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Gardener_the_great - 12 days ago
No seggs??
And some novel readers said that it's getting even worse
Gardener_the_great - 13 days ago
I wanted to say how I can't imagine myself in a situation where I prioritize my family over myself when I'm already injured and remembered the tym when me and my cousin of 8 (at that time) were returning home after going for a small errand, I was riding a scooter and playing pretend with my cous where he had his hands on the scooter handle and feeling like he's driving it, it was good till there was some stones on the road as there was a construction site on the side. One of those rocks was big and caused me to loosen my grip on the handle which caused my cousin to push the handle to the side instantly, my body moved before I thought and I threw my cous to the sandy and soft side of the road and I went with the scooter for a good 5 mtrs, the second I could move I ran back to where my cous was crying and was consoling him by lifting him in my arms. My right leg was wounded from my ankle to thigh and you could see my knee bone. I stood for a min and just when he stopped crying I collapsed and people on the road helped take me and him to a nearby hospital

Ps. I'm contemplating cos it's my 5th re-read and I just wanted to share the story I suddenly remembered
Gardener_the_great - 13 days ago
Idk why but the last panel reminded me of tym when I used the art from the early fights as wallpaper for my phone. Now I really want to re-read this but I have yet to catch up to my bookmarks
I once read this when I used kumascans. The site's gone suddenly one day and this was one of the most interesting things I was reading then and I couldn't remember the title so I scoured the internet by searching for the title by describing the plot to my max ability and found it again on a diff site, one day I forgot to bookmark this after reading and I still couldn't remember the name of this so I searched once again and now that I'm here I want this to end so bad and I can't drop it coz I put too much effort into this
U think a kid's gonna control his urge to make a machine gun that looks fire and sounds heavenly and can protect you from threats when he has the powers to make it (maybe he can)
Gardener_the_great - 13 days ago
Man needs to rest physically and mentally more than he needs to save the continent. Give him some flowers and take him to the town center so man can rizz up some baddies and enjoy his life.

Man's been saving someone or something the whole tym and destroying his body again and again for these people but most of them are ungrateful little shits and I'm getting more and more heated up as I go imma stop.
Now he gonna train for months just to be almost pulverized in the first big fight and that dragon lady comes and helps again and repeat this till all the headhonchos of the opp army are dead
Gardener_the_great - 13 days ago
I like that they're putting efforts to make mc great again but you need to pace yourselves first and give my man a fcking break from all yous bullshit
That'll be a damn good chapter
Gardener_the_great - 15 days ago
Legal and yuri version of this story? Sign me up
Gardener_the_great - 16 days ago
2 chapters and he'd either be gushing for mc or his sister
Valentine's with the homies? what's better than this
In a novel You don't see much details about the hair of random extra old men, and even if there are old men mentioned their hair colour is not something people specify