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A comedian named I think Ralphie May, (He would be a complete dickhole by today's standards but people used to just be way more impolite/inconsiderate in general, and this bit was from those times)
He said the word "dwarf" wasn't right because they didn't carry battle axes ๐ "No axe, no dwarf. Sorry. I don't make the rules". I hope he adapted and changed with the times. He didn't seem hateful himself, but more like he wasn't taking other people's hatred seriously enough.
I really respect people who try to be funny without using dark or edgy material as a crutch.
If those guys will do this in the middle of the day in a crowded place, they're certainly not gonna behave themselves when they're alone with one girl somewhere private.
They need to be straightened out before they get that opportunity. And ideally by girls. If they think a guy coming to the rescue is all they need to worry about, it'll just make them more careful. They'll still be bold
Lacking either of those qualities is costly in any dangerous situation, but even if a person is the opposite (unstable/timid) they can still have strong muscles. I think shark onee-san would be way more competent in fighting than anything else.
Whole issue could be buried without anyone getting hurt.
Have any of y'all been told a story before?? Things that the viewer/reader sees are not always shown in real time, and we don't always see every little thing that happens.
Things are not always explained to us upfront completely devoid of ambiguity and kept up to date down to the second. Sometimes things aren't meant to be fully understood at the time they happen, and things that were mysterious are revealed later on.
It's really not all that unusual of a thing to do. Some of the most well known stories have utilized this to great effect. Has anyone seen Star Wars? Harry Potter? Lord of the Rings? This is basic stuff.
Now if it were the last chapter of the manga, loose ends were not tied up, and nothing alluded to any future continuation of the story, that's when we have a problem.
No wonder so many people kill themselves in Japan. I know this is fiction but authors draw from real experiences.
As a guy myself, if I wanted a career in women's fashion I would be very paranoid about potentially doing anything that could be interpreted as perverted. I might be too afraid to even flirt, at least until I'm out of school.
Famous people REALLY need to watch their step nowadays, because old stuff they did that was shady can fuck up their fame. It's one thing when it happens with someone who's already well established, because they can cut their losses and just step out of the limelight. Won't be respected anymore but they're still rich
Like the rapper drake's reputation is probably cooked at this point, and I think that's what he's gonna do. I've heard he's got his houses up for sale, so he'll probably just go to another country where he won't be recognized.
If even the most mild version of that type of thing happened to Saotome while he's still in school, he probably wouldn't recover. There's just too much attention on him. We all know the guy's nothing like that, but remember, accusations don't have to be true.
And he has already had fingers pointed at him many times. When someone gets accused there may be people who don't believe it, but that doesn't mean they're gonna stand up for them. It's very risky.
I think I remember the ones I've seen called that in video games all have curved blades but idk if that's a requirement
I have a guess, but I don't really appreciate it when other people make predictions in comment sections. I know it's fun to brainstorm and speculate, but if they guess correctly, that's still a spoiler.
That's some of the healthiest shit ever written. I've been corresponding stuff in other languages across a lot of cultures too.
Tyranny 101. Easiest targets first. Whoever's so unpopular that everyone's afraid to get roped in with them. When even the sympathizers won't step into the light. Most of the other people you're eventually also gonna kill will be glad to see them die. It'll earn you supporters and keep you in power.
To clear up a common misconception, sympathizers are not allies or supporters. It doesn't mean they agree or approve or forgive. They just have the humanity to know that it's tragedy itself that should be more upsetting than anything.
Once they're wiped out, next most unpopular group, and so on. Eventually even some of your own supporters will start thinking "This isn't really where I thought we headed at the beginning. Those first few groups were dangerous, and the next few were shady, but at this point we're killing people just for being weird."
But by the time they figure out it was never about protection, and pure hatred from the start everyone's seen enough to know it's too late. Your targets don't have the numbers to fight back, and all your supporters think they're the only one who's not a zealot anymore.
They're all too afraid of each other to say anything, so their only practical option is to blend in and carry on. Killing people who don't deserve it will tear them up inside, but they know if they don't, they and their loved ones will die instead.
The ethical thing to do would to turn on the tyrant anyway, but ask a dead person if being righteous helps them sleep at night. That silence is your answer. .
The butterfly effect is a BFD. "First They Came" is probably doing as much good as religion does harm.
