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1412 points
341 Comment(s)
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BernieBear ItsJoCa - 1713322033
Dude what? 😳 C'monnnnn 😔

I'm happy too, but I was thinking maybe pizza or hibachi or something. Not spoilers for 3 other mangas... 😔
YESSSSS!!!! Finally a normal goddamn kiss!! 😭

These slice of life stories are nice in a way since you don't have to see REALLY bad stuff happen to the characters you like, like people don't often get beaten up or cheated on or have their parents get divorced, stuff like that.

But since the spectrum of triumph/tragedy is so much more narrow than in more serious stories, they also sometimes make basic pleasant stuff seem impossible. I was sure something would go wrong.

Kissing someone on purpose without anything bad happening shouldn't feel like this big of a deal to someone like me, who's old af and married, but I'm giggling and kicking my feet over here. Slice of life characters just never get to do this. Like never.
BernieBear Zen - 1712881257
And I just now noticed she declined to accept undeserved credit. When Saotome suspected that her "there was nowhere else to put you" thing was rouse and she put them there on purpose because she knew it'd be best, and had no intention of telling them.

That would've been very altruistic if it was what really happened. She could've just smiled and been like "Hehe, ya caught me!". He would've believed her. Zero chance of consequences, and his favor is highly valuable to her, but she still didnt do it.

That's a BRIGHT green flag that everyone should be on the lookout for. It's off the gamut. If you print it out you'll be disappointed. Ink don't get that bright 🤌
Yessss, that's so selfless and compassionate! I love it!
BernieBear R Tuin - 1712879899
Just means a more pressure when she sits on your face 👍

Crazy-ass insecure girls being like "I'm so bulky and muscular 😭"

While us intellectuals are like "Please crush me, Amazon queen 🤤 If I can still remember the word 'oxygen', you got up too soon"

Don't get me wrong. I like me some pixie girls too. Would never pass on someone like Ayano. Dommes don't need to be strong or heavy since there's always bondage, but getting overpowered by a girl would be sublime 🥰
BernieBear DukeStrauss - 1712617775
Same. I would've lit that guy up over that if it happened today, so early 20's me?? That guy might as well punch himself. Where I live that would be a fight almost certainly. That was so far out of line, even if the person didn't know anything about fighting, they'd probably still try.

I wanna get to the bottom of why Japan's violent crime rate is so low. I'm in the US and I don't like how much violence happens here, but it matters what the difference is.

I was under the impression it was because they're more civilized there, like as in people aren't gonna be running their mouths so much. People think hitting someone is what starts a fight, but no. Provoking people is what starts a fight.

People talking so much shit it's like they think they're indestructible, THAT is what causes violence. The people who remind them they're made of flesh and blood like everyone else are not the problem. The fact that they need the reminder is the problem.

So are they really gonna treat me better, or will they just be more surprised when I hit them?? Because the point is I don't wanna hit anyone but I'm not gonna be treated like that no matter where I live. If they're gonna be just as big of assholes as Americans it's gonna go the same way.
BernieBear - 1712570055
To save others the frustration, if you cant remember what Hanako is referring to on page 3, it's because it happened TWENTY goddamn chapters ago. I hope the rest of the people who forgot did a better job finding it manually than I did. Took me too long.

I still don't quite get how what was said back then is supposed to be consistent with what's being said now, though. I see why it's related, but that's all. It's probably not important enough to be worth discussing, but I just don't like failing to understand things.
Makoto is like an inverse Monika. The integrated rules can't control her, but it's because she's the only one in there who doesn't know she's in a manga.

I applaud the innovation, but the old way smacks a bit harder 😅
BernieBear Zen - 1712229603
Yeah she's pretty impressive
BernieBear Zen - 1712229373
7:00 AM - Me taking one look at those eyes
7:00:05 AM - Me remembering the one and only time Ushigome told anyone her first name
7:00:06 AM - "Wait, it's not exactly the same."
7:00:065 AM - "... It's only one letter off..."
7:00:0655 AM - "BUT this is a different timeline! She couldn't be he-"
7:00:065500000001 AM -
BernieBear Koza - 1712210713
I think so too. I wouldn't say this has been exessive, but I think it's the perfect amount if they stop right now.
BernieBear - 1712210605
That thing where Saotome shouted encouragement for Hanako at the fashion show, I didn't really see that at the time as as big of a deal as it was. Look at how many people are staring at him like he's got tentacles.

