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  • regeneration ability is the most awful skill to have when you're getting tortured
    • A
      Arbozaliyancasein nitrate
      999+ points1 year ago
      It probably comes with pain tolarence
      • Pegit PurpleArbozaliyan
        13 points1 year ago
        It never does
        • A
          ArbozaliyanPegit Purple
          999+ points1 year ago
          Deadpool has it, Wolverine has it. In the comics it is mentioned multible times that thanks to the healing factor Deadpool don't feel pain that is caused by the cancers he has and Wolverine does not feel pain that is caused by his adamantium skeleton. Damn it, why do i know that? My life sucks
          • T
            999+ points1 year ago
            Deadpool has it because he's already numbed to the experimental torture; For Wolverine, just his experience for being a former soldier is more than enough to tell you things, no?
            • A
              ArbozaliyanThatch Netherfold
              999+ points1 year ago
              When i say they have it is mentioned that way. Deadpool ought to be in pain all the tine because his body is fighting against cancer all the time. On the other hand, Wolverine 's body fights against the adamantium to grow bones. Both casee cause extreme pain but thanks to healing factor they don't feel anything
              • T
                999+ points1 year ago
                Hmm. There are ways to debate this, unless we have the source (the truth prescribed).
                • A
                  ArbozaliyanThatch Netherfold
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  I read about Deadpool condition in the first Deadpool solo comic. I don't remember where i read about Wolverine. Might be when he was doing some samurai stuff. Don't remember.
            • KizratArbozaliyanDeadpool has it, Wolverine has it. In the comics it is mentioned multible times that thanks to the h...
              999+ points1 year ago
              Errr, in the movie, Wolverine was burn alive when he try to stop the Jean that evolving to Phoenix. He look so much in pain when his skin peeled off....
            • DragonLordArbozaliyanDeadpool has it, Wolverine has it. In the comics it is mentioned multible times that thanks to the h...
              999+ points3 months ago
              A true dedicated reader
              • Pegit PurpleArbozaliyanDeadpool has it, Wolverine has it. In the comics it is mentioned multible times that thanks to the h...
                13 points1 year ago
                yeah that is fair. i forgot they also come into this category. tho in my defence i was talking about manhwa characters, most times i have seen them being inflicted with pain in these situations
                • A
                  ArbozaliyanPegit Purple
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  Pshycal torture is meaningless for regen types imo. It is just a fleeing sense of discomfort. In the army we were taught that while interrogating it is much effective to inflict mental pain like water boarding. After sometime phycal pain numbs the target. They still scream but they are like is that it?
                  • Pegit PurpleArbozaliyan
                    13 points1 year ago
                    yeah that makes sense. but at the end of the day when does any manhwa make any sense
                    • A
                      ArbozaliyanPegit Purple
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      You are right. Talkşng about guys with regen and then saying what makes sense is silly but in order to immerse into the story those things at least pretend to be making sense
                    • l
                      luvinArbozaliyanPshycal torture is meaningless for regen types imo. It is just a fleeing sense of discomfort. In the...
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      'In the army we were taught that while interrogating it is much effective to inflict mental pain like water boarding.'
                      i want you to continue saying
                      'is that it?'
                      while i cut off your ball,slather BBQ sauce,grill it and shove it down your throat.
              • RoverArbozaliyanIt probably comes with pain tolarence
                999+ points1 year ago
                • HangTuah69ArbozaliyanIt probably comes with pain tolarence
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  Yeah, maybe. But pain resistance is not pain immunity. So he still feel the pain no matter what.
                  • A
                    999+ points1 year ago
                    After a while he would become numb to it
                    • HangTuah69Arbozaliyan
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      If he numb to it, that means he has pain resistance. He only affected by a certain (high) level of pain. Unlike pain immunity, you're fully unaffected to any level of pain.
              • WTF these tortures are so... detailed

                • GakukuDoNotMindMe
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  Imagine if you're eating spaghetti instead of salad.
              • that's azkaban
              • NOOOO THE DUMMY

                • Damn, just one frame up and you'd experience that
                  • nuff said

                      • 999+ points1 year ago
                        Ngl that do be looking like hell
                        • Maybe someone should come along and destroy this evil empire.
                          • Ov3rCl9cKTruePurpleMK
                            999+ points2 months ago
                            where did you see an evil empire?
                            • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cK
                              999+ points2 months ago
                              There does seem to be some kind of empire in the background or do you think this society is a democracy?
                              • Ov3rCl9cKTruePurpleMK
                                999+ points2 months ago
                                it doesn't look evil to me
                                • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cK
                                  999+ points2 months ago
                                  Monarchy is evil, it's a evil system. You can see the prejudice and injustice in the story. That's why the evil group is allegedly fighting, they rope people in saying "we can fix this evil system" while apparently not meaning it, and people fall for it like that one student because they have been hurt by it.
                                  • Ov3rCl9cKTruePurpleMK
                                    999+ points2 months ago
                                    you have a very low bar on what's evil, good for you
                                    • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cK
                                      999+ points2 months ago
                                      A system where one person rules with absolute power stealing resources from the people with nobles under them who also steal resources oppressing lesser nobles and commoners because of course that's what happens, isn't evil to you? I suppose you think slavery isn't necessarily evil either.
                                      • Ov3rCl9cKTruePurpleMK
                                        999+ points2 months ago
                                        you talk stealing from the people with nobles, isn't that the same thing as taxes? That happens in democraties too. I think you exagerate quite a bit. And then you make it seem I support slavery while it has never been a topic here and I didn't read about slavery in this story. anyway good for you for having opinions.
                                        • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cK
                                          999+ points2 months ago
                                          I'm saying systems can be evil. If you acknowledge that slavery is inherently evil, even with "good masters", then you should also acknowledge that monarchy and aristocracy is inherently evil, even with "good" kings and nobles. And judging by the story, not so good anyway. This rebel organization wouldn't be getting so much traction including recruiting regular students, if they didn't have some sizable gripes about how they are being treated. I already mentioned this before.
                                          • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cKyou talk stealing from the people with nobles, isn't that the same thing as taxes? That happens in d...
                                            999+ points2 months ago
                                            Definition of "evil" aside, there is a vast difference between taxes collected in a democracy to provide services and to aid those in need compared to nobles who just considered themselves better people with better blood and would use the money to self enrich and maybe for war of conquest. It is shocking for you to conflate the two drastically different things, you must be right-wing.
                                            • TruePurpleMKOv3rCl9cKyou talk stealing from the people with nobles, isn't that the same thing as taxes? That happens in d...
                                              999+ points2 months ago
                                              Pls give your definition of "evil"
                              • Both guys say please no more. Feel bad for both of them 😕
                                  • those masks are pretty good cuz of their bloody eyes
                                    • Meh... I bet they get broken out or "lost" in transport.
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