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aFFi - 1715338103
Yeah whatever...
I don't understand why Manwhas make a point of establishing a plan when everything always goes to shit on the first second the plan is put into action.

Just show us the thing, and stop wasting our time with pointless chapters like these last few.
aFFi - 1715293942
That demon kinda looks like a certain SSS Berserker...
aFFi - 1715290071
I tried, I really tried...
But this is pure shit now.
I don't care about any characters anymore, all the per-established rules are useless now and I don't see how this could get interesting anymore.

I know nobody gives a crap, but I needed to vent a bit before dropping this...
aFFi Bloop - 1715154840
No no no.
He's trying to be inconspicuous and discreet.
5.5 million times 3, he'll offer at least 16.5 million!

Because he is dumb as hell, apparently.
aFFi - 1715154197
Well, It's not a lie.
I thought blondie was trying to manipulate the brother, but he actually told the truth... MC not being afraid of his brother's power without any skills is proof of that.
aFFi Leon - 1714926926
Oh, I'm not arguing that the end result and goal aren't good.
He still lied, manipulated and blindsided good people to achieve it.

Doing nothing would have been worst, and the MC knows it, but his actions still aren't "good", the results are.
aFFi - 1714906116
Talking about necessary evil...
Isn't what the MC is doing not just that too?

I mean, he manipulated a good man, with a good moral compass and ideals, to rebel against his family by lying, manipulating events stealthily and using future knowledge to force the Patriarch to make blunder after blunder.

The end goal isn't the same, as the Warrior doesn't have anything to gain personally from this, he really does it all for the good of humanity, but he still did bad things to get a good outcome.
aFFi - 1714905164
Why tho?!?
Just shut up and don't interfere.
He clearly provoked the King to duel him, and show him that he is the strongest regardless of his level.

What would be the point of her fighting...
aFFi - 1714831949
This story is getting dumber and dumber.
MC's is destroying entire city districts while trying to be "low key"...
He also buys an item in a black auction house for 3 times its last bid, because reasons...
The Oni is supposed to be 100% loyal to him, but keeps doing dumb shit, even when he specifically asks her not to, and that he would "do something about it".
The demi-god fox monster just got pushed aside by a goblin, like she's nothing.
Penalties seem pretty useless, as a floor 451 BLIND climber who was mid in every way seems to be doing fine on floor 50 against the overwhelming strongest dude possible there...

Everybody is dumb, established rules are constantly ignored, the OP MC is actually not OP at all, new rules are created in the same chapter they are relevant, the story is going nowhere and there's already filler chapters like this one in the first season of the story.

Is this based on a prior work, like a novel, or is the author just randomly taking the story the way the wind blows?!?

aFFi - 1714547097
Wait, soooooo, we can actually have amazing fight in murim stories that don't look light purple, red or blue flashes everywhere ?!?

This is amazing 😍
aFFi - 1714235152
This manga as extremely slow releases... soooo, maybe don't fuck up the pacing with useless manufactured drama like these last few chapters.
I feel like having a dying brother for the MC, and a God Gifted one for the religious brother would be enough drama already...

MC hiding his powers, status, abilities and fame from his brother.
Brother hiding his condition from the MC...

Especially when MC confirmed that there wouldn't be much of a negative impact revealing it, and the brother trying to motivate the MC to "fight alone"... it seems... counterproductive.
aFFi - 1714115205
This is getting messier and messier...
The author seems to forget his own story, ignore his own rules and ignore any connections to reality too.
Crazy dude dressed like a fanatic shows an heroic action by a kid, tells them she's the monster boss, nobody doubts it...
MC completes a quest made by the system to save Erzebet, but somehow fails the quest because... reasons?

And now, you retcon your first fucking chapter... in it, we clearly see the MC protecting his daughter, and dying in the process, and she heard him say he came to protect her, making her mad and sad and all... meaning, who the fuck is that Witch that "crossed dimensions"?!?!? she should be mad at the sword saint, not her father... or herself...

What a fucking mess of a story...
aFFi - 1713976199
Well, that was utterly pointless.
We got a mass release that ended the side quest with almost no consequences for the main plot.
This killed the pacing for me, I'm kinda losing interest, I hope they pick up the pace in the next few chapters.
aFFi - 1713968846
aFFi - 1713968535
I keep skipping chapter until I find the MC in at least 2 panels, so I have no idea what is happening, and I'm really not interested.

I might ask a kind soul to summarize what happened once we are past this BS, but for now, I'll leave my mouse scroll wheel in free roll mode and skip everything.
aFFi - 1713957755
Did they really use the fireworks trope/cliché... with a gate explosion?!?
Haha, that's new. kinda.
aFFi - 1713715269
Ahaha... what?!?

You mean, the 13th divinity is actually... himself?
Well, I wasn't expecting this. I'm curious how the story will explain how people can use his "divinity", while the guy himself is clearly not a God... yet at least.
aFFi - 1713374515
Soooo, is SIlence still trying to hide the fact that she's a woman?!?
Because if she is, she might need to change her new form-fitting psychosuit. Maybe take one that DOESN'T actually look like an hourglass.
aFFi - 1713225699
Oh, look at that, they resolved everything by actually talking, telling the truth and not obfuscating important information by convoluted means.
What a miracle.

Still, that was a sweet chapter.
aFFi - 1712872365
All that circle talk... I feel like half this chapter was utterly pointless.
Why would he join a circle that wouldn't be able to take in his allies... when he could create his own and dominate everybody else?!?