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D_Merkel - 23 hours ago
Even though the Reformation did not initially endorse Heliocentricity, it took the Reformation to end Geocentricity, and end condemning people without fair trials.
D_Merkel - 1 day ago
Condemning anyone without two witnesses goes against everything the Bible teaches. The heretics are the inquisitors.
D_Merkel - 6 days ago
When you have to run -- run! It is not a time to talk theory and past dealings.
D_Merkel - 6 days ago
Beautiful, just beautiful. Being content with just enough and mutual love. Can I bore you all with a story?

39 years ago, I didn't have much. $2000 in the bank, and the offer of a job at a small life insurer paying $28,000. With the aid of a friend-of-a-friend who dealt the diamond district in San Francisco, I went to buy my girlfriend an engagement ring. I wanted it to be special -- a diamond, a ruby and an emerald, in a triangular pattern. But that would exceed $2000 I learned, and so I settled for red and green garnets rather than the ruby and emerald. She accepted my proposal, and she loved the ring. Many commented on how distinctive and unusual it was.

Well, our marriage has been a happy one. We raised 8 kids, 5 of whom were adopted, and now we are empty nesters with 6 grandchildren, and 2 on the way. But recently my wife had problems with the ring. Out of a need to do physical therapy, she took the ring off, and then couldn't get it back on. She took it to jeweler to get it resized, and the jeweler pointed out some other wear-and-tear issues. My wife then sent me to talk with the jeweler about the cost issues. I decided to give her back the ring I originally wanted to give her. The ring was redone with a ruby and an emerald. Two nights ago, I gave it to my wife, who is not materialistic, and she was impressed with its beauty. She said to me "Why did you do this?" and I said, "Because you are worth it. Originally, I wanted to give you this ring, and now you have it."

Relative to the manga, my point is this: It takes an adequate amount of resources to have a happy marriage. Difficult to do it with nothing, but you don't need to be rich -- you just need to be content with what you have, and with each other. That's why I found this chapter to be beautiful, and extra touching, given what I have gone through in my marriage from the start until now.
D_Merkel - 6 days ago
Arrogant Chinese. Just because they have a huge amount of tomatoes, it means they can cook Italian?
D_Merkel - 6 days ago
Order tomatoes from the US, they never run out.
D_Merkel - 9 days ago
They are willing to violate the Law of Moses, and the need for two eyewitness accusers. Also, the Law of Moses never allowed for torture in confessions.
D_Merkel - 11 days ago
Yes the main planet orbits are slightly elliptical. But from Venus to Neptune, it barely matters. It took some sharp observation to catch elliptical orbit of Mars. Aside from that, relative to the center of mass of the solar system, the sun sort of stands still. Yes, the barycenter is outside the sun 54% of the time, but by small distances.
D_Merkel - 12 days ago
The "Cage of Catholicism" was created over many years, from AD 250 to AD 1500, where the Church paid increasingly less attention to the Bible, and like the Jews, created their own Talmud. They exchanged the relatively flat organization that the New Testament specified for a hierarchy that increasingly could not be questioned -- the Papacy. Rather than being ministers (helpers) they imitated the Old Testament priesthood. Their misunderstanding of how to apply the Old Testament led to most of their serious errors.

The Bible does not teach Geocenticity. But so much of the Medieval Church was a power thing, that almost no one was willing to challenge "the teaching of the Church."
D_Merkel - 13 days ago
With little time or consciousness left, Hak makes the most significant pitch that he can to Yona. Yona is now at the fork in the road. She will choose Hak over the dragons; Kouka will return to normal, and the manga will conclude.
D_Merkel - 13 days ago
Being able to read minds is stronger than throwing a punch.
D_Merkel - 13 days ago
Now Kim Dokja will have to spend more time reading. Who knows? Maybe he will find his name in the revised book.
D_Merkel - 13 days ago
Kuroiwa Medaka is a good friend, even if the girls pester him for more.
D_Merkel - 13 days ago
Nicely done. And, good communication not just good for a wedding, it makes for a happy marriage. Just remember not to be selfish.
D_Merkel - 20 days ago
You mean you have been cooking up a storm, and you don't have a wok?! A good wok only costs 2000-3000 yen, and it will last a lifetime. I have never had fried rice turn out bad. I would whip it up for one of my daughters in college as a late night snack. Fried rice is trivial.
D_Merkel - 20 days ago
Seong Hansu has a good wife.
D_Merkel - 20 days ago
"Big O! It's Showtime!"