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Harbinger of Darkness
1187 points
536 Comment(s)
210 Upvote(s)
I guess so... he only earned like 5k achievement points for rescuing the prisoners, so he should only have like 6k-7k achievement points at best... considering the op supernatural powers are at least 10k... he's damn broke.

Basic sword talent is 2k.
And what good will that do when his clothes don't change? It'll be more suspicious if he shows up as an important person in the same clothes he's in.
But also note that most authors' portray themselves in their characters, namely the protagonist.

So, it's likely trash author portrayed himself as a trash author in the story and thus became a trash author reincarnated as a demon prince while keeping trash-writing skills.

The entire story is technically trash, written by a trash author who put himself into his story and then put his character of himself into the story of his character. It's like Boring-Inception but with stories.

I like the story, I always go into every story with zero expectations, that way even trash or boring stories are fun to read. Readers shouldn't always have such high expectations of everything in life, unless they're all masochists who enjoy the feeling of heavy disappointment.
Mhm. being able to run a certain distance in 8.3 seconds normally, and save 0.3 seconds by using self suggestion... does make a big difference... right? Having loadouts that improve his abilities by 3-4% would make for very interesting subject material.
You know... this is actually a refreshing manhwa. Love having a MC that speaks his mind and actually has guts to not pull his punches.
Idk about that. I've seen corpses and it didn't really faze me.
anti-fans are still fans.

Shakespeare once said it like this: Love me or hate me, I welcome both. Love me and I'll be on your heart. Hate me and I'll be on your mind.

The only way to avoid someone is to ignore, forget, and show indifference.
NPC in pokemon game: Would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.
NPC: oh, come on, you don't have to be that way, it's just a simple request. So... would you be willing to fill this pokedex for me? (Y/N)
MC: No.

Damn, even the synopsis failed to correct spelling mistake:
The Star chef, KangHyun, hid in a quite countryside

"quite" what? did they mean quiet as in silent?

Well there's like a few reasons:
1. They're running out of ideas.
2. There's more new anime studios to produce anime
3. Just like how anything becomes a movie...
There's a saying that goes without saying... that it takes 10,000 hours of dedication into something to become a master of it.

Three types of geniuses:
The natural genius
The effort genius
and the natural genius that put in all the effort to master it all.
at least according to the FBI, reading the material isn't a crime, but downloading and owning the material is enough to get them arrested. distributing, sharing, or even producing such material, is obviously worse.
Ohh, it's a new useless feature? I thought it was a manual setting...
Hover... to... unblur? How did you do that?
"hop je handles thois" for a moment i thought this was another language... and it took me moments to realize they were typos.
People in comments talk about covid... and I'm one of those who had the virus in mid october 2019... I was reading the news since late august about a new virus discovered in China, and I did happen to be traveling back and forth from China, Korea, and Japan between late august and mid october...
This reminds me of the time the college I attended sent me to the mental hospital in handcuffs on a false diagnosis of schizophrenia on the psychosis level, which is slightly akin to psychopathy, but not as severe. They told me it was going to be for three days, but when the three days were up they kept me for extended time without telling me in advance, I nearly threw a tantrum and one doctor lightly threatened me by saying that if I don't calm down, they'll be forced to keep me for up to six months. I did calm down, and their final test results came out that my schizophrenia was a false diagnosis. They let me off on a new diagnosis of "severe depression", "anxiety disorder", and "dissociative identity disorder".

That was 12 years ago.