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Seraph User-4825951131 - 5 months ago
I think the point is that he is younger in the last panel so she managed to heal him or whatever. Not very poignant though
I think you're overcomplicating things. I find the initial premise of a genius falling in love with a woman with cognitive deficit to be absurd, but I can believe it for the story. I do think the explanation about not being able to handle the pain of having a child is silly, but I think you could actually cut that out and it wouldn't change anything about the situation. It is just the catalyst that brings milch onto the path of changing his wife. It could have been anything, really, but at least a dumb explanation like that doesn't take much time to establish in the story. The more important part, I think, is that milch aims to overcome his wife's deficit, which is a believable and yet dangerous motivation that plausibly leads to him experimenting with his wife and creating the tragedy. It's not the best writing, but the dilemma as presented is at least interesting imo.
Seraph GuardOfEden - 6 months ago
Yeah but why did the author choose that particular age? Why did the author write her to be so naive that she wants to marry MC because he complimented her hair? Why is all of the writing so shit? I wouldn't have an issue with the age thing if it was relevant to the story or made sense in context, but... you know who the author is writing this for.
Seraph Dat Folk - 6 months ago
Really these are among the worst of the tropey fantasy manga. Literally the same retarded story every time (also underage fmc for no reason)
Seraph Blank - 6 months ago
Yeah but this is just a typical OP MC manwha with a slightly novel premise (and only slightly). He doesn't really need the help lol, and if that's all she's good for then she's just a plot device, not a character.
Seraph Ballsdeep69 - 6 months ago
Idk it's still inconsistent though. You can open the site for the first time and see all kind of freaky shit, even if you don't click on a manga the cover pictures can be graphic. Blacklist and such helps but it feels like the site just wasn't designed with modesty in mind lol. I would prefer if the site maintainers filtered out some of the crap, but that would bring less readers I guess.
Seraph Blank - 6 months ago
What do you like about her? She just acts flirtatious and mysterious.
Seraph Halleyalex - 6 months ago
Bc their audience is freaky and they know it
Seraph - 6 months ago
Lmao why did the author make the hair transparent?
Seraph - 7 months ago
Nooo why did it take a year just to drop an [END] chapter :(
Seraph Phantom - 7 months ago
Yeah it's quite strange that they neglected to set up the part where he gives up his seat to the girl. If I didn't know what was supposed to happen this chap would be very confusing. Thr girl shows up later too, so it's not something that can easily be cut
Seraph - 8 months ago
I feel like nihei has gotten worse at writing... I don't remember or care about these characters tbh
Seraph Phantom - 8 months ago
You mean two weeks? Next week they'll just start to trash talk
Seraph User-4183452974 - 8 months ago
I dropped in volume 2 because it went off the rails unfortunately. At that point I think he had kissed the childhood friend, mom, and sister (yeah...and the childhood friend stripped and asked him to smash). Basically all of the women in his life want to fix him with "love". He was still kind of emotionally messed up but he more or less forgave all of them and was friendly with the girls. I hope at least he will not end up with any of them, but honestly it looks like a harem. Too much ecchi to continue. With that being said, I heard the webnovel was slightly different, maybe this adaptation will go in a different direction. I doubt it though
Seraph Kami_Writer - 8 months ago
It would be fine if she went into "overdrive" and released a lot of energy in the form of heat, that more or less makes sense. People are familiar with things heating up because of the friction of the atmosphere, as well. However, it doesn't make sense to light yourself on fire to make yourself faster, full stop. It is not intuitive, and your explanation doesn't really align with what is said in the manwha. The author doesn't even provide an internal explanation for what happens, it's just lazy writing.
Seraph HateMe - 8 months ago
Somehow they bring him out of his depression by repeatedly molesting him :| honestly it would be a way better read if it wasn't ecchi + harem.
Seraph CdaddyB - 8 months ago
You're right with the mom. His sister tried to kill him and told him to disappear, so she fucked him up the most. Also right with the childhood friend. The basketball girl asked him out while he was recovering from the other girl's rejection, he asked her to give him some time (until he won the basketball tournament), and then he overheard her telling her friends that she didn't actually like him and basically asked him out because she pitied him :|
There's also the elementary school teacher "milf" who accused him of stealing something he didn't steal, and in doing so indirectly caused him to be bullied by his class.