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1412 points
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BernieBear - 1706679662
Omg get tf away from Winry you piece of shit 🤬💢
God I hope he dies at some point 😤
I've seen both animes like 3 times but somehow still forgot 🤦
BernieBear - 1706678782
(I'm referring to the comment below mine. Sometimes there is no reply button)

I thought I was noticing that too, but now I'm not sure. Maybe he's just smarter and/or more perceptive. The look on the taller guy's face when Aki had the exclamation point next to him seems like he hadn't yet noticed something was wrong.

He also wasn't looking when that guy touched Tamari on the train. Paying closer attention to someone is definitely a sign of valuing them though. I've read in a psychology article that you should pay attention to what a person tends to take photos of. That was a long time ago though.

With monetized social media, there's more reasons other than sentimentality to take photos than there used to be.
BernieBear - 1706370175
I'm a big fan if FMA but Sloth is a silly character. He's the most hardworking character in the story.

But to be fair, give me a million years and I'll never come up with a way to make a genuinely lazy villain legitimately scary, sooo, respect 🤝🤙

Maybe if the whole planet was one huge organism, and Sloth's heartbeat was somehow synced up to the planet's, so if its heart rate slowed down too much, the whole ecosystem would die. So Sloth is functionally the planet's heart itself. Or maybe literally.

So it would have to be kept in combat 24/7 to stop it from going to sleep, and it shared stamina with the planet so it never got exhausted from exertion and fell asleep that way. And they would have to be careful not to kill or even defeat it, because that would make its heart rate decrease

So all the characters would have to divide up the work and fight it in shifts. And if it was also a shapeshifter that changed every time its opponent switched out, so every fight would be unpredictable and unique.

So if a character got stuck with an unfavorable match-up, they would rarely get help, because everyone else would be recovering to be ready for their next shift.

Nevermind. I did it. Scary lazy villain 😅 I'm never the first person to come up with anything though, so it's probably been done. 🤷

No, for real, that is the story of my life. I always come up with great ideas on my own, but they're always already done. I suspect a time traveler is fucking with me. I wish I was joking.
BernieBear - 1706335810
Hehe, let's just take turns calling each other out on the exact same ethics 🙄

It's more comfortable than saying we don't give a fuck, even though we all know that's what's up 🤷

The elephant in the room should change its mailing address 😆
Fuck h*cking yeah THOT alert 😳
Transcendent Heavenly Omnipotent Temptress 😆
I done heard of a knockout, but she's more like a deathblow 🤣
Someone rez me please 😵
Unless there's a second puberty that nobody told me about, I'm gonna have to choose a different adjective. Cute doesn't quite say it 😅

When I saw her, all the body hair I always shave instantly re-grew to its full length, and my voice went from Michael Cera to Morgan Freeman 🤣
BernieBear - 1705456582
Probably my favorite set of extras so far. Well done 👏🤝
Fr though. Fuck all this literary edging 🤦

Let us bust ffs.

(Bust out in tears of joy)
BernieBear Ahmungas - 1705432776
Omg I would kick their asses. Well, I'd try 😅
BernieBear Kuma - 1705432662
I'm not sure I get it. Is there something specific to them related to chimps? Or are we just worried the chimps will kill them and we'll never get any more Yupiel?
I done heard of a cliffhanger, but this is more like a gallows hanger.

(The implications being both that it's making me "choke up" emotionally, and that waiting too long is figuratively gonna kill me 😭)

Idk if that's a real term, but if not then it is now 🤷 I have spoken. 👨‍⚖️
BernieBear Tyekanik - 1705431581
Is that the slice of life genre version of the shounen trope where the opening/intro track starts playing toward the end of the last fight scene?

That shit is so poggers, I will never tire of it. It's like a non-sexual orgasm. My goosebumps could intimidate a porcupine.
BernieBear mtrickster - 1705431201
Omg I would throw hands 😠 They won't reach the author, but it will be a very hostile gesture. I presume they'll understand the disrespect I'm implying 😤
BernieBear SpinelesS - 1705430936
Idk, I don't like it when we don't get much of a chance to see the characters happy together, but there's a lot of other manga I wanna read and I'm already reading 4.
Exactly. That, and it teaches the younger readers a harmful lesson. It seems to imply that a relationship is gonna solve all their problems. That makes flirtation and dating seem so much more serious than they need to be, and that makes it nerve-wracking.

Getting accustomed to stress is an important part of schooling though, so I'm kinda torn on that aspect of it, but it causes other problems too.
BernieBear - 1705270613
I'm not sure I understand this. They seem to be flip-flopping back and forth about whether or not it would be wrong if they kissed. Potentially compromising the relife project seems to be a separate matter. Is it that it wouId have been okay in a legal way, but not okay in a social/moral way?

I try not to make any assumptions, because I'm in a different country and haven't been to Japan. I'm a weeb, so I have learned some about their customs from anime/manga but idk if I would call a lot. Like idk how many other differences I haven't found out about yet.

The only times other mangas have mentioned adult/minor dating stuff, all it said is it has to be love. Like you can't just hook up. It said the minor's parents have to like the other person and approve of it. It seems like that would almost never happen, but again I try not to assume anything.
BernieBear R Tuin - 1705041749
Hell yeah. Patience and ass-kickery are besties ❤🤝. "She looks slow" 🤦 Untrained eyes m8. Need more sparring partners. That's a big girl, but not a beach ball 😅 Lady's got tree trunks for legs. Stronk 💪
BernieBear Arang - 1705041231
I oddly never noticed this before, but we don't really see the faculty much at all, huh? I can't remember any other ones. Not by name or appearance.
BernieBear - 1705040391
WOW, it sure doesn't take much to get you accused of a brother or sister complex in these stories. I hope that's just an anime/manga thing and that real Japanese people don't have to put up with it.

Idk, maybe the stigma on incest isn't all that severe there? That would be very surprising, since the culture seems to be strict about a lot of things.

In the US the stigma on incest is REALLY bad. That would be a very serious accusation here. I've seen people throw hands over much less.
SO charming! That plus the fact that she's not part of the harem makes me wonder something. This is uncharacteristically self-absorbed for me, but I've always thought if I ever published a story I might base one of the side characters on myself and see if the fans simp for them the way I do for Itachi.

I'd be happy to know my readers were nice people. I figure that if anything, they'd expect the MC to be based on me since I wrote the story, so like it would be sneaky 😁 I wonder if Itachi is the author.