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TauCeti - 1700343550
Just to put a bit of perspective (a futile thing i suppose), in feudal era, a noble could kill a peasant without so much a thought or even reason. It was the way of things. Much like in the future, if society improves enough, we will find the death penalty as barbaric and inhuman.(not to mention a waste of a life and resources).

for lloyd to have died the way he did would seem unfair to us, but you should remember the look he had when he died. He wasn't bitter or angry. he was impressed and mesmerized by a magic that was orders of magnitude superior to his.

but on the flip side, he was born into a world where he not only commands limitless magic, but he's neither bitter or angry, nor does he hold a grudge or look down on people less powerful than him. In fact he works to make them stronger.

if you look at that, then this is a great opportunity to do a callback to that time and maybe resolve the underlying issue in a lloyd way.
TauCeti EstreFier - 1700343324
no. if you read it entirely, you would know he was eager to accept because he wants to see the magic the military uses, which apparently he doesn't have access to.
TauCeti Henrul - 1700343272
no, we should thank the old man. he basically gave him a second chance. He didn't know it at the time of course, but everyone was doing exactly what their world allows them to do. No hard feelings there. Well granted its hind sight, but still.
TauCeti - 1700321581
another weirdo shows up...heheh

also we all knew this was going too smooth, so it will be interesting when he fights the prince.
TauCeti The First - 1700278313
to be honest this manga had been great, but now it just got elevated. This is how you build up a character. It's how you build up a story and then a fight.
TauCeti - 1700278279
LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!! I knew a god had to intervene on his behalf or he would have died. It is this kind of manga. But to have both of them show up is just too good! I really hope this doesn't become a free for all on gods all fawning over him.

At the very least he must have caught the attention of another god or two just by fighting here.
i think the guild master will probably take notice of it, this was just a gag chapter to deal with MC's "niceness"
TauCeti HateMe - 1700239844
It basically raises him up to the strength of his target AND adds the necessary stats to overcome his target completely, all while ensuring no harm can come to him, which includes the backlash from having his stats raised beyond his ability.

If the condition for using it ever changes to where he has complete control over it, it will be game over. Right now he can't control it, and it has to run its course till the end, so if he were to be stuck in an endless wave of mobs, i wonder if his skill would "retreat" as a condition for keeping alive.
TauCeti Meringue - 1700239586
given the hit she took, the fact that she doesn't have a bunch of fractures even strong as she is is basically unscathed. also she's well enough to get annoyed at her capture presuming of course that she didn't get any treatment. Otherwise it happened offscreen which isn't really that much better.
TauCeti Elroid Tiereon - 1700189103
the "without fail" part means that the skill will manipulate everything around him even if it is physically impossible.
TauCeti - 1700166395
wait. pochi charges for his meals? what a nice pochi!
well she got hit hard and shes unscathed, no explanation, not even a hey that potion was expensive, you'll pay me back sort of deal. so yeah, who could have predicted this outcome? whom indeed?!
TauCeti - 1700098816
That was a massive hit. She might still survive but that will be a lot of broken bones. A lot of you are going to be, "serves her right, I hope she's dead and all that." The real sad truth about many of these characters is that they are too shallow to even care about. that people feel so strongly about her(even ironically) to actually make commentary about her fate is weird to me. She's written to get you to be all angry which is a really cheap way to get readers all riled up but from the very beginning, the MC pretty much gets away in some form or another so the whole situation tends to be really weak. By all account none of the three should be able to escape even with his cheat skill, or at the very least two of the three should die, but that would require some greater writing.
TauCeti Manga Mango - 1699918938
nah i think he's just pragmatic to the extreme. maybe one or two steps away from sociopath.
TauCeti Glasses Person - 1699913095
your guess is as good as any.