That would be scary to any introvert even in mundane circumstances, so factor in what people are like toward him at the school (the ones who don't know him), that was REALLY ballsy.
BernieBear - 1712196078
Replying to that other comment. Reply button is bugged atm. Yeah I think she's only a little bit shorter. I'm not disciplined enough to get good at illustration, but I did go to school for it for a little while, so I'm sometimes able to tell what artists were thinking. My wife actually does draw and asks for advice sometimes even though they're better at it 😄

My guess is the artist wanted them offset enough that neither was too obscured, and since the symbolism is her guiding him, they had to be pointing toward the same place and their arms had to be parallel to each other. The artist's other option would have been to make the offset more horizontal. It would've preserved their accurate height difference, but with her farther to the right, it would look a little bit more like she was hiding behind him.

It wouldn't be as good of a depiction of the moment, because the equal bravery was a manifestation of their trust. She had no force and he had no direction, so even though they're both badasses, they'd never have been able to keep their cool if they didn't trust each other. This really is a truly beautiful story. Lives up to the hype 100% Placing her higher up vertically would have disrupted what I think the artist was going for with their arms. Either they wouldn't be parallel and pointing at the same place, or his would be partially obscured.

This is a bit of a reach, but I think it also might have looked a little too romantic. The author is a woman, and they tend to have more faith in the concept of platonic love between a man and woman. Obviously that's depicted in many stories, but those are usually ones where there's one reason or another that romance would have been implausible, or narrowed the audience. Like if they're relatives or if there's an age gap.

Romance is just plain pleasant in general, so plot-wise it's a good risk/reward ratio. Normally when there's no reason NOT to include it, that's reason enough to do it. It's important to know that platonic love is still plausible in circumstances where nobody would object to romance between them, and it also wouldn't have any social consequences. There's nothing holding them back. It's just not like that 🙂
BernieBear - 1711915017
Am I shrooming or is there kinda like... Idk I guess I would call it an inverse bell curve, to how satisfying revenge is, like if the Y-axis is how satisfying it is, and X-axis is how petty it was?

Like on the far left end of the X-axis if it's something super petty like in this chapter, I laugh my head off. The dot on the Y-axis would be way up toward the top.

Then on the far right end of the X-axis, when what the person did was really horrible, like if they abused or tortured or r-worded someone and then the victim kills them later, it's just like "JUSTICE, DIRTBAG! SUCK IT!" My Y-axis dot is way up there too.

But if it's something around the middle of the X-axis, like... It's impossible to quantify subjective things, but you know what I mean. Whatever you think would be at that mid-point in severity, it would be less satisfying than both extremes. Y-axis dot is much lower.
BernieBear - 1711635033
I love how you can hear their fonts when those two talk. It's fucking adorable.

You'll join!? Really really!?

Yes, really really.
Okay? This isn't private verbal 1-on-1 talking. It's public comments online. Just because it was a reply to you doesn't mean you're the only one who's gonna see it. Other people do exist. They're not just NPCs. You don't gotta be thankful but you don't gotta be a douche either 😕
*clears throat* Ummm, I beg your fucking pardon???

"Sakura could join the party" Did you see yourself type that???

My dude, Sakura is the party.

Hahaha! You expected a highroading douchepotato trying to pass their hatred off as righteousness (fooling only themselves), but it was me! Some random perv!

Sorry about this corny shit. I am very tired atm
BernieBear Demon King - 1711436365
Yessss, I was so happy the anime was true to it. Idk, I just had this vague gut feeling this was gonna be one of those stories that gets tampered with in the adaptation.

I generally applaud innovation in life even if it's not well executed, because it's a ballsy move, but it hits different with stories. Stories that are already loved shouldn't be messed with.

Can anyone who sees this recall a franchise where you liked it? Like significant plot changes and omissions, but it didn't bother you because both were good?
I'm guessing she only tried out a more professional aesthetic because she thought it'd make people take her more seriously and attract more council members.

That'd be a sensible strategy imo, but if it ends up not making a difference then why bother?
Or you can just date. Don't get me wrong, I'd never disrespect a SW. They're indirectly saving lives every day and the stigma on SW is the most harmful stigma in the world. Just saying it's not all that extreme.

CW: Fart fetish advice

You can persuade a girl to do it. If you treat someone well enough they'll wanna make you as happy as you make them. The key is tending to their insecurities. Remind them that they're almost always harmless.

If every single one smelled, any room with a lot of people in it like a classroom would stink constantly. And just because it goes on your face doesn't mean you gotta smell it. If you know it's coming you can hold your breath.

Maybe promise her you'll always hold your breath until she gets more comfortable with it? That last bit is just speculation, idk if it'd work. I actually haven't done much persuasion for that kink, but for others I have.

I've only asked two girls and one was an adamant "Hell no" and the other one loves me to so it was easy.