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BernieBear R Tuin - 1703006847
I can't think of any moral thing that would violate. MAYBE toxic masculinity? I don't think so though. That basically just says every guy has to be a badass, but just because your girlfriend is a badass doesn't mean you're not 🤷

I think the only problem it could potentially lead to is an abusive relationship, but I don't take Itachi to be the kind of loose cannon who would hit her partner over just anything. It'd probably have to be something pretty bad.
BernieBear huh cat - 1702632142
Hi sex. I'm dad.
Well, not really. Not unless you count cats.
BernieBear mtrickster - 1702631976
I had to scroll way too far down for that 😆
I was like there ain't no way I'm gonna be the first to mention this!!
That scared the shitake mushrooms outta me. As well as the feces. 😰😤 I figured it out almost instantly but for a second it was like when i check my pocket in public and my phone isn't there. Then I remember I handed to someone else less than a minute ago to show them a video or something 🤣
BernieBear king_midas - 1702468548
I just became VERY curious about Itachi's voice 🤔 Up until now I've been imagining a cool calm thing normally and a kind of animalistic growl when she's aggressive, but now idk.

Take a closer look at pages 18 19 and 20. On 18 the guy who's causing the trouble seems scared, which makes sense. Having been in violent situations involving groups, I've noticed you never really know how a friend will handle danger until they're in it. Even if they're athletes and confident, they may not back you up at all.

And even if they step in, there's also the variable of how hard they'll try and how easily they'll give up. On page 18 He's now touched three people, Aoi and Shouta have both shown their courage, so once he finds out Saotome's got a pair deep down too, it looked like a potential 3 on 1. Btw I suspect Saotome's balls are somewhere up near his lungs, but they exist 🤣

In page 19 he seems like he's regrouped mentally now that he knows his friends are stepping up.

BUT look at his fucking FACE on page 20! We know Itachi's presence is strong visually, some people just radiate that kind of thing, but she's behind him. He can't see her. Also he's never met her before, which means her voice isn't familiar. All he's reacting to is her voice, and she's not being aggressive. What does she sound like??

Idk, maybe I'm just entertaining myself. She also snuck up on him during an already hostile situation, and she's closer to his ear that unfamiliar people normally get. Well unless you're at a night club, in which case you gotta practically French kiss a strangers's ear while yelling about half as loud as you possibly can just to ask where the bathroom is. It's a miracle I'm not deaf
BernieBear Labrys - 1702398813
Wait, is he? 🤔 I thought he was gonna be, but it doesn't look like it. Is lolicon not a philia? I thought a lolicon was similar to pedophile except gender-specific and about appearance instead of purity/innocence.
What makes a philia different from a kink/fetish is that it's the only thing that works for the person. That's the only reason the words all have that same ending. If fetishes and philias were the same thing, every fetish would have a corresponding word ending in philia that meant the same thing.
If lolicon is a philia, he wouldn't be interested in anyone who doesn't fit into it, so I was predicting Chise would be a loli as an adult too. I thought the author wanted us to be thinking "Chise this is a stupid plan. He's not gonna want you anymore at that point" and be expecting a bad ending. Then the end would have a plot twist where she still looks the same, and it would all suddenly make sense, and unexpectedly be happy.
A pedophile can't get excited about anyone who doesn't seem pure/innocent, so lolis that act like adults wouldn't work. If lolicon is a philia, she would need to be a loli for him to want her. But if lolicon isn't a philia, then it would just be a fetish.
If it's a fetish, that means lolis are not the only thing they like. So I would still be a lolicon even though I also like girls who are built like Rias Gremory and also a few of the "death by snu snu" type girls? I'm not being defensive, I have no reason to. I've survived way too much stuff to be afraid of anything intangible like stigma. I just didn't think I was a lolicon. I thought it was a more extreme word.
It would be helpful if dictionaries FULLY explained things 🤦 Everyone looks at dictionaries. Not everyone watches documentaries and reads science articles like my dorky ass 🤣
BernieBear - 1702278985
Wow... Say what you want about the subject of this manga (plenty of valid criticism to be made) but that ending was beautiful. Melted my heart. Got a problem with that you can bite my ass 🤣
Gonna go ahead and verify that I mean that in a figurative way 🙄 Since they're the types who'd act like that's something lewd when they know every statement that goes "(mouth word) my (body part)" is just a rude version if "I don't like what you just said" 100% of the time 🤦
Yeah, peaceful resolutions are always ideal, but at certain point it's time to switch from "I'm a pacifist" to "I'ma pass a fist across your face" 😆

I also know some people (only one personally) who won't stand up for themselves, but they will for someone else. Weird mindset, but there are definitely weirder ones out there.
BernieBear Zen - 1702195744
Idk, I hope so, because that's what I wanna see, but realistically I don't think he's got the balls. He would definitely dig deep and fuck shit up if he was pushed hard enough, but this may not be enough danger. Aoi's no Hanako, but she ain't a damsel in distress either. You'd be surprised how much just being timid can hold someone back, even with a lot more training than their opponent.

I sparred with a lot of people when I was in a kung-fu class, and even with the gear on and even knowing it was a controlled environment with disciplined people who are not gonna go berserk or fight dirty, they still just aren't as fun as the other people. Even ones who were there way longer than me.

Like they just don't try hard enough. I know they weren't holding back out of discipline either. They may have started that way at first since I had just started at the school, but I would quickly be kicking their ass, so if they were going easy on me, they would've known by that point that they didn't need to.