I was starting to think she was gonna be one of those likeable characters you just inexplicably never see again even though the plot is set up in a way that there's no reason you wouldn't.
It would've been surprisingly negligent for such a good manga, because it doesn't take much effort to avoid. I've noticed manga/anime fans tend to be impressively chill about plausibility, compared to other forms of media.
People who are more into films tend to be so critical it makes me wanna slap 'em and be like "Just be entertained, ya miserable dick!"
Anime/manga stories can be set in a 1st world country in a two story house with only 2 school age siblings in it. All the author's gotta do is say the parent(s) work overseas and we're like "Okay, so they're not important. Moving on ๐ค"
Pick up a book once in awhile ๐
Does anyone else think boobs look better without nipples?
Like yeah, I get that from a strictly scientific standpoint that's absurd, since our inherent idea of conventional beauty is derived entirely from likelihood of survival, and they would have no function without the nipple.
I just mean aesthetically I've never liked nipples all that much.
Crying is no bueno. Well not unless you're Aqua from Konosuba. She's the only one who can cry without making me wanna throw hands.
I know they're saving people's lives, but erasing someone else's memories has already got this mess DEEP in "the ends justify the means" territory already. That's a very dangerous principle. Might wanna make the rest of your logic a little more orthodox if that's gonna be an aspect of it.
I know Japan's preoccupation with productivity is cancer, everyone deserves a second chance, and compassion is my cocaine, but dude if we're thinking about the whole society then we gotta weigh the numbers.
There's what, like 20 students in the class? All getting their memories of their formal education tampered with to potentially rehabilitate one person who's already had their chance? The butterfly effect is a BFD. They might be setting them on course to end up in Relife themselves.
I know the subjects are chosen carefully, that it's always a victim of circumstance, and that their failure is not their own, but the students are the same minus the failure. Whatever method they're using to tamper with memories better be pretty fucking precise.
Like it better just only be who the subject was, and not the information of their interactions. It's healthy for younger people to be in close proximity to those who've basically got spoiler alerts for their problems without feeling like they're being preached to, but if they lose the benefits they got from their influence then that kinda defeats the purpose, no?
Like if they're gonna be like "I can't imagine how I forgot who taught me this lesson that changed my life, but thank you. I'm better off." then that's kind of a grey area, because if they remember exactly what the subject said/did, the most harmful thing they could speculate would be some kinda guardian angel type thing. Falsely believing someone's watching their back to any extent might make them less cautious.
But if it's gonna be more like "Why do I remember feeling stressed out and lost, then suddenly so grateful and liberated, but nothing else right before or after? Who tf was that and what happened?" then dude, no. Their imagination could wander off to all sorts of bad places with that. They could suspect innocent people of bad stuff. They could potentially believe it was something supernatural and start fearing an imaginary pursuer. Yikes.
I don't think they've been properly introduced yet, but everyone knows Itachi is well known and well informed. And Makoto knows there's a lot of bad rumors floating around about herself, so it'd make sense to presume Itachi has heard it. She better apologize for it though. Might have flown if the mood was lighter at the time, but it was tense.
Maybe she was intending for it to be one of those pot/kettle things that are so absurdly blatant that you just know it had to be on purpose and was actually more like a fist bump than a smack in the face.
I do that when my fellow people of culture ask for sauce on questionable stuff. Like if a meme cites something taboo and puts 8 examples on it that are just screenies and someone's like "I need all the sauces. So I can lead a protest." I say "Well I'm not some degenerate freak, so I only recognize these two"
I wonder if that's some kinda plot hole preventing thingy, like how almost every zombie movie's actors never know what a zombie is.
I suspect that's because there'd be fewer problems to solve if they already knew, so less story to write. I love how that just keeps getting more funny the longer I live. Idk if there's a cap on it.
"The town's been overrun by some kinda crazy... Biting... Monster... Things!"
Zombies. They're zombies.
"I know this vulnerable person's chronic health condition is flaring up, but we can't go outside! Those things are still out there!"
They're called zombies! You're using a smartphone right now! It's gotta be at least, what, 2005?? Zombie movies are older than home TVs!
"I stabbed it through its fucking heart and it just kept coming!"
The parasite/virus/bacteria/curse/chemical/whatever tf causes it isn't in the heart! It's in the brain! I ain't seen this movie before, but it's always in the brain!