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273 points
1168 Comment(s)
447 Upvote(s)
Ghetoknight - 1720705193
did he fucking commit genocide??!?!?
Ghetoknight HangTuah69 - 1720694606
it's even crazier cus u said it twice I think
Ghetoknight - 1720694590
I mean I was confused how they'd be allowed to show the painting if the entire conflict with him and paintings was just established that his paintings were too dangerous

this isn't a "family supressing your atistic expression" this is a "your works are quite literally a health risk for the audiences"
Ghetoknight - 1720690556
is this actually a harem?

I watched 100gf and now I absolutely cannot tolerate the idea that harem wives may dislike each other, it is an impossibility
Ghetoknight - 1720689155
5 years and only 74 chapters is horrific, no?

that's like a chapter every 3 weeks
Ghetoknight - 1720688812
seeing 5 year old comments is disturbing, one of the ss had that "this site is not safe" icon by it at the beginning, crazy stuff
Ghetoknight Crmsn_rain - 1720687833
I read the chapter then go on mangadex for the brazillian scans (Idk where I'd find the raws)
Ghetoknight Bephamot - 1720686785
lmfao, after 4 months did bro forget he can edit or sum????
Ghetoknight - 1720685795
hate the slander but I kind of like the fact that they aren't droppinng Harold's bad image

Infact if anything his bad rep making it that much easier for the news falsifications and misinformation amongst the public being to his detriment, and also keeping his bravado of "absolute scum of the earth" this far into the story is such a breath of fresh air

often times you'll see that theyll just have the reincarnated "jerk character" immediately redeemed in everyone's eyes, or have him not redeemed inconspicuously, despite the fact that x char saved a kingdom or protected the princess or sm dumbsh
Ah mb mb on that last part, I still think the ice guardian alone is enough evidence though, his status as a swordsman was only put into question by like one mf, maybe two. And alongside everything else, they had enough circumstantial evidence such that the only thing left to prove guilt was interact with the suspect themselves, in which case it's completely plausible to ask someone to look out for us/dangerous people after proceeding.
Not only that, but "laying low" so that you can find details on a traitor isn't very specific, if we assume they're trying not to draw attention to themselves so the traitor doesn't catch on, well...the traitor must have caught on by now since julius was murdered, no? If anything, it's suspicious behaviour if they did practically nothing after their companion was brutally killed. Rather, figuring out who murdered him is a very natural course of events that (1) does not indicate at all that they're looking for a traitor as some double agent (2) doesn't even matter in relation to whether or not they'r elooking for someone since julius has already been targetted for his research, no?

I feel like I'm forgetting something because you all keep saying they'll blow their disguises even if that's completely unrelated to the julius matter, practically, as far as I know

in terms of trusting someone, if we go with "well since they don't knkow who the traitor is they can't ask anyone for help" mindset there's nothing I can do;
I mean not going to anyone because you think everyone could be a culprit or someone related to the issue (negatively) is a valid take, although the idea that a high ranking official would blow his cover and just kill all the children for the issue without caatching the eye of anyone else seems far fetched, and even moreso if they asked for backup from other teachers/officials as well, since then you'd have to something something suspension of disbelief that everyone or the majority of people they asked turned out to be evil or sm

but other than that it's totally plausible that they might, despite being of low probability, simply encounter their enemies in search for an ally of a higher power, I'd still argue (new point) that the gauge of the traitor/julius' murderer's power is unclear enough that it's worth taking that risk too, that's just me tho (in the end it'd be hard to argue or even imagine the exact rammifications of seeking help from some stronger individual, especially if they happened to be on the enemies' side, ig the complexity of that is alone enough to "un-consider" it as an option_
also someone else pointed out, but a mf really did heal from getting a hole blasted through his chest before, no?
that's incredibly specific though, you're telling me the only justification is that the corrupt are specifically a particular governing authority that's specifically conscerned with the protection of recruits in the magic tower, in which case it would be very easy to uncover.

I mean you can't just say "there IS a body that could save/protect julius, but they didn't because they're corrupt" and think it would go unnoticed, that's definitely something that would be incredibly easy to point out at the very least

and that line of logic, doesn't it make sense even if it's just one particular body that's trying to cover up the case with that authority as a medium too?

Anyways, the mere fact that tragedy has spread to this extent means there simply cannot be an authoritative and protective body, else we'd have seen their competence put into question, is what I feel, and likewise it doesn't make sense an organisation as large as the magic tower doesn't have that kind of power overseeing the lower echelon of researchers/mages.
wait, really?


(i wrote this with my kboard upsidedown)
Ghetoknight Emu - 1720676313
yall chill this was hardly the worst
it's a pretty natural progression, all things considered

what, did we think after his identity got revealed he'd just walk off scott free? that literally never happens without friendship magic or plot convenience BS yknow? the expected outcome is that he's sentenced for treason

and it segways into a new subplot, beating the shit out of that motherfucker, pretty nicely, no?
Ghetoknight Thomas_JCG - 1720674319
yeah that makes sense

if they did go to a faction it's entirely possible the faction kills them on the spot, and it's not like they can get support from the ice faction head herself
I also forgot that she's possessed xD
"hey my dead friend casted an ice guardian that's trailing this person, I think they killed him because bla bla bla (goes along with the suspicioun that the adults themselves concluded; that the person who killed julius was close to him), could you watch out for me?"
no that's a skill issue
not autocorrecting "get back up ahead of item" to "get backup" with backup as a noun, is hardly a normal occurence

this is like getting confused that suns don't bloom because someone said "sun flower"

and, once again, if they have or know of evidence to the person who killed julius, and realistically that individual had to be close to him in order to do so, then what part of that is not in effort of "finding the traitor"???

also, how exactly would them investigating a traitor be revealed if they find julius' murderer?????
I stand by my statements because this comment is NOT the reason why they can't ask for backup, they can't ask for backup simply because it's risky, them finding julius' murder really would not reveal their investigation in any way, shape, or form

if anything, the investigation itself was already revealed once julius had been killed, so it's imperative they defeat the murderer as quickly as possible