at least the main ones) for max sex appeal all the time. It's a part of the art style
Seraph - 1702007552
Yeah the artist is really weird for drawing her tits like that... That's not how shirts work
Dude a couple of chapters ago the dude was wiping aphrodisiac slime off of the girl's body, what is that if not lewd?
Definitely not lewd 😂