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1412 points
341 Comment(s)
152 Upvote(s)
BernieBear - 1700011141
For real... I'd expect more patience from a sniper. I think I read they stay in place without moving very much for a crazily long time, like days. I kinda wonder exactly what all it entails, but I'm never gonna ask since it's probably disgusting ๐Ÿ˜…
BernieBear - 1700009627
God I'm getting tired of this website having no reply button on the comments half the time...And having no support to contact. Seriously, there is no contact email address or support of any kind at all. Googled and found nothing
BernieBear Koza - 1699853586
You think? ๐Ÿค” I'm a big shark girl simp, but I'm not so sure this time. It seems a little out of character for Itachi to use the word "fun" to describe a harmful social situation when everyone in it is a friend. Itachi got her place in my heart by generally wanting what's best for everyone and going about it in clever ways.

I love that she's always finding ways to stomp out toxic behavior without overstepping anyone's boundaries or accidentally putting off the kind of "holier-than-thou" vibe that would definitely stop her from influencing the people she's popular with.

Nekomiya really shined right there though. It's NOT easy to say something that positive to someone you dislike that much. Sometimes it's the right thing to do though, even if someone's a total dirtbag. It's not a courtesy to THAT person. It's a courtesy to a second person that you know will inevitably be affected if the person you're talking to doesn't get their bullshit straightened out. Most people don't think that far ahead of the present.
Big sis SHARK
๐ŸŽตDoot-DOOT da-DOOT da-doot๐ŸŽต
Big sis shark

It would make sense. Fighter/rogue is a common multi-class choice. She would only need one level in rogue to get Sneak Attack. Plus, any DM worth half a bowel movement would allow a judo-themed character to use DEX instead of STR for grapple checks, at least against creatures her own size. ๐Ÿค“
Yesss! I'm glad I stuck with it! I almost put it down early. I'm a perv and I love femdom but I'm also compassionate, so it all comes down to how the target handles it. Of course I don't want him to push back hard enough to end it, but I don't want him to go full-on empty-sack bitch-cake either.

ย If he's too weak it makes me think of how there's so many school shootings in my country (bullying is what leads to them) but if he's too tough it reminds me of what I had to do. I toughened up too much. That backfires in adult life.

Responding to aggression with more aggression and being careful to recognize when violence has becomes a certainty so you can strike first is a very bad way of thinking if you're not living among savages.

I'm in a more civilized place now, but that mindset was so helpful in shitty public schools that I can't seem to turn it off. And it has been a long time. That's a big problem.
BernieBear - 1699503461
Sacrificing a virgin is such a mean concept ๐Ÿ˜… Being a virgin is unpleasant enough, and dying is certainly no bueno... I know it's generally a Satanist thing thing but aren't those people also hedonistic? How tf is someone who cares that much about pleasure gonna kill someone before they've been laid even once?? The first few times are not even any good for most people. Idc how diabolical you are m8, if you wanna kill someone, at least make sure they've had sex a few times. I know that very few people self-identify as evil, but how can they not?? Well I guess unless it's a virgin who likes being a virgin. Then they think they're not missing out. Alright I guess I answered my own question then ๐Ÿ˜…
BernieBear - 1699258586
BernieBear - 1699255901
Armstrong's heart and brain are swole too ๐Ÿ’ชDude's got it all
BernieBear Koza - 1699147338
Empathy from hitler ๐Ÿ˜… Great meme material ๐Ÿ˜„
BernieBear - 1698882906
Oh my f-... One of the saddest things I've seen in ALL ANIME in my entire life was a WATERED DOWN version of the manga!? To think that it could possibly be any worse... Motherf-... When people joke about this in memes, I say "Too soon." Because although comedy = tragedy + time, it will always be too soon for some things.

Your humanity is not complete until you stop laughing at dark humor. I've seen enough to be farther along than most. Even so, things that happen in fiction often have real world counterparts, and there are important lessons to be learned there. I was about to go to sleep, but screw that. Idk what the real world counterpart of this is, and I sometimes figure things out by accident. That's one epiphany I don't want.
BernieBear - 1698829970
"If we don't get caught, we won't get caught." Meme material
I wonder if that is just as funnily redundant in Japanese or if it came out extra funny because of a translation complication and the translator left it that way because they're awesome
BernieBear - 1698630798
Wow, are bathtubs really that big in Japan?? That would be amazing. In the US you would have to both be kids to do this. Maybe it's a cultural thing, like something to do with parenting style? Japan's population density is higher and the people are smaller, so I'd expect bathtubs to be smaller if they were different.
BernieBear king_midas - 1698630075
Hehe, it's definitely obvious to me now ๐Ÿ˜… Thanks for explaining! Man, that's an unfortunate situation to deal with when you're not the one who messed up and made the rule necessary. I hope you're doing okay โœŒ It's bad enough that so many stressed out students don't have enough money for healthier food or enough energy to cook it. Would be great if the ones with the means to avoid processed foods could do it safely.
BernieBear - 1698604039
Hahaaa, hell yeahhhh!! This is gonna be SO fuckin' poggers!! Idk why it took me this long to check out the manga. I've seen both the animes at least 3 times. So hyped!
BernieBear king_midas - 1698381183
What?? Cooking illegally? Why tf would there be a rule against cooking their own food for lunch?? It's a fucking culinary school ๐Ÿคฆ Well, among other things.
BernieBear - 1698189719
Man what a spectacular mindfuck! If anyone sees this in the "latest comments" part of the site, don't look. Read it from chapter 1
BernieBear - 1698141764
He might not be gay. We both know that's the most effective thing he could have done to screw with Yuno's head and make her fight sloppily. Yanderes think they're in love, so nothing is more upsetting than the thought of that person loving someone else. Even punching Yuki in his nards would've been less shocking than kissing him. She would think he was just trying to make sure Yuki didn't help her in the fight.
BernieBear - 1698141436
Lots of epic plot twists in this story. Happy I saw the anime first.
BernieBear - 1697789813
You don't gotta lie m8. Lead with "I beat Macchi" then say the other dude beat both of you. But down be enthusiastic when you say the first part. That way her heart won't leap and fall back down hard.
๐ŸŽถA SPOONfull of suGAR helps the MEDIcine go DOWWWN๐ŸŽถ
๐ŸŽถThe MEDIcine go DOWWWN๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒ‚โ˜‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ผ