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aFFi - 1717184361
You see, what makes characters relatable is having some similitude with their situation with our real world.

This has gone so far beyond that, that I can't relate to anyone. I actually don't really care if something happened to the people in this story now.

Real world in danger by otherworldly beings >> Gone, now it's just a fucked up planet being invaded by fucked up monsters.
Real world family drama with supernatural things happening >> Gone, now it's clear that they will never be a real family, they are just related fighters.
A father regretting his life, having a second chance, and doing everything he can to make it good >> Gone, his actions don't matter anyways, everything happening is out of his control.
Miscommunications that break the family dynamics, that could be corrected by proper communication >> Gone, it's not even his actual daughter doing this shit apparently, his current actions have no impact at all.

It feels almost like the author is actively fighting against his own characters to force the plot he had in mind, no matter what...
aFFi - 1716918153
Soooo, General Liu Bei, founder and Emperor of one of the Three Kingdoms (yes, Those 3 Kingdoms), is now a medic... just how much did the MC change history, at this point....

aFFi - 1716734389
The original publication just released chapter 42 part 1, so the translator is a few chapters behind.
Also, they announced an anime of this mid af story, releasing in October of this year
aFFi - 1716679817
Well, now, I've actually read a lot about Ādam and Ḥawwā because of this, it's pretty interesting.

Hawa, as used, isn't really right.
It's חַוָּה in Hebrew or "Hava" in modern Hebrew. Same in Latin, Persian and Greek.
In Arabic حَوَّاء is romanized Ḥawwā, which is close to what we see here, and that's probably because of the restrictions of using a non-Korean name in Hangul.

Hava later became Eva in Latin, which ended up as Eve...

In almost every case, it's not a name, it means something significant, like in Hebrew, it means "source of life", or "mother of mankind" in Arabic... but became her name in later years, when Latin became dominant...

But in short, now that I know, it's a lot less impressive to use Hawa in the context of the story... as the English name should be Eve.
It's like using William the Conqueror's character in an English story, but using his actual original name, Guillaume le Conquérant... It's kinda pointless and pedantic.
Especially when the name is used by a white man with blond hair...

Oh, and it's not a translation error...
In the original text, the name is written:
If the author wanted to use EVE, he would have used the name:
aFFi alligator - 1716647693
Hawa means "mother of mankind", she doesn't have a name in the Islamic tradition... so it's really perfect in this situation.
Obvious narcissistic pervert man choosing to go with the mankind origins where there's Adam and an unnamed woman...

I really wasn't expecting this in this kind of story.
aFFi - 1716557791
You know, I recently understood that a good story is usually a series of events that goes like "This happened because this happened because this happened" and so on.
And that bad stories are usually "This happened and then this happened and then this happened".

The difference is subtle, but has big consequences.

This one is clearly and firmly in the second category...
aFFi - 1716487268
I was kinda pissed for the flashback, as it's pretty badly used recently in almost everything I read...

But I forgot, flashbacks can be good too, if the pacing is right.
I liked this one.
aFFi - 1716457567
I fucking knew it.
This is getting so boring.
This story is starting to follow the following pattern, and that makes me kinda hate it now:
Make a plan for 3-5 chapters -> immediately fuck the plan up -> boring predictable shit happens -> status quo maintained, situation stays the same

If EVERYTHING that was put together for a plan is ignored, what's the point of showing us what the plan is in excruciating details?!?
And this time, the preparation wasn't even 3-5 chapters, more like 15% of the whole published story...
aFFi - 1716127738
Yep, knew it.
This story is taking the path of the trash.

When authors don't have a clue what to do to prolong the story, they go immediately to useless flashbacks of character we really don't need to know about their past history...

I guess this will go on for at least 2-3 chapters more. I'm skipping that, for sure.
aFFi Holy Kafka - 1715613121
I'll give you one thing, I didn't consider that her future self could still be controlled by the phoenix, that's actually a valid argument, and could very well be what happened....

But about the present, that's not what was written on the pages, that's your bias and interpretation of it.
And like someone you might know said before:
"Not everything goes as you want as you're just a reader, it's up to the author"
(I'm quoting you, btw... sarcasm is kinda hard to transcribe...)
aFFi Holy Kafka - 1715576354
Ahaha, funny how people that have shit for arguments always resort to petty insults.
Let's say you get blackout drunk one day, you wake up in the same bar, all your friends you were supposed to protect are dead around you, you're the sole survivor, covered in blood, but none is yours... and you have drawn weapons in both hands.
Would you agree that you are still at least partially responsible for the massacre?
Would you maybe think that you might have been the culprit, even if you don't remember it?
Now, that was for her past-future that no longer happened...