I know that because there were people there that I underestimated too, like there was a guy in his 50's and also a guy who was really fat who both could move WAY faster than I expected. Like I got hit in my face a few times and was thinking like "Ahh! Holy fucking shit! Yayyy I can cut loose!!!" Fat dude hit like a truck too. I guess carrying all that around must build muscle. Makes sense.

There was also a skinny girl who could hit pretty fucking hard, and you know precision is how small people beat big people, and the gloves and foot pads make your hands and feet bigger, which spreads out the impact, so they're at a disadvantage since hitting vital areas doesn't hurt as much.
BernieBear Gintanga - 1702189109
Yeah me too. I'm happy for cat boy though. I know he has stronger feelings for Aoi than Saotome does, but he's also younger, and idk if he works out or knows anything about fighting.

We all know the lion symbolizes bravery, but it's easy to be a brave lion. Being a brave mouse is hard.

And I'm not an advocate of toxic masculinity, this ain't about gender. And I've also always had the impression that one of the lessons in this manga is that some guys simply don't have that in them, and that that's okay. Just saying I'd expect Saotome to be more ballsy after training with badasses like Hanako and a her whole dojo.
BernieBear AlexBen - 1702188506
I wouldn't say I miss the days, I'm happier now, but I miss knowing if I get in legal trouble for fighting, the criminal record won't be permanent.

Plus there's a small newspaper in my city that shows mugshots of all the locals who get charges. The key word there is charges, not convictions, which means it hasn't been proven that they actually did anything. And no details, just the name of the charge.

I have no way of verifying if this is true, but I heard someone got charged with a sex crime when what really happened was they peed on a bush in the middle of the night too close to a school. The legal definition only requires exposure and the school. Doesn't matter if it's not school hours and nobody saw them but a cop🤦

Whoever told me this (it was too long ago) didn't say if they (the story was about someone else) got put in the registry or even convicted, but even if their case got thrown out, anyone who saw the paper would've used their imagination.

Thankfully it's not a small town and afaik that paper is only sold at one little store, but it's still supremely fucked up.
BernieBear - 1702101451
"Potential sex criminal" 🤦 No shit 🤔
We can't punish someone for their thoughts. "Slippery slope" doesn't quite say it. That'd be a 90 degree vertical drop. Whole world would be in prison. Wouldn't be enough people left to run the prison. 🤷
Tell me with a straight face that you've never wanted to do anything violent to anyone in an illegal way, like not self-defense (in a world that has bigotry in it) and I will never trust you again.
BernieBear R Tuin - 1702027937
Oh hell yeah, you're right, that's what she would do! That vaguely reminds me of Beerus and Whis when Frieza came to Earth 😂

(Shits non-existent pants) "BEERUS!?!? Are you here to stop me!?"

(Looks at backs of fingertips) "Nah. That'd be lazy writing. Characters like me are inherently implausible without some degree of indifference." (picks at a hangnail) "This franchise is pretty old. Plot always slays. Carry on."
BernieBear R Tuin - 1701937426
I didn't want a pre-established badass to swoop in, I wanted Saotome and Aoi and Shouta to dig deep and bring out their inner badasses together 😤 They were supposed to make an epic memory! 😤😤

Idk if this is normal, but my memories of fights from when I was a kid are absurdly grandeurous for some reason 🤣 I remember them being all implausibly intense like some action movie like Gladiator or something.

*Beats up guy who tried to bully me* "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?"

I'm watching my own memory and talking to myself like "That ain't how it happened m8. We were like 7 years old."


🤦"Bro we had a voice like a flute. We STILL get mistaken for a woman on the phone like 80% of the time" 🤣😂
You don't need to be helped m8. You're on point 😁🤝
BernieBear - 1701663271
This manga is so fucking cute 🥲
BernieBear - 1701624627
Yuck 🤢 I hope I wouldn't think in such a condescending way in the same situation. I have seen some inexcusably unhealthy mindsets from people who are way older than me, so I have always been determined not to become the "Age is an objective hierarchy" old person, no matter how old I get.

But to be fair, I guess I haven't been around anyone who's that much younger than me in a long time except for people I'm familiar with. Fuck, I swear if I fail to break that stupid cycle I am gonna kick my ass! Well, I'd try. Wouldn't be easy 😅
BernieBear - 1701586886
What the fuck kind of logic is this?? Pick a fucking lane ya psycho 🤦

We take pride in our names because we believe God gave us our names. I reject my name. If I cannot turn back from my path, then I must take everything God gave me, and reject it.

👆 says the guy who's been calling himself an agent of god, and killing alchemists because they're changing things from the way god made them??
BernieBear R Tuin - 1701543679
Oof. True. One cool thing that could happen though, this has only happened to me I think twice in my life but it was wild. I was just speaking impulsively and said something I didn't even freaking know, then stopped and was like "I didn't understand that until I heard myself say it, but yeah, that's how I feel... That's how I've always felt 😳"

That's one of those things that's so specific that there is probably a proper term for it, but idk what. It's pretty cool how sometimes other languages have a 1-3 word term for something that would take me a paragraph to describe in English.
BernieBear Koza - 1701542697
Oh God yeah, you got the winning idea right there!! His respect for women and his general ballsyness are both doubted, and everyone knows he wants more guy students, so aggressive white knighting at the school's expense would be based af. With Nekomiya being his toughest critic, Aoi and her brother would be the ideal witnesses too.

Anyone in the faculty who heard a complaint would definitely take his side. Best perk of bring a chill person is that when you do get mad, people know it wasn't over nothing.

Like "So what happened? Our tour guide bullied a bunch of middle schoolers and now they're not enrolling? HA! No sale hun. Saotome ain't no hot-headed alpha douche. If he got aggressive, someone ELSE fucked up. Not him. Dismissed 👋"