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Harbinger of Darkness
1187 points
536 Comment(s)
210 Upvote(s)
I have no clue what lider is but it almost feels like you were trying to say leader and your auto-correct messed up, since you're not misspelling other words in your message.
Ah, that would make sense, if this story was set further back in time....
That explains why we haven't seen any Tang Clan women since the Tang Clan were first introduced. Even in the scene where they had their guys surrounding the MC, there were no women among them. That attention to detail is spot on.
Person B: Buddha was a real historical figure.
Person A: How do you know? Did you meet him in person?
Person B: It says so in the historical records, dumbass.
Person C: How do you know those records are true? Did you meet the guy who wrote it?
Person B: Wait, I get it... you guys are those christians who tried to make me believe in your cult. Next thing I know, you're going to tell me I don't exist.
Person D: You don't. You're a fictional character just like all of us. We're playing in the palm of the creator of this message, "Harbing of Darkness"
Well.. it's more human nature to not believe the words of one or few witness(es).

Person A: So, yeah. Uh, that Jesus guy fucking rose from the dead.
Person B: Yeah, right.
Person C: I saw him too! He was literally the walking dead... but alive!
Person B: Yeah, right.
Person D: Why don't you believe us? We literally saw him!
Person B: Yeah, yeah, you guys can go believe in your stupid religion, but I bet you my ass that in the future, billions of people won't believe your sad story that your Jesus dude was real.
Which.... would end up killing a lot of people, since bloodlines are pretty assimilated and intertwined... he might end up having to mass genocide all of korea since they're all related somehow... Wipe out the entire human race, and then all the monkeys, and then all the animals... since evolution factors into bloodline, and then you have a case where it's not an eye for a bloodline, but an eye for all living things...

Don't ever wipe out an entire bloodline because you lost an eye.
You mean an eye for a gang, right? Bloodline would mean he'd have to kill all the innocent family members and relatives of these dark hunters....
In my opinion, his morale is pretty high, but his morals are a bit fucked up for modern society. Nothing can really lower his morale I think, he's always the unwavering and pumped guy.
I'd love to check the original publisher but this chapter is still locked as a premium chapter, so we'll have to wait a few weeks until it's released for free, to compare.
only accomplished by 1 person...? from the past? If that never existed in history, then people wouldn't even know what to call it...
Respect for your tastes too. I don't swing that way myself, but kudos!
Yup, Gosu, if not one of the best for story, definitely takes the cake for best art for all their highly defined action scenes.
This reminds me of gamers that play for free, investing tons of time and strategies to win an event only to be overtaken by a pay2win whale.
This was a good update. I even had to reverse translate this back to Korean for the Korean readers who have to wait 5 weeks for this update on the main site to be "free"
if it worked like that, why hasn't anyone in our world decide to be the MC and kill either the North Korean president or the South Korean president?
Nah, I think she's trying to take over the world as the new ruler. She was the last of the golden dragons to flee her original world, which was governed by the gold dragons... and now she's probably planning to revive the gold dragons authority on earth? Is my theory.
Oh, so it seems, she was hiding something.
Well, if you think about it based on the fact that the Lich King was chasing her as a revenge... meaning she and her kind has done something wrong in the first place...

We still don't know what ulterior motives she is hiding, which is why many readers hate her. She could be the real evil one, and the Lich King might just be a powerful victim that managed to retaliate.