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1365 points
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TruePurpleMK - 1707249565
Is this the asshole that Nie le was helping and agreed to work with before?
Yes it was, and some of that is undercut by house rules that make the game less about monopolies and less fun.

Two common house rules that ruin monopoly (and actually go against the rules as stated in manual, or have in the past)

Money collected by cards etc. going in the middle and gotten by anyone who lands on free parking. Nothing is suppose to happen when you land on free parking. Money paid to the game from cards is just gone and you can run out of money. This is intentional.

Being able to trade houses for a hotel. When you buy a hotel, the houses remain as well. This means you can run out of houses and become unable to build more. This is intentional. Maybe buy some from a competitor at a premium.

Both of these aspects mostly negatively impact the game by extending game play to near infinite length.

Also Monopoly was ironically stolen by capitalists, the IP stolen from a game other people made and then the distorted but copied version ironically copy-righted by the thieves Hasbro

That aside, even with the right rules, and probably even in the original form of the game, it is not fun. I don't get why anyone plays it. It is almost entirely luck based yet less interesting than other luck based games. Probably more fun to play say Chutes and Ladders, though I wouldn't want to play either.
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707156290
Lord of the Rings and anime adaption of Mushoku Tensei were good (though all the comic adaptions were terrible)
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707112772
Never heard of it, is that a recommendation?

ST is sci-fi which also knows space is a void.
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707091290
I don't know anything about "I Eat Tomatoes" but I am very familiar with much of ST, what ST PoV do you mean?
TruePurpleMK GoldenAge - 1707091064
No more than most of these type of comics.
Which is usually pretty helpless with some crown prince, duke, or king of some sort to romance them, including the ones where they allegedly take the role of villain in the story they were reading.

The point is that it hits almost none of the notes that you might call "Isekai" with male MC with rare exceptions like this story.
Only if you destroy the genre typing of "isekai" which is less about whether someone has been reincarnated or in another world and more about the various genre aspects like having extra power and knowledge different than anyone else in the world and the story pattern that comes with it. Something can be "isekai" without literally being from another world etc.

Female MC finding themselves in another world normally do not meet most of the "isekai" genre requirements, it really is a entirely different genre and deserves a different name IMO.

Aside from being a tree, what similarities are there? I've seen no evidence of Norse mythology nor mention of other dimensions or "worlds"
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707070777
The word "sky" existed before the distinction between atmosphere and void or vacuum of space even existed and this is a translation but.-

"Sky" is atmosphere. If you were looking out a spacecraft window deep in space, you would not be looking at a "sky" IMO, "Starry night sky" is when the nearest star or "sun" is not bloating out the other stars from sight at night in atmosphere. Probably been better if it had skipped the words "starry night". Starry night sky is certainly not "space" Aside from "sky" not being "space", "night" is not space either. There is no "day" or "night" in space.

Also it fits. First said mentioning from the ground, then the "starry night sky" then "the void".
So below your feet.
Atmosphere around you.

If you disagree, give me a better explanation. What could "void" be if not vacuum of space? And if "void" means space, and "starry night sky" also meant "space" for some reason even though that's not how it's usually used and the word "or" is also being used.... then you have some problems understanding it. Only my explanation makes sense here.
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707049342
Yeah that language is funky and I did notice that. Though "starry sky" could just mean within the Earths atmosphere?

This is the only interpretation that makes sense to me.
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707048994
"Space" is literally a void.

In other words the wave of spirit energy may come from space, so I think MC is going to put out space roots to absorb all this energy.
TruePurpleMK - 1707048462
MC should have given goblin dad some of that pay.
TruePurpleMK - 1707048119
Damn game designers with their rape updates!
TruePurpleMK - 1707047607
Female MC in a Isakai type? How rare. (I don't mean the other shit that term normally means with a female MC)

Its generally stuff you've seen before but it's funny with unique twists.
TruePurpleMK - 1707047453
What happened to the other people doing the test?

Maybe MC missed some pop ups informing of defeating low level adventurers.
TruePurpleMK Ephion - 1707047376
Well considering what Elmina was trying to do, seems about right as comeuppance.
TruePurpleMK - 1707046325
Failing everyone based on their mana? But what if they are warriors? And people can level up and shit.