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1123 points
94 Comment(s)
24 Upvote(s)
D_Merkel - 1723099523
I see two omelets, a croissant, and two muffins. No western breakfast foods?
D_Merkel - 1722755673
"I want to know more about you." An excellent phrase to show zealousness about the relationship, without explicitly committing.
D_Merkel - 1722668927
I've had to study game theory in my life, as I am an investor, and as such I read widely. I know that the last 30 or so of the chapters have been boring to many, with little to no action. I have enjoyed these chapters, because they are having to think about strategy. Mikumo excels at strategy, which makes his team and Tamakoma 2 excel.

Look, this last chapter has all of the teams reviewing their strategies, as they find the better strategic teams excelling. I have little doubt that Border HQ is watching this, and looking for who fits the best roles. Who is good with strategy? Who is good with tactics? Who is a good leader? Who is strong? They will reorganize everyone to create the best invasion force. Tamakoma 2 will excel in this, even if Tamakoma 1 goes as well.
D_Merkel - 1722073089
The core idea of this manga is how good each of the main characters are, and how that affects those around them.
D_Merkel - 1722056368
There is a Biblical prohibition against marital relations with two sisters, and most people understand it intuitively: don't compromise other family relationships when you marry (meaning: have sex). Sisters should not be at odds with each other.
D_Merkel - 1721970076
No one really gets what they want, but things are better, sort of. At least the girls are happy.
D_Merkel - 1721533221
What will Kishi give up if he loses?
D_Merkel - 1721463357
bot, can you get chapters 49-98?
D_Merkel - 1721462388
bot, can you get chapters 802-804?

D_Merkel - 1721462240
bot, can you get chapters 231-239?
D_Merkel - 1721460494
bot, can you get chapters 314-326?
D_Merkel - 1720846163
I had 5 sons. I discouraged all of them from going into the military. The Founding Fathers were against a standing military. That said, in a militaristic world like today, could the US survive without one? This is complex stuff and does not admit easy answers. For the most part the US military absorbs marginal males that are trying to reboot their lives since they were no good in school. Think of it as "community college enabling weapons."

War is part of the nature of mankind. Elites want land and other resources. They use marginal males to that end. (In Russia, they use ethnic minorities rather than Russians. In the US, we use Southerners, who are stupid enough to volunteer.)

But for this chapter, the thing that stood out to me is that she survived under very harsh conditions to make it home. She had a lot of heart.
D_Merkel Mangaguy - 1720844923
No, scholarships for foreigners are rare in the US and France. Most of the Asians coming to study abroad have well-off parents. And there is the side advantage to wealthy parents that they may develop ways to convert their local assets into foreign assets for flight capital.
D_Merkel - 1720240489
Large ensemble casts are difficult to follow, but Haikyu! and Food Wars made it work. I don't think World Trigger is failing here on that score.
D_Merkel Del - 1720239264
I had to do that once.
D_Merkel - 1720239021
You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit in the wind. You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Kim!
D_Merkel Jyo - 1719044865
Real polygamy in our world today is more of an economic system than a sex system. Polygamy involves young girls who are sold off to wealthy old men, and surplus young men don't get wives, unless they enter into a debt contract with the girl's father, for a price that is burdensome. It's a difficult system to break, because even if a man only wants to have one wife, the culture prevails upon him to take on more wives out of social duty, as uneducated young women are economically useless.

It brings a lot of misery to everyone. The debt is slavery-like. The polygamous wives and their children are neglected by their overstretched husband. The unmarried young men must leave where they grew up, and potential wives are nonexistent.

That's real polygamy -- Arab, African, and Mormon. It is not enviable in the slightest. (And how do I know this? I have west African friends who have told me about it, American friends working in east Africa, and I have read about among the Arabs and Mormons.)
D_Merkel - 1718435793
I know that in the 1980s-90s, South Korea was emerging from corruption, but that's not true today, right?