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Dont Exist
1373 points
49 Comment(s)
127 Upvote(s)
I mean, I've seen really puffy, and I've seen racks that big, but not both together. I'd still say it's pretty close even if they don't cross like that so I'll have to disagree about it being "nowhere near reality".
I assume you're just joking when you say that considering the mountains of reference it definitely took this artist to reach this level of drawing erotica.

If you search up puffy nipples you'll see real life examples which are pretty similar. The nipple size seems realistic to me if large.

I don't really mind it! Only bimbo-style art, and heavy piercings really bother me personally.
Dont Exist Gakuku - 1740070656
lol, I love that bit about the sun. The opposite extreme of staring into the abyss, and far more literal!
Dont Exist - 1738871863
Lowkey kind of relatable from how I'm understanding it. Towards the end of highschool for me I lost the will to talk to other students because everyone else seemed so likeable and absorbed in their own lives leaving me anxious. I suppose the only reason I was alright with that was because I could have low stress human interaction on the internet, which I suspect isn't really something for Constellation Killer considering the time period. Is it that CK here blamed others for not fitting in? Is that why he got an ability that empowers him through forgetfulness because he simply didn't want to remember all that time he spent alone while others thrived in one anothers' company?
I'll re-elaborate. If you scroll to the bottom of a chapter you can see the latest comments across the entire website, including far later chapters of things you haven't even started. If you were like me, you may have read those once in awhile, and eventually read a recap to something you were planning to read.
So while it doesn't matter whether I used a spoiler with a reason or not, I did have a reason to using it because of personal experience at being spoiled by something I read off of the latest comments.
Yes, but if you ever looked at the latest comments on the bottom of every chapter you'd notice recaps for things you may not have read yet, so it's a spoiler in a sense when it's there.
Dont Exist Mavy - 1738288499
Rofl, imagine him pushing medical technology forward by leaps and bounds in the world just to survive. Wouldn't put it past him, he's too determined not to.
Dont Exist ok - 1738287802
Recap from the earliest chapters (from what I remember): Flame Emperor, the guy our MC was a huge fan of only to find out he's some kind of psycho murderer. He died to him and got lucky with getting Flame Emperor's regression on death ability (it was like, a 1 in 3 chance lol) allowing him to repeatedly suicide until he regressed to before Flame Emperor got his ability allowing him to kill him before he could become a problem.
Dont Exist KvS333 - 1738023764
I'd cut him a little bit of slack considering he was seemingly just born that way. An inhuman monster incapable of empathy isn't evil, it's that way because it doesn't have a choice.
So an unrighteous inhumane monster would be the way I describe this MC. It's fun to watch a monster in human form within fiction isn't it? Monsters don't think about others, and just eat, which is pretty much what he does here, just with the analytical mind of a human being.
Dont Exist TheImage - 1737452742
It would've been more believable if nobody fell to the ground, and they called it a retreat of some kind. Really, one or two should've died at least.
I agree with your decision, but I've been enjoying this more recently.
Might just be because I came out of Nano Machine and then Absolute Sword Sense, both of which share the same universe therefore improving it. All three are amazing in how the origin is different for each character, nothing feels repetitive.. Minor spoilers (revealed quickly): Nanomachines from the future (Nano Machine), regression with sword sense (Absolute Sword Sense), and simply having a super special martial constitution that makes mc devoid of empathy (Myst, Might, Mayhem). Super fun to read!
Dont Exist Trecta - 1736096989
He picked up a mask at some point in one of the recent previous chapters that had something to do with a transformation into something werewolf-like that's proportional to the amount you kill of your own race. It was from the masks on the undeads he slayed previously merging into one.
Dont Exist Trecta - 1736095866
Because after turning into a dog he only had enough time/dexterity to carry his pants in with him before he transformed back.
Dont Exist si1foo - 1735445482
I'm glad someone sees it the same way as me. I dropped it at chap 30, right when a duel was being set up all because MC could only half commit to siding with the princess. Seriously, the moment she started bragging about him was the moment he could've "summoned" an advanced monster, completely crushing that contrived arc before it could've even started.

Another thing for me was the immense disappointment I felt upon seeing the prince's introduction. One of his very first panels was him saying something about using soldiers as pawns to die, as if the war with a corrupting force hellbent on destroying the kingdom was just a joke to him! He said that in public. Not only is that 1-dimensional, but in any well written story that would completely destroy his reputation, and make those in power seriously reconsider allowing him to compete for the throne! Destroyed any chance of an interesting and believable character who has different ideas on where the kingdom should be going.

Honestly I'd rate it a 3/10. There are SO many novels that are far more deserving of a manga than this....
Dont Exist - 1735444478
My complaints on the story (I don't suggest reading further if you're enjoying it):If MC was smart he would've shut down the prince by "summoning" an advanced rank monster as soon as the princess started boasting about him. Really, it's the fastest way to prove anything, and avoids an entire contrived arc courtesy of 1-dimensional-prince-guy. It wouldn't have mattered when he does it either, even if it's when the prince is talking (even if it's considered rude to a royal, the princess is backing him, and he's too valuable to the kingdom for the prince to harshly punish anyways). Since the princess is just deciding to tell everyone how great MC is anyways, he might as well!
Alas MC can't be smart, or even representative of his mental age, or else this manga would be much shorter..

Dropping this. Think I'm simply spoiled by better narratives.
Dont Exist Dice_24K - 1733737573
Maybe she's slowly losing her attachment to having been human. A sword doesn't wear clothes (besides a scabbard I suppose), and clothes aren't a part of a person. One of the first things to go in her psyche I'll guess.
Dont Exist Shindy - 1733309567
Might be another month, getting close to the 10 month mark that one guy mentioned as the "precedent break". nvm seems like we got next chapters now :P