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I mean be real
it's a weird mixup of platnoic protective feelings and confession pains

and honestly if I had a bf that was going out with some 30 year old adult in addition to the fact that I liked her, I'd be pretty weirded out
Ghetoknight - 1720261066
Imma be real I got lost the moment after they finished explaining ho3 aggyun defused the situation

having suspicious white hair guy be the one to save him is crazy, because he's actually the only unknown of that party
we don't know if he's in full support or against the knights, we don't even know what his abilities are, so it makes for a satisfactory out, very safe play by authorsir

it also realigs his position and refines the tone he was going for when he entered the scene, instead of us interpreting it as "najin is a masterclass strategist", we're thrown into the idea that najin is going to act as a catalyst in tandem with everyone else (being the connecting bridge between the knights and the east) to complteely de-unify the knights' organisation, and that is meant to happen by disarray induces in their hero figure; hippo

it gives meaning to everything we know, answered most of what we didnt' know technically (unless they never explain in the future how white actually saved bro from getting straight up, stabbed?) alongside taking us out from a very climactic, serious and influential fight without tripping over any plot points or punching inconsistencies
uhh iirc she was first demoted from the military because of the event with the children, then was stationed at some remote village where she could never properly work again, and where no one would hear of her or remind themselves of the situations surrounding her

afterwhich she gets poor building a house and managing an orphanage amt of children (the military's wages are not the best) and so resolves herself to joining a smuggling market and bandit chain, where she's eventually caught and dishonorably discharged
I mean, she garnered he reputation specifically FOR being someone so accepting of financial compensation she would even give up her military service, without shame, no?

and it's less like she feels shame for the country or even government, but for military management reducing itself to any means by which the emporer can be glorified, in addition to her own naivety

more importantly, it's important to sell yourself as valuable if you're in the mercenary industry, probably, so I'd assume simply having the jacket shows she's a strong and worthwhile asset

and finally, in terms of narrative development, it's clear she has alot of unresolved issues with herself, and is ridden with guilt that even prevents her from properly connecting with her children

in that regard, I think it's normal that someone who still hasn't forgiven themselves wears the symbol of her greatest blunder, and a representation of her old life
and then back to my original statement, none of these truly imply she's wearing it out of pride actually, infact I'd be more inclined she'd have lied if she ever said explicitly that is what she was doing, since it would be consistent with her character as of right now
I think it was in a comment that said something about "sometimes it's good for gatekeeping" but idek anymore man
no cus what am I meant to say if that's all there is to it :_:

apologies for anything that sounded like villanizing, I mean perceptually I don't see you in a bad light it's just I reaaaaally didn't want that to be the end all be all (because that would mean a wastage of a sea of text and like a good 2 hours) so was trying to steer away from this conclusion

must have read the comments and their replies in the wrong voice, I was sure you all would be deadset on defending a position

okay, well that's just a w

I can't sit here and argue that you don't have the right to defend your place,
esp if you've already gone "it's not a right vs wrong matter"

it's completely understandable as a human reaction, and it would be detrimental to your own interests eventually...
I'm completely lost on the other comments rn but I said the same thing, I clearly hard misinterpreted the convo (generalizing everyone who replied into one main argument)

it's def something I would do
albeit I wouldnt be as upfront as tsukino or gekk, very misleading imo (I very much thought you all thought you were saints, this is a serious blunder on my part)
yeah no I need to clarify I def got u confused with some other mf
really am sorry
really and truly

was very hyperfocused on the justification behind the general reaction to TP's comment
"well intentioned extremist" unironically goes so hard
yeah I was trying to argue a self-perception, really and truly no hate fr forgot about this after I slept
???? chillchill

ur good bo, I can't even remember the original comment but literally everyone writes incoherently sometimes

+ can never be tired of an argument
altho this would be a pain to go through, I think I must have confused usernames, obliged apology for the original hostility

My argument was disconnected between stuff, but mainly the reaction that tsukino had in reference to the arguments of supporting replies, and the dislike bomb occasion
again mbmb

was just confused, got lost among the various comments trying to formulate seas of text, mb
I picked it up from some other random forum

just like replying into a comment that's old, it's compared to a "dead" comment because no one's gonna respond and whatever the subject was has long been forgotten by the participants

Ghetoknight - 1720079234
Bro is MONUMENTALLY screwed now
Ghetoknight - 1720078080
I don't like how we've been spamming the "epic kaiden teles and flexes infront of jinwoo" scene

I swear I've seen this same pose and panel of them meeting like 4 times now
that's what I'm confused about, if bros fast enough that his fists start dealign top tier damage, surely we put that speed to practical use and just run away? Or are we saying that when his entire power is based off speed, random mfs in the top 100 trump him easily (in speedd)

because if so he should have been dead long time since
it's even weirder because we see that the mana bullets do get their special properties, but the bow needs specifically silver arrows, and he doesn't even have alot of them in the first place

even with bs magic it ended up a tad bit inconsistent
spare no effort is not the right phrasing here
ignore that last reply, brain turned off

I get lucas is obsessed with ash but the affection is already portrayed greatly with relevant aspects to his story and dialogue, and is very well established
getting a bit annoyed would retain consistency but it is super excessive how they pull the gag

it definitely adds content and life to panels and interactions but I don't particularly need that, and it's effectiveness especially worn down

applicable to alot of media gags though, comedic scenes that spare no effort to properly instigate laughter- it's very easy to fall off

I get lucas is obsessed with ash but past that idk