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1668 Comment(s)
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TruePurpleMK Wisecrack - 1703216204
Well to be fair and this is based on other comics and such, there are monsters who can talk to cast spells but otherwise unable to talk, like skeleton mages.

Otherwise there are "monsters" who have basic language among themselves but still attack humans on sight.

But the archni didn't attack them on sight, and the other ones were undead, probably the archnis people turned undead.

I have a feeling that eventually it will turn out that they don't need to be enemies and MC will even offer to help with something, like maybe whatever turned the archnis people undead. But if that happens I'll be left to wonder why it took however many chapters to reach that conclusion.

TruePurpleMK TwEEzyZen - 1703214264
Not only did you use a misogynist slur solely based on looks with talk of violence, you said "domestic" violence, so sexually objectifying as well. Violence, bigoted hate, and sexually objectifying packed into so few words. This has nothing to do with "phrasing", there would be no good way to put that. You say it was meant as a "slight joke", but that's all the more concerning. You say you want violence but you don't talk about wishing for violence against male MC (that much bloodlust itself would deserve some self reflection)

You should see a psychologist or something about how you look at females.
TruePurpleMK - 1703213541
Should have tried talking first, MCs side were the first to attack after all. The archni was just standing there observing them before this
TruePurpleMK Kwember - 1703193011
It's a great series yeah. You should check out the novel, it's much further along.
What does it mean to "sniped"?
We aren't talking about a "negative character trait" but a misogynist term that generally means 'many females suck and violence is OK against females', judging by use in MK comments.

If this character was male there would be no use of the word "thot" or talk about violence against the character.

As I said elsewhere-

I had never even heard of the word "thot" before reading it in the comments of MK for the first time in the past and have never seen it used anywhere else, so I had no preconceived ideas about it. It's just that the use has always been clearly as a sexist/misogynist bigoted word. I am judging the word by its use, nothing else.

Some people in MK comments really sound like red pill incels sometimes.
False. I have witnessed that mysognist bigoted slur used many times in comments of MK and it is always used as a misogynist bigoted slur. Always used against female characters. Characters with diverse personalities and roles. Extreme suggestions of violence almost always accompanies the use of the word "thot". This example is relatively ("i want there to be atleast one domestic violence scene" is still very bad) tame but I've seen long bits of memes about murdering "thots" before.

Can you even tell me what a "thot personality" is in any specific way? Whatever definition you give will probably be violated next time the misogynist slur is used unless you are uselessly vague. And how this character fits that? (besides the original offender spoke of her face, not personality)

Even aside from the word, male characters with similar personalities and story roles rarely get the same level of hate. Male characters need to be many times worse than female characters to start getting that level of hate that some female characters get immediately.

Take this story here, she's done nothing at all wrong! She's not insulted the male MC least not significantly, she isn't mean, she's not being seductive.(like that would be some great sin anyway) Yet we get some asshole calling her a "thot" and other misogynist bigoted assholes piling in to downvote me (though granted some of that might be multi accounts) and reply with stupid, for me calling it out. Yeah let them have their bigoted fun in comments, eh?

You want to call this character a "asshole", I'll call you a idiot because that's not how she's being. You use a bigoted word in a bigoted way, I call you out on that.

In fact "niger" has less bigotry and hate attached to it than "thot" nowadays. Probably because people are sensitive about "niger" and check themselves but gleefully spout bigoted words like "thot" in a bigoted way and few do call them out. Probably because the word is much more obscure.

You know I had never even heard of the word "thot" before reading it in the comments of MK for the first time in the past and have never seen it used anywhere else, so I had no preconceived ideas about it. It's just that the use has always been clearly as a misogynist bigoted word. I am judging the word by its use, nothing else.

TruePurpleMK - 1703130056
Just a quick check (behead) all good!
Sure, you go feel up the grass. You don't need my permission
TruePurpleMK TwEEzyZen - 1703113275
" I simply got "thot" vibes from her"

Let's change this up a bit and say xhe was black and you said

"I simply got nigger vibes from em"

Do you still not see the problem?
TruePurpleMK TwEEzyZen - 1703107583
Symbolizes a sexist term in your mind and you speak of violence because you see female. Could you announce your sexism any louder without actually saying it? Probably not.
TruePurpleMK rampagoe - 1703107400
Sees xir nude body and goes "Hey, I recognize that!"
Go back near the beginning to this comic and see what I am referring to if you've forgotten or didn't read this from the start
TruePurpleMK NgoNgo - 1703012266
Remember back when MC got xirself invited to that expedition and fell underground during the ape attack and there was a coffin? It's related to that.
Well since propaganda is a important part of this, maybe "Defenders of the light" or something. Almost want to say "Defenders of humanity", though that might put a bit of extra pressure to do just that where as "Defenders of the Light" is more vague but still portrays them as defenders.
TruePurpleMK - 1703009269
Don't treat me like a idiot! Not right away anyway, give me a chance to prove how much a idiot I am by charging into extreme danger while putting everyone else in danger as well, then you may treat me like a idiot.
TruePurpleMK - 1702996389
"Darkness Assembly" What a terrible name. Why choose a name that has implications of being evil?

Also they should let in lower level people to get stronger and swear allegiance as well, I don't understand why they don't
Yamamoto really didn't have that money though since Yamamoto reinvested it back into the 'game' like some kind of strange gambling addiction. Even if Yamamoto succeeded in killing these people in the other world tonight and got a bunch of money from it. you think that would be the end of it?

If Yamamoto was sincere about just trying to get enough money to decent in life, money from MC both right then and latter from further MC wages would get Yamamoto's attention Unless it was just about endless greed.

Also providing that counter-offer to Yamamoto's split half the proceedings offer would show Yamamoto MC's sincerity and earnest, especially if MC spoke of proof that the other world is real. Yamamoto made a offer to MC, it wouldn't have hurt MC to make a counter-argument to Yamamoto. The worst that could come of that is Yamamoto saying no, which is no worse than not offering.