Let's change the situation to better reflect what happened in the present:
Get out of the bar with your friend to fight a big dude, blackout for whatever reason, wake up tied up with a rope and attached to the back of your friend, he is covered in bruises and injuries and tells you you went berserk and attacked him, and it's apparent that your friend is protecting you nevertheless...
Would you give at least an apology?
Maybe a thank you?
Or would you rather tell him to "leave everything to me, trust me!", knowing full well that you are actually the cause of the injuries?!?

And she knows that she lost control and attacked... she didn't remember, but it's clear she knows now... I know that because I read the pretty bubbles... it seems like you should too.
Here's the part she admits it, maybe try to read it this time:
aFFi Jesse-D - 1715472987
You can't do that...
You can't say there's 3 stories with Heavenly Demons waifu and not tell us the name of said stories...

I'm guessing this Boundless Necromancer is one, and there's SSS-Class Suicide Hunter too... But I can't think of a third...
aFFi - 1715472393
"Just trust me" she says... she just put him in the worst possible situation, almost killing him, and she did so purposefully, but she asks to be trusted...
aFFi - 1715471830
Mmmh, this seems slow.
I'm OK with a bit of a flashback, to explain the backstory of a character we don't know much about, but make it quick, snappy... this seems like it's gonna take a while...
I prefer to see a side character in the present and judge them by their current actions,
I usually don't care WHY they act like douchebags, they shouldn't act like that at all...

This character seems to have some trust issues, and I can already tell more or less why from what was shown here. I really hope next chapter isn't a full flashback again...
aFFi si1foo - 1715445828
I concur with you, I don't like that much.
But at least, that's not what is happening here.... yet.

By the way, it's not really "in modern mediums"... that's a really old issue... Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Yuyu Hakusho, HxH... that issue was already there when I started reading manga 30 years ago.
aFFi ZECTCustomUnit - 1715445267
That great, and up until "she's a one man army", that was a perfect answer...
But please use the spoiler tag for the rest, please?
aFFi - 1715429640
OK, that was actually not too bad.
Japanese MCs refusing to use force under any circumstances is really boring, but he didn't go this route 100%.

He clearly showed real power as deterrent, and reading that last sentence, the MC might actually nuke the opposition if they decide to become enemies...
I think I'm OK with that.
aFFi - 1715363175
This was interesting, but damn she's a bitch.
First, she accuses the MC, then doesn't want to assume responsibility for almost killing him, putting them both in this predicament and she also has the nerve to then go "leave everything to me"...

But worst of all, the fact that in the other timeline, the MC didn't know who killed the whole guild means she didn't come clean about it... She's the reason, but wouldn't take responsibility for it at all...
aFFi Ten no Mimizu - 1715362431


Now, the first few chapters where published FIRST on Kakao (KR) then on Piccoma (JP) 4 days later.
BUT, the last chapter was published on Kakao May 4th, 2024 but @SumishiroYukina posted the Link for Piccoma on X (twitter) the 1st of May.... so 3 days prior...
Also, Piccoma is completely unavailable outside of Japan (I used my VPN to access it), so it feels like they only have the license for JP publishing, and Kakao has the rest of the world.

In conclusion: I have no fucking clue.
Artist and sometimes Author are Japanese, it's published in Japanese first now, Asura uses the Japanese publication... so Manga?
Original author of the novel and often author of the manwha/manga is korean, international publishing rights are owned by Kakao... so Manwha?

If I had to pick one, I would choose Manwha because:
- Publication rights for everywhere except Japan are owned by Kakao (KR)
- Original author is Korean and he still works on the manwha
- It's fully colored
- Webtoon format (long pages)
- Story organized in Seasons, and not Volumes
- Can buy chapters by chapters

There you go, hope that satisfies you curiosity...
aFFi Ten no Mimizu - 1715362404


Dude, you've just thrown me into a deep rabbit hole to search for this answer... So:

- This is published on Kakao (Korean Webtoons), but also Piccoma (Japanese Webtoons)
- The original story was penned by Kim Hyeong-jun (Korean)
- Dialogue and rewrite are by YU
- Art is by Cobalt

Original story and publisher are for sure Korean.
It's published in Korean first, but also in Japanese on Piccoma, but like 3 day later.

Sooo... Korean ---> Manhwa...

YU is actually Utsumi Yuusuke (打見佑祐), a Japanese author...
And Cobalt is Sumishiro Yukina, also Japanese, but woman.

On Kakao, Author is 김형준 (Kim Hyeong-jun written in Korean) and artist is Cobalt.
But on Piccoma, Author is Kim Hyeongjun (written in English) and artist is 澄白悠貴奈 (Sumishiro Yukina in Japanese)

Anyway, I'm pretty certain Asura uses the Japanese publication. Maybe for translators availability.

Here's chapter 1 logo original, in Korean, from Kakao:
And this is the one from chapter 1 by Piccoma

Continuing in part 2