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I'm gonna look into that because I'm a Hermaeus Mora nerd and I hate not understanding things, even though I'm expecting some kinda ligma-esque joke, because that wouldn't disappoint me. I love those jokes.

Google's gonna be like "Kallmann on the phone and ask them for buttsex, 'cause you gay LOL xD 3==D "
BernieBear Zen - 1715058002
I love that Kamogawa is one of the strongest physically. People need reminders that kindness and weakness don't go hand-in-hand, that tough and mean are different things, and that there's a time and place for badassery. They're called "almost nowhere" and "almost never" 💜🤌
I'm tellin' ya m8, (only guessing, not assuming I'm accurate) if you're a straight guy who's ready to through your phone out the window because you just had conversation like this with a grown-ass woman for the 100th time,

"Is something wrong? You seem upset."
"I'm fine."
"Okay good. 'Night."
"See, that's your fucking problem."
"So you are upset??"
"Oh gee, ya fuckin' think???"
"What's on your mind then??"
"You wouldn't understand if I told you."

GET you an non-binary partner. Pussy between the legs and total mixed bag between the ears. Collectively they're not any more likeable than any other group, same ratio of good to bad as anyone else, but there's a higher chance you'll have flaws that are more relatable to each other.

It makes for a LOT less arguing. Far and away the least conflict I've ever had in a relationship. And I don't mean they're a pushover, they just don't have any of the toxic traits that were making me pull my hair out when I was dating women. And the toxic crap I see other guys say that makes me feel embarrassed on their behalf, none of that either.

ENBYs can truly be the best of best of both worlds. If they ever leave me I might not even try to pull a new partner. I might just get a harem of waifu pillows, some kinda VR headset, and put an engagement ring on my right hand 🤙
BernieBear Kale - 1714890781
It'd be impossible to make it look like it was just how things played out, but if I knew I could pull off the sabotage this good I'd make sure the two loudmouth guys were the only casualties.

Would be great to have a whole freakin' bunch of knights see me succeed where the nobles failed. Make it look like I couldn't keep them alive but made sure to protect their corpses from getting crushed or burned.

That way they'd be tf outta my way and their families would be grateful they could have a proper funeral. Status would help him a lot since his goal is to stop the other species' from getting enslaved. Influencing the bad guys to stop doing it would be more efficient than fighting a war.

People tend to wanna harm those who've harmed others, and I get that, because I'm like overwhelmingly vengeful by nature. But protecting the innocent is a higher priority than punishing the guilty. The purpose of the punishment should BE the protection. Not just spite.

If someone's truly well-meaning, that's how they should think. They should take whatever course of action has the least casualties and collateral damage.

Bad people don't necessarily need to be punished, they just need to stop being bad. It's true that there's almost never a practical way to make that work out since bad people only think of themselves and need fear as a deterrent, but still priorities shouldn't be forgotten.
BernieBear Hako Ryner - 1714889538
It's not a weird thing to like m8. Not at all. You're fine 🤙
Being honest about it is what's unusual. A lot of stuff is like that.
The world needs more genuine people.
Society-wide facades based on pseudomorality are cancer.
Find any femboy who does OF or Fansly or Patreon and as him how it's going.
They make BANK 💰💰💰💰
BernieBear Kale - 1714851571
Morality aside, there's a lot of potential personal gain to consider when you have access to rich/influential people. If they feel indebted you can get favors from them.

An IRL example would be high paying corporate jobs. Social skills can be a greater asset than anything academic, because there are times when jobs are given to people the employer likes, instead of people who will perform the best.

In this case if he saves a noble and an assload of the people he's responsible for, he can expect a payoff. Even if the noble's a scumbag, reputation is important to them, so they don't wanna get their people killed. Saving the people would protect the noble's reputation.

Gratitude wouldn't just be the proper thing, it'd be self-serving too. Even if they don't like him, they'd want to be in his favor if he could potentially help them later.

Now factoring morality in, he's partially at fault for this. He withheld a good bit of information from them. He knows more about this place than they do. They're more tired than they need to be rn because he lead them there in a way where they did unnecessary fighting.

He did that on purpose, which was scummy for an MC. I get that he doesn't like the knights, and he's got good reason, but it put the orcs at risk too. He was also negligent for forgetting about the traps. And since he knows they fell through a floor, they're not gonna be able to take the same path back out.

Lastly, remember how this started. The nobles demanded a guide from whatever that settlement was, and someone's dad/husband was gonna have to do it. The MC volunteered. If hypothetically they TPK'd in here, there'd be an investigation and the nobility would trace it to that settlement. Nobody would be able to tell them who the MC was, so they'd probably get blamed for the whole thing.

Circling back around the the rich/influential/favor thing, even if someone's a scumbag, you might not wanna instantly rule out working with them temporarily. Their money is worth the same anyone else's, and you don't have to spend it on yourself. You can undermine their efforts from the inside by helping good causes.

In this case for example, he already knows the course of history. If he helps the scumbags through this thing they might give him a lot of money, and he could use it to help prepare the people that they're gonna attack later. Personally I'm a love-addicted simp, so my top priority would be buying and freeing the elf girl he keeps thinking about.

