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D_Merkel - 1 month ago
Not gay, something that is lost in life. Friends.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
Kim is crying because he fought alongside his opponent in tough times. He does not want to fight him, much less kill him, but his former comrade is a pale shell of what he once was, and so he must fight, even though he might kill his friend. Would you not cry over that?
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
Ya try ta hep, and dis is da tanks ya get?
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
The old friend who died, but didn't die.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
This is a battle of aces, and so far it's pretty even. An idea: Yumeka doesn't have the equivalent of Taiki or her somewhat estranged Dad to cheer her on. That would make a good plot element near the end of this game.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
We could be nearing the end, though I doubt it. Points in favor: next title is "The beginning and the end." The new character with the mask comes from Kim's beginning. If the greatest thing Kim could do is end the black market, well, this could be the end. Points against: I can imagine bigger things than ending the black market, e.g., dealing a significant blow to North Korea. Also, most good stories have some element of redemption. Going back to the beginning, his relationship with Minji is vital, and has driven him in this arc to take more risk so that he can earn enough to send her to college in the US. Okay, I have convinced myself, we are not near the end of this Webtoon/Manhwa. Now watch me be wrong. ;)
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
The thing that surprises me about high school romance manga is the difficulties over making homemade chocolates. That's not a hard thing. It's easy to create special chocolates that will impress almost any young man with little effort.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
Just like Alfred from Batman, there is a lot more to Norman than meets the eye. Of course, that applies to Bruce Wayne and Roger Smith as well.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
In a situation like this, where it is a large order, you should ask for 1/3 to 1/2 of the payment in advance, as you need to source the inputs.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
This is sad. He needs to focus on his marriage, not that he shouldn't apply himself to his work. I worked hard, but I never neglected my wife.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
This is perhaps the saddest episode.
D_Merkel - 2 months ago
Marin will bring Gojo with her if she can.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
What a cute couple.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
I agree that it looks likely that Chinatsu will win. I can still imagine an ending where she loses in such a way that her Dad is impressed with how she has grown, and with her choice of Taiki. There is still Taiki's story to tell, so it would be a better story if Chinatsu wins and both stories go in parallel. Still, like Haikyu!, the author has to decide what is a "good enough" outcome for the team to show how much they grew. Taking it to the national finals and winning can be kind of a cheesy ending, particularly when the team or individual has never made it past the prefectural final tournament in the last two years.

FOr most, there comes an end to competitive sports. But the budding relationship of Taiki and Chinatsu has a lot more runway.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
I've only had an energy drink once in my life. It was 1988, and the call came near midnight. My wife and I needed to go to West LA, to pick up the baby girl we were going to adopt. It would take seven hours to get there. After two hours, I was running on fumes, and we needed gas. I bought a "Jolt Cola," and that enabled me to drive two more hours through the California fog, until I could go no further. My wife had been able to sleep, and she took over driving. (I leave out getting a flat tire and losing a hubcap. It was quite a night.) By the time we were crossing over the mountains between Kern and LA Counties, it was snowing, and we had to gas up again. I drove again, and we made it to the hospital by 7AM. 30 hours later we started the journey home with our first child.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
Maybe Yuzuki is pregnant.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
Finally, they might pull things together, and consummate their marriage.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
Virtually all romance fiction is based of bad communication. This applies to regular life as well. Do you want a spouse? Talk to them clearly and be understanding.

Now with Kuroiwa. he has a choice to make -- be a monk or marry. To me that is not a tough choice, having been married to the same woman for 38 years, and raising 8 kids with her. (3 biological, 5 adopted). But if you really think you should not marry, push the girls away. Don't play with it.

I don't favor being a monk. In general, most people should marry those of the opposite sex, and have children. This is how the human race survives. Modern concepts of gender are foolish, and derive their concepts of gender from binary gender, while in the same breath denying it.

This manga is fun because of the tension -- will Kuroiwa compromise his principles, and if he does so, what woman will he choose? That said, it's not a way I think men should make life decisions.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
Good communication makes good relationships.
D_Merkel - 3 months ago
Though sadly, no one is welcome in Heaven who is a sinner; all of us sin, we violate the Ten Commandments and all that they imply, and we possess the original sin from Adam. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ as the Son of God will make it to Heaven. Jesus bears the sins of those who trust in Him.