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Except from a lower angle POV. It's weird to see a picture of a girl from eye level like that, because no cis girls are my height. They're either looking up at me if I'm standing, or down if I'm on my knees. I would definitely be on my knees if I met any girl in this manga 😅
BernieBear - 1701336181
Oh boy, character development progress report deadline! Don't be all timid like you are with girls Saotome! Important people are watching! Foot-down time! But don't be the "I'm automatically superior because I'm a tiny bit older" teenager either.

Ngl, I'm high key hoping he loses his cool and overdoes it, and then Kodera backs him up and scares them all out of enrolling. I'm happy to see Nekomiya's brother getting involved but only because I like him. I don't want a bunch of douchebubbles running up in here and throwing the sexy/scrappy ratio out of whack 😤
I really liked that too. It's kinda funny, I clearly remember her appearing to be deep in thought like that even though she was doing something so simple, but I really thought nothing of it. That's out of character for me. I usually overthink shit.
BernieBear Tyekanik - 1701333687
Hmm you've got a good point there. Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn't noticed. Hopefully it'll be more chill again after this. I've forgotten what point in the school year they're at. Or is it summer right now?
BernieBear mtrickster - 1701333405
Yeah, I was worried about the scanlation team.

One much needed kick-in-the-ass lesson Neon Genesis Evangelion taught me is that if any type of entertainment content suddenly stops coming or drops in quality without an explanation, the correct response is not "Come the fuck on!", it's "I hope nothing bad is happening to the people who make this."

It's embarrassing how freaking old I was at the time when I read what happened to NGE's creator and was like "Oh... So these stories are written by people? People who are in their own constant struggles?? Kinda like me?? And pleasing me isn't the purpose of their existence??? Well shit." 🤦
Big shame, for sure. I almost dropped this manga early, and I'm so glad I didn't!!

I love femdom but hate wimpy main characters, which is an unfortunate set of tastes, so I really gotta be patient sometimes. I know character development can't be done if they don't start out with deep flaws, but sometimes it's just too sad.

I'm really not into tragedy unless it delivers powerful lessons like Tokyo Ghoul or Neon Genesis Evangelion. There's enough senseless tragedy lRL. A story better teach me something that can change/save my life if I'm gonna be tearing up about some shit that's not even really happening 😅 If you hit me in my heart you better hit me in my brain too 😁
BernieBear - 1701051323
I'm still chuckling when I see people act like this manga disturbed them 🙄

Gonna act like you didn't know that was coming 😄

That's why you freakin' read it 😆

What, do you think your spy watched you read 20+ chapters but then saw you say it was gross and was like "Oh, nevermind. Thought you might be a bad guy, but you're chill." and then they canceled the raid? 😂

No m8. Your door didn't get broken because you didn't do anything wrong. Stop bowing to sheltered people who whine about petty stuff. They're not your overlords 🤙

There's actual people getting sold in crates like furniture right now. Nobody who has power to mitigate that problem is gonna give a horse's tomato about this art junk 🤦
BernieBear ItsJoCa - 1700989538
Nah, I know that's not the exact title, but you reminded me of it. Thank you very much 🙏🤝
I hope you're wrong too... I hasn't considered that possibility... They did mention a few future things that may not have been said if it was gonna end here. Senpai still hasn't gotten first place in his art thing, and hot bunny chick and hot goth chick talked about competing with each other next school year.

That might be all I remember 🤔 But Nagatoro may have mentioned there would be more tournaments in the future. I mean know it's a given that there would be in any universe, but the fact that she mentioned it was hopefully foreshadowing
BernieBear - 1700984170
A guy built like Alex?? Don't hold your breath 😅 I recently found out that not all incels are ugly and/or socially inept. Some are good enough in looks and personality that they could date if they really went for it, but they just basically think nobody's good enough for them.

They phrase it like "these people don't live up to my standards" but like what standard?? Something has to already exist for there to be a standard. How tf are you gonna define a standard when you've never even dated anyone?? Looking like a freaking mutant or having a messed up brain is a tragedy, but a hot fun charming person doing just as bad because of ego is a joke, SO much worse 🤦
You're welcome! I adore character creation. I imagine playing Nagatoro herself. There's even already a homebrew feat called Tentacled that I've used before, it gives you two tentacles and you can grapple with them, among other things. So she could be her creepy shadow person self.

The RP potential is obvious, and I was just thinking of how funny a judo fighter/rogue could be in combat with sneak attack grapples, especially with a Senpai caster in the party 😆

Senpai caster is on high ground shooting at stuff, so a magekiller type enemy runs up on him and is like "Melee range bitch! Where is your god now!? Mwaha-" *THUNK!* sneak attack throw/pin!

