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D_Merkel - 4 months ago
Yang Wen-Li is not looking very motivated. That said, I imagine he was reviewed all of the prior attempts to take over Iserlohn fortress. I would imagine that he needs to offer some sort of bait to get Iserlohn fortress to open up.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
Some on this side of the Pacific might think of Dr. Suess' "pale green pants with nobody inside them." When I was 6 years old, I found that story unsettling, but once I was a dad, it grew on me. Chidori & Kikyo have this partially imaginary wall between them, built up from years of separation. There are only two differences: boys vs girls, and underprivileged vs privileged. It doesn't mean that everyone will be "best buddies" between the two schools, but if they start talking with each other, many false prejudices will go away. With respect to privileges, it may be that the parents of the Kikyo students would be harder to convince -- being well-off is its own prejudice.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
If you can impress the Uighurs, you are really something. That said, pity the Uighurs today who are enslaved by the Han Chinese.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
It is difficult to find the right person, until you become the right person for someone else.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
I suppose the way this has to end is that Erika & Karen go from misconceptions from watching Miyuki and Kaguya from afar, to actually interacting with them and realizing they are pretty normal.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
This feels like a chapter that sets the scene for the next 5-15 chapters. It does show how Loid has done his homework, and is prepared for opportunities. Anya is looking to help while thinking "Dad never stops working." Yor on the other hand accidentally possibly lands the biggest win.
D_Merkel penog - 4 months ago
Should I mention the manga "We never learn?" There the mangaka chose the least likely girl for the ending, disappointing many readers. Surprising everyone again, he then did two more endings for the most likely girls, finishing with two more endings for the two women in-between. I found the multiple endings fulfilling in themselves, if I never saw the rest of them, but found the concept as a whole to be cheap. He should have just chosen one and gone with it. I didn't think the first ending was bad...
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
The author is likely setting up a situation where the female assailant is neutralized, the girls and the other father are saved, and there is a reconciliation with apologies, setting many things right from the start of this manhua. That is the literary path of least resistance.
D_Merkel - 4 months ago
Ban may be amazed by the locavore dishes, but the restaurant he works at has countervailing advantages. You're not limited to what is locally available today. Figuratively, you can paint with a much bigger palette. I would would rather do what Ban is doing than Kizaki. A great chef can take ingredients that are less than the best and do amazing things with them.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
Those plucky guys are performing at a high level! Scoring with two outs takes talent!
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
That is what a married life should be like.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
This reminds me of Overgeared in a way, as Grid also is meritocratic, and does not favor one ethnic group over another.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
There are elements of the this story that are similar to the "realist hero" manga... think the title is "Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki."
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
This manga is similar to my marriage with my wife. My wife can cook, but I am the better cook. She loves my cooking. We are still happy together after 38 years.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
Daddy has many worries, and would like nothing better than a quiet meal at home with his family... seeing them healthy, and unworried.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
And so the arc comes to an end. Ban wins.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
This is probably one of the fastest and most direct starts to a romance manga that I have ever seen. He confesses, and she immediately strongly counter-confesses.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
What do you think? Next episode(s) will unveil the cheating.
D_Merkel - 5 months ago
Manager Kim fights for the good. If he were really interested in money or power, this manhwa would have been far different long before now.