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1376 points
131 Comment(s)
38 Upvote(s)
D_Merkel - 1728727483
What do you think? Next episode(s) will unveil the cheating.
D_Merkel - 1728725182
Manager Kim fights for the good. If he were really interested in money or power, this manhwa would have been far different long before now.
D_Merkel - 1728723843
Urek and Baam will clean this place up!
D_Merkel - 1728113255
A few people have been commenting on not seeing Saitama. His last sighting was near the end of chapter 197, though at least four times since then, various characters have thought about him. In some ways, Saitama has become like like Blast early in OPM -- great reputation, you want him to show up, but he is not there.

Saitama is OPM, Over-Powered Man. If the author didn't use him sparingly, this would get boring. You would have to create some Kryptonite to make it interesting, but OPM is a deliberate spoof of superhero comics. Saitama is supremely strong, but he is a hero for fun. He doesn't want to be bored by villains; he doesn't feel a moral obligation to always be out on patrol. And, he has priorities -- he has to get the special deal at the supermarket. And the reasons above are why we don't see Saitama that much.
D_Merkel - 1728110356
Urek Mazino, the new one-punch man.
D_Merkel - 1728107570
In one sense, this manga was created to drag. This is a feature, not a bug. Kuroiwa has to come to a decision as to whether he is going to forswear women in a romantic sense, if he wants to be a monk. One thing that makes me think his desire to becoming a monk is weak, is that we don't see a lot of actions he would take to prepare for monkhood. He is trying to resist temptations, and is unsuccessful in minor ways. There will likely come a moment in the future where he figures out that Mona is more important to a happy life than severe self-denial. That will be the climax of this manga.
D_Merkel - 1728018452
The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. I'm a cook as well... my wife loves my cooking.
D_Merkel - 1727514729
Kyo might help her for a time, but he has his love interest, and she is not it. Also, "be by my side," when she says, "I only have *girl* friends" is just saying "I need help to get out of this lousy situation, but I am only asking you this because you are an earnest nice guy, and you don't expect anything from me. You'll be a white knight for a damsel in distress, right?"

D_Merkel - 1727513331
Watch Urek and Baam team up. They often find each other.
D_Merkel - 1727415922
So Kaoruko is not only smart, she's the best at a top school, and she doesn't have swelled head (i.e., she is humble). That's what makes her a great tutor, as well as a good friend. Providence has smiled on Rintaro, and his closest friends.
D_Merkel - 1727240191
Waguri-san is good, almost too good. Beauty and sweetness.
D_Merkel - 1726904800
Momoe Maria will kick them into gear!
D_Merkel - 1726904057
Teasing us with a Saitama cover, but no Saitama.
D_Merkel - 1726903835
The born loser with a heart of gold...
D_Merkel - 1726903375
To fellow commenters, you are only reading this manga, not writing it. Please give the benefit of the doubt to the mangaka. Could you have done better? If so, take the hard step of creating a manga.
D_Merkel - 1726902005
Kyotaro will threaten them. Yamada will support him.
D_Merkel - 1726895990
Revelation 6:15-17 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, [16] and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! [17] For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" [NKJV]

The one God of Creation is the God of every human creation including "The Tower of 'God'." Gustang and Zahard want hide their sins and those of their friends. But everything is remembered by Yahweh/Jesus/Holy Spirit, and no one will escape the Last Judgment.

And, I expect in this story, that their efforts will somehow be subverted. I mean, after all, who wants to see great evil go unpunished? The yearning for ultimate justice is in the heart of man. If you want to see it in its barest sense, consider the ultimatum game. Or, just visit Gaza, Lebanon, or Ukraine.

Life ends in Heaven or Hell. No third places.

D_Merkel - 1726376557
My parents never expected anything of me, but I always got 95%+, usually 100%, and sometimes even better. (Sometimes the teachers are wrong. When you prove it to them it is a hoot.)

Oh, and I got an F in spelling. Why did I get that? Was it because I could not spell? No, it was because I refused to write in cursive. Every word was right. The teacher was forceful in trying to get me to write in cursive, and I refused. The school district changed the grade to A-4, excellent work, attitude problems.
D_Merkel - 1726297044
I have some new friends. The husband is quiet and affable, big and strong. The wife is excitable and loud, and petite. They've been married for ~40 years. They are a lot of fun to interact with, as my wife of 38 years and I are very similar -- not introverted or extroverted.

Haruto and Hina could work as a couple. The challenge is managing differing personalities and being able to communicate. The real question with so many relationships is: "Can you talk with one another?" That is the acid test.
D_Merkel - 1726291322
Some commenters have said that this Webtoon has been getting over the top, or that Manager Kim is compromising his principles. Most of the time, I trust the author. We may be getting near the end, because the Minji/Hyeri situation has come full circle from the beginning of the manga. Just as Minji has learn to respect her Dad, Hyeri should as well. It may be that Manager Kim has accomplished far more than Hyeri's Dad during the time of this manhwa. Nonetheless Hyeri's Dad has seen the light, and wants to apologize to Manager Kim.

Many good manga/manwha/stories focus on character development. How did they overcome? How did their character improve? Well, we have it here for Minji, Hyeri's Dad, and Manager Kim. I'm looking forward to the denouement. (Sorry for the snobby word; it means the resolution at the end.)