Nagatoro: "Only I get to bully Senpai."
Senpai: "Have it your way then, mage killer. Melee range it is." *Shocking Grasp*

Necromancer who got ippon'd by Nagatoro a few sessions ago summons something much bigger than her, like "Throw this one! 😄"
*Senpai uses Enlarge on Nagatoro*
Necromancer: "Motherf-... Dammit!" *runs away
BernieBear TWBLS - 1700973784
Omg, 7 hours?? No freaking wonder your plans didn't last the whole time. How often does that group meet? I don't think I've ever done more than 4. I haven't played in years and my wife has ADHD so she had to dip out early almost every session. Luckily neither of us are great at the RP aspect of the game and I actually prefer using more than 1 character in combat, so it didn't harm the group much.
BernieBear - 1700970596
This was done much better in the anime. He thinks more deeply about how genetics work, and the whole thing is more drawn out, so you get more time to fail at anticipating the twists. Also Mustang doesn't go full double scumbag like that.
BernieBear TWBLS - 1700944185
Wow, good taste. My first character was a Tiefling Wizard. It was between that and sorcerer. What tipped the scale toward wizard was I was joining a preexisting group and it would've helped them more. They already had charisma and wisdom-based casters. Why tf have I never seen Tieflings in any other fiction?? They're so fucking cool! I'd love to be a Tiefling in Skyrim.

I'd never play RAW again after having experienced homebrew, but Tiefling is my favorite RAW class. Time has taught me to learn about the DM before I choose a class, but if it was a perfect DM then definitely wizard. I love being creative but sometimes I accidentally step on people's toes by doing something they didn't foresee and it messes up their plans.

I think sandbox is an unfair expectation of DMs (one reason why I'd never do it) and of course they can't tell me what their plan is, so I try not to de-rail things. If I ever DMd it would need to be more of a linear story like in Fire Emblem. And I'd want to make a PC so I could be in the story too, which that's another thing people don't like DMs to do. I've had DMs do it and it never bothered me.
Maybe even with something that's technically not even one word 😅 Idk if "Ew..." is in the dictionary or not.
More like entirely populated by idiots 😅 But the ones running it are the oldest and richest. Once they're gone, older is usually gonna mean wiser, but right now we got people who didn't get internet access until they were 30 and many of them were too impatient to figure it out. They never talk in depth with anyone they don't know personally, so they don't know anything about anything unless they've experienced it themselves. Not leadership material 🤦

Comparing an 80 year-old's wisdom to a 20 year-old's should be a total blowout. But when the 20 year-old has been online their whole life and actually has interests and likes to learn from other people's experiences, and the 80 year-old can't do anything online except facebook, has no interest in anything that doesn't affect their own life, and doesn't know anything but what were taught in school and by people in their own town... Not so much.
It's a good idea. Saotome will be a 3rd year next year, and there's gonna be new 1st year girls. It'd be odd to not make any of them characters. Idk how Japanese society is about age gaps in flirtation but my country has gotten absolutely out of control with that lately.

It's more of a good thing than a bad thing, since legit pedophilia is never gonna go unnoticed anymore, but I would hate to not be married right now because people in their 20's are getting called pedophiles for dating people who are ALSO in their 20's 😆

I saw a girl post on reddit in r/AITA that her dad called her boyfriend that when they're the same fucking age 😂😂 a 25 year old dating another 25 year old, but they also knew each other back when they were 15 so... Btw apparently that doesn't make them BOTH pedos. Only the guy. What a fuckin' circus 🤣🤣🤣
BernieBear AlexBen - 1700437281
Yeah, cat guy who can cook, is good with kids, and can tolerate bitchy girls? I bet he'd get badass if someone really pushed him hard enough too. They seem to just have fire in their blood. He's gonna hijack Saotome's harem before you can say "poopty peupty pants". I already like him better and I'm a freaking guy 😆
BernieBear Koza - 1700193824
Yes that makes perfect sense! Yeah, caring about everyone is great but we all have our soft spots for the people we know from experience are particularly good. I wonder if the creator is in good enough health to make spinoffs at some point.

Some of the characters seem like the 2 or 3 of them have known each other for a long time. Nekomiya, Itachi, and Aoi are one of those groups for sure. I get the same vibe from Koharu and that blonde girl. I always fail to remember her name, maybe because her face looks like Isabelle from Animal Crossing. That's one of those "What has been seen cannot be unseen" things except in a happy way since I like both characters.

When someone who's outgoing is that tight with someone who's that introverted, there is probably an interesting story to be told. They probably didn't meet in the same circumstances they met their other friends. As someone who's a mixture of the two, I've noticed I meet the best introverted people through common interests/hobbies, the dorky shit I do like gaming and anime. We bonded easily because we had stuff to talk about that we can't talk about with just anyone.

But my more outgoing friends, I just bumped into them somewhere out and about and clicked in general, then noticed our common interests later.
BernieBear - 1700044402
Hehe, people in the comments are still talking like they're shocked and disgusted 😆 Chill guys, the FBI has actual problems to focus on. And if anyone else is snooping on you, they know you didn't just stumble in here. It's not a pop-up ad. Y'all are 30 chapters into this thing 🤦
Thinking for YOURSELF IS an option when it comes to prioritizing your values. Some of the most harmful flaws are actually the most widely overlooked. Being so comfortable with deception that you can't even be honest with YOURSELF is a bigger deal than you think. That's affecting the other parts of your life a lot more than this is.
The right partner will judge you for how you treat other people, not for what goes on exclusively in your mind. The right partner will understand that this shit doesn't matter. Just make sure you establish your status as a good person with them before they find out.
In my case there's nothing to worry about. That person is holding onto me in their sleep at this moment. I'll always be a freak but I'll never be fake 🤙🤷