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What does that mean? Give it a few more chapters to see how it does this new direction?
TruePurpleMK - 1722779620
Another much bigger enemy, I guess this series has a long ways to go if not axed. I must decide if I want to stick with it for a long time.
TruePurpleMK Bread - 1722753696
No, because it's not a family.
TruePurpleMK aFFi - 1722753665
Well as you said, "ruthless killers" yet were part of "modern society", even if fringe. I think when you got such killers after you and your loved ones, killing them does fit with "modern morals"

TruePurpleMK Cursen - 1722696272
Well that's the authors arbitrary decision regarding attacking every chance.

Anyway at this point MC has endless power and even world wide prestige among the general population having saved the world and cities at other points.

Even with as mindless as the governments and military have been shown in this, it seems MC is plenty safe without needing to set up feudalism under MC.
TruePurpleMK - 1722691659
Don't just assign human leadership, let humans govern themselves.

MC just seems to be a ass now. Very unpleasant to read.

Where is this going? Dragging out so much and in a bad direction.
TruePurpleMK - 1722679112
Literal baldy is certainly doing alot of ordering from the back while not attacking directly.

One of two results likely

Baldie tries to flee well after it's too late.

Baldie waits till most everyone else is dead and then brags that Baldie is much stronger than that weak trash and pulls out their strong pointless move.
TruePurpleMK KiliSloe - 1722677302
Maybe it's the absurd idea that with the darkness power that MC is slowly becoming the new darkness.

Maybe some ending where MC becomes aware of becoming more evil and leaves earth or some fuzzy god world reincarnation thing or something.

Regardless I don't like it, been sticking with this for so long despite it's plot issues.
TruePurpleMK Kazzie - 1722637511
What if it was before the scanlation? The original comic, the artist drew pictures and scanned the drawings.
TruePurpleMK Azuresky - 1722506837
Which has surely happened before.
TruePurpleMK - 1722466256
If this many elven demon worshipers were targeting Estina while being by Estina's side, why did they not act before now?
TruePurpleMK - 1722453677
What a terrible friend to do nothing until you are targeted
TruePurpleMK - 1722413143
Helmet took too long in killing em. Stupid senseless evenge
There is a scene in series Three body problem with "computer calculations" being done by soldiers raising and lowering flags like 1s and 0s. You could call that a "computer".

MIcrochip type computers would need transistors and good amount of material and engineering knowledge to recreate. Still alot of co-dependencies involved and alot of different people providing different things. I think for a microchip type computer, assuming this person could hold all the required knowledge in their head, would still probably need help and would need to train people to get that help. Is this what you mean by "Zuse Z3"? I hadn't even heard of it till I looked it up. So hardly a expert on the topic. This all is just my guesstimate based on what little I do know.
You need conductive metal, if it isn't as conductive as copper that causes problems.

As far as building a computer, depends on what you mean by "computer". But there is alot of technology built on technology built on technology in a modern day computer that no single person could ever hope to recreate on their own. Extremely advanced technology is needed just to etch that microscopic design on the silicon, only select fabricators can make those high end chips, most of those in Twain..

But electricity IS a much much lower bar.
You would need to get some copper and coil it as a wire in a turbine (the exact details of construction I am unsure) and you'd need some way to spin the coils to generate the electricity. Windmill, watermill, steam generated from heat burning various materials.

You also need to be able to control the amount of electricity generated and delivered at a particular point. It becomes a problem if your voltage is too high or low, not drawing enough electricity for what is produced can be a problem just as drawing too much, both for the grid itself and for items connected to it. Simpler electrics like incandescent lightbulbs have a higher tolerance for not getting enough or too much electricity than more complicated machinery though power adapters help with this to some degree.

So simply producing the electricity itself is relatively not too complicated from what I understand, but the other stuff adds additional complications.
TruePurpleMK Kazzie - 1722214734
Could be a scanner error, the picture drawn and then scanned in but there was a problem with the scan that was somehow missed?
Again I don't dispute that, just that PC's argument rested on system having singular intent as a known fact.
PC argument is that MC is actually doing as the "system wants", a unwitting "system pawn".

But the bases of that argument is that "the system" has singular intent. Something you have conceded to us not knowing to be the case. In fact nothing at all, suggests "the system" to have singular intent. That could be the case, just nothing acts as a clue for that to be the case.