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1455 points
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Personality of kill everything, use everyone, get more people. I don't see any potential other than a excuse for combat, and this comic does not need more excuses for combat.
TruePurpleMK - 1704127452
What was she being thanked for?
TruePurpleMK - 1704042551
What a idiot, you just saw a metal rod vanish on touching it, don't touch it with your hand!
TruePurpleMK Darkun2? - 1704042052
So concern for people listening to me? Thanks. I am not that keen on mincing words though. Let's take your suggestion

"I wonder why"

I don't wonder why, clearly "why" is sexism. I suppose I could leave that for people to figure out themselves though most people don't. But I suppose if they couldn't figure it out themselves they likely won't listen to someone tell them. But since I'm not trying to convince anyone per-say, so, meh. More work for some theoretical that I don't care much about anyway.

"we dont have weak fmc"

And super rarely have strong FMC, especially stronger than any male in the story. Also (I wonder why?) have FMC who are passive support characters in their own story 95% of the time, including this one.

weak fmc without romance tag

Weak FMC is a given with asian comics and asian stories in general. So that should be-
"Almost every Adult FMC and even many child FMC, without romance front and center in their story like they are not but a sexual prize."

I will give some thought to couching my words to avoid trigger words for certain readers. But only to a degree. Not willing to spend too much effort just to theoretically appease some sensitive right wingers and what not.
TruePurpleMK Darkun2? - 1704004001
All is politics in one way another. And what I talked about in my last post ties into what I was talking about before regarding sexism, even if I didn't mention it by name.

First I want a good MC, someone always striving to do good, even if they sometimes fail. So I hope that gives you some idea what I mean by "greedy". People obsessed about being best in something is a uninteresting kind of greedy.

A greedy that would be interesting to read that you almost never see for either gender MC is someone trying to abolish slavery. Trying to overthrow monarchy for democracy would be interesting as well.

Perhaps "greedy" is the wrong word but assertive, proactive, tries to make things better and isn't shy about speaking up. Not timid, supportive, accepting of a situation unless it gets to a extreme, never standing up for themselves only others. Not being pushed around by a romantic interest. All that aside from the last one describes most asian comics with adult female MC. If it's a child female MC there is typically lots of coddling and "oh isn't that cute/precocious" type moments while setting up the romance with a prince shit for when the FMC grows up,
TruePurpleMK - 1703990336
I wonder how aging and transforming works.

Do these transformed beasts take on human rights or always have them?
TruePurpleMK Darkun2? - 1703989378
IMO In order for us to get the most out of someone weak in a story and their struggle to overcome hurdles you need someone who's a bit greedy to get much out of life.

A passive character that barely tries to get anything and is mostly only supporting others wastes the potential of a weak MC. Yet these are often gender coupled in asian stories. Including this story from what I recall, though it's been awhile. Sure some effort to catch the evil slavers, but before that I recall this FMC kinda having a meh approach to life. That can be a good way to live ones life but hardly thrilling reading.
TruePurpleMK nobe - 1703988279
False child-not a true child or not a true human.
TruePurpleMK Darkun2? - 1703974490

On the other hand powerful independent female MC with no romance like you see all the time with MMC, are near zero.
TruePurpleMK Darkun2? - 1703951748
In principle, yeah. But often true to the sexist base that causes these patterns, female MC often sort of take back seat to their own story, support character for everyone else.
TruePurpleMK TauCeti - 1703895886
Well considering the MC is female, it's not that surprising MC didn't become OP and is dependent on others for protection. that is the norm for FMC. It would be odd to have a OP FMC in a asian comic.

I'm glad there is no romance with a prince and future king line,
TruePurpleMK Borion - 1703788770
Saving victims of a certain evil female dark elf.
TruePurpleMK - 1703704429
Why does it piss MC off that Vermouth caused MC to reincarnate? Did MC not want to come back to life?
TruePurpleMK - 1703694535
Rather than perverted it's super violent. Teachers physically attacking students right away and students doing extreme shit to teachers. It's like some Tom and Jerry style "hijinxs" No story above this extreme violence that I could tell but I wasn't going to keep reading, only checked it out from idle curiosity anyway
TruePurpleMK - 1703693085

Anyone got a clue what this means?
TruePurpleMK Jeff - 1703633748
It was some kind of lie or trap though and Nie Lie called OP a enemy directly.
TruePurpleMK - 1703619406
Seems like Old Powerful is willing to work with MC to help defeat the main villain or whatever since xhe spared MC.and companions, so shouldn't MC actually work together with em to defeat the main evil?
TruePurpleMK - 1703551872
White tiger seems to have forgotten intelligent speech, just repeating everyone dying over and over.