Being loved does wonders for my my mental health, I'm never happy when I'm single. So if I had plans as ambitious as his, I'd be expecting a lot of stress and wanna be sure I could keep my head on straight. I can't help nobody if I'm dead. So elf girl first, civilizations second 😅
I'm sorry 😭
I wanna help but I would need an actual question.
Like with information in it.
Not just "What?".
What specifically are you asking?
BernieBear - 1714707002
I wonder how LGBT members feel about this word "normalfag" 🤔

I looked it up and I see there is no aspect of orientation with it, but even though I'm a straggot myself, the last syllable hurts a little bit just hearing my inner voice say it as I read.

Most of my friends are alphabet people but I have met plenty of really awful ones too, so I know they're not any MORE likeable than anyone else. They're the same.

That's just such a stupid reason to hate someone. And with SUCH intensity in some cases, omg 😧
BernieBear mtrickster - 1714675776
I'd recommend putting it more gently, but yeah you're 100% right. Thats a normal thing for an artist. Nudity isn't inherently sexual.

I had to do a few push-ups and some shadowboxing to psyche myself up in order to be able say that third sentence. I know it's true, but I'm a degenerate freak, so 😅
I'd say more like bi-weekly at best. I'll never knock a scanlation team, they do God's work, but this one's less frequent than the others I read.
A little on the looks 🤔 A lot on the behavior 😅

Asuka lives in a dystopia though, so she has a lot of reasons to be unstable. Even the best characters in that anime are shitty people, but that's the point of the genre. "This is who you shouldn't be, and what you shouldn't do."
He's come a long way, but I think he's still more insecure and socially inept than most. He and Nagatoro are both in unfamiliar territory right now, and they never explicitly discussed their expectations for the relationship. There is a basic default template for monogamy but couples can set their own rules. Anything is okay if they both agree it is.

He might be expecting her to get more possessive, and/or underestimating her confidence. To be fair, Macchi shares his interests, he respects her, and she's also kinda sorta a smoldering hot bombshell that could make a white wall look like the inside of a kaleidoscope just from the heat haze. Jealousy would definitely be excusable.
Yeah, they are both in the wrong. I hope they own up to it. Jealousy is fatal poison, but suspicious behavior fuels it. It becomes a bit unfair to criticize someone's toxic behavior if you're contributing to their motivation.

There is a thought process that goes "I know I'm not doing anything wrong, but someone else might not see it that way." and it's legit, but there's no way to prove that was what you were thinking.

It can make someone think either that you agree with them that it's wrong and still did it anyway. Also there's a chance that you're underestimating how reasonable they'd be if you were straightforward.

If that's the case, they might think "There's nothing wrong with this, so why did they hide it? Maybe it's part of something bigger and there's another part of it that IS wrong."

These stories tend to focus too much on getting into a
relationship and never really teach young people anything about maintaining a healthy one.

I wouldn't be surprised if this one broke that mold.
BernieBear Kurrow - 1714673809
She should. Maybe she got possessive? 🤔

Idk if it's as bad in Japan (I hope not, because this is poison) but in the US it's disturbingly common for younger people to think dating someone means they're gonna basically become their property.

Like they expect not being single anymore means they're never gonna post any thirst traps. Like they're suddenly not gonna want anyone else's attention even though the person who sets the expectation knows that their own mind doesn't even work that way.

I've read about people paying attention to each other's following lists on social media and breaking up over stuff they see happen there. Really as far as your chance at romance/sex goes, "shooting yourself in the foot", doesn't quite do that fuckery justice. More like shooting yourself in the knee.

If that's how their mind works, they're not mature enough to be dating. It's not fair to anyone, including themselves.
If it's the nude sketching thing you're referring to, that didn't happen at the high school. The sketch was in a tube because he traveled with it between then and when she found it.

The story often bounces back and forth without any mention/reminder of it, so it's easy to forget, but when the MC is with that group of other art students, that's a different place.

I can't remember the proper term for the facility, but it's something elective that people can sign up for that helps them get into universities.

Sunomiya is the only other artist they show that's also in the high school, which now that I see myself typing it, that's kind of an odd plot decision 🤔
Oof. Did they really use the word "consent" for that?? 🙁

I know it's basically the same as "permission" but since that's the word that's always used in very serious ethical discussions and stories about traumatic stuff, hearing it used in more mundane contexts irks me.

Like that person's tryna elevate whatever they're talking about to r-word level seriousness. Way too dramatic.
BernieBear dienstagHD - 1714468118
They might. I saw a spoiler of it on the last panel of another ongoing manga I'm reading. Really glad I read this chapter first. It had only been a few days.
Oh absolutely. I wasn't intending to contradict that, so I'm sorry if that's how it came off 🤝🙂

We've all been rooting for these awkward little derps forever. I damn sure don't wanna cause any negativity now of all times 😅
BernieBear Anonymoose - 1714453067
Bingo. The teachers are generally good people, some of the best people I've ever met were teachers, but they just don't have enough funding to do things efficiently.

When you can just hand everyone a book to look at on their own and say to write down only their answers to the questions, it's so much easier to learn.

But when there's not enough books the teacher's gotta write pages of it by hand, and without a printer it's gotta be on a huge whiteboard. Can't use the whiteboard for the lecture until everyone has a copy of the notes, so they gotta do that first.

Students gotta just hand write a bunch of text like a slow motion human copy/paste before they can even start on the assignment. They're already bored and tired before the learning part starts.
Sorry hun. I'm still adjusting.

These conversation phobias have only been a thing for maybe 5-10-ish years now.

When schools were effective you could pretty much just talk whenever to whoever, but now we got adults stuttering when they try to read out loud.

They're not even dumb. Or lazy. Just weren't taught right. Never had a chance. It's some babyback bullshit.