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Mighty Keyboard Warrior
1388 points
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2656 Upvote(s)
If they pull familial hardship/conflict themes
If there is sadness. TBATE is a good story only if you want to suffer a little too.
When you are powerful enough you don't need to have a justification for anything haha
Is English your first language? Because it's hard to take you seriously with the way you form your sentences. I feel like you are just putting your drivel through a translator app just to argue with me. Either that or you are drunk or mentally impaired in some way.
NJOOSHY I have to say, you are a pretty insufferable dude. You give off a terrible attitude when discussing things on here when things could have been kept civil. If you don't like people replying to you then maybe don't post comments on a public forum where people discuss the story. There is no need to act like you are better than anyone especially when it is very obvious you lack in many areas.
That isn't the spoil I want, I want to know how the parents are going to react.
You are not as smart as you think you are. If you think that you understand in totality how his domain functions then why not explain it to everyone here? All you have been yapping about is how "it requires knowledge to decipher", "you have to interpret it", "use your head", and "Sukuna already explained it" (These quotes come from 4 separate comments) but you explain nothing. Instead of explaining, you have been acting like an asshat pretending like you are some genius acting like this story is some incredibly complicated work that only you can understand. Why are you pretending so much while acting like a dick?
Let's be real, she would make it weird in either situation lol
Leo should have been transported to this world, she would definitely live in the orc village
I can't imagine what they must be feeling because on one side they have been directly benefiting from his achievements but on the other side someone appears to be possessing their son that they loved even with his gigantic flaws. They posted a very competent knight to guard their shitty son so it shows they loved him even though he was a dirt bag.
She has the responsibilities of a grown woman, she should upgrade her ride to an SUV. A bigger car is more intimidating, holds more cargo, and is more tanky lol
Fuck it's their child so of course it matters to them, but from an outside perspective the current Lloyd is leagues better than their son. Morally speaking they have a right to know, logically speaking it would be better if they lived in ignorant bliss. Does Javier have a right to disclose the most important secret of the current Lloyd? He was originally tasked with the duty of protecting and monitoring the original Lloyd so does that obligation come before the obligation he has to the one he has with Kim Suho? Ahhh my conflicted feelings!! There is no right answer to this situation!!!!
This chapter was magnificent! I think I'll start watching the anime from the beginning again because of my good mood
Read your responses and compare them to mine and you'll see that your responses actually fit the definition of "yapping". All you have been trying to do is be dismissive of someone else's hope for the story. It's not talking shit about Gege, so I don't get why you are getting your panties in a wad. Your arguments so far have felt like someones reply at a schoolyard playground, I wonder if you even have enough education behind your belt for any of my responses to make any sense to you. Lil NJOOSHY go touch some grass and stop getting triggered by something I wasn't even making an argument to you about.

Your other responses make it seem like you think you are smarter than everybody else when you say "you need to use your head" , "makes you look retarded", "it requires knowledge to decipher", ect. What's funny is that your responses are filled with misspellings and don't even form cohesive sentences but I decided not to bring that up before because I wasn't looking to have an argument. I was simply giving a point of view for you to understand why someone would like to know how his domain works. Your pea sized brain took my responses as an attack on yourself so you gave me a schoolyard insult.

If you are so galaxy-brained then respond to User-6711452693 with some cohesive sentences explaining the inner workings of his domain. All you keep on replying with is "use your head", "Sukuna already explained it", "you have to interpret it", etc. If you are so smart why don't you display it for the world to see and show off how you interpreted his domain? Your responses are going to be "yapping" I'm 100% sure of it because you don't have anything of value to say, it will be the same dismissive attitude that adds no value.
I just noticed that he used the finger as lipstick, I thought he was smoking the finger for some reason.
I just went back 15 chapters and confirmed this is definitely Lorsss's thing lmao. I chalk it up to that user having a blast haha