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It certainly feels like Studio Executives Making Decisions (tm).
"We need a new movie, who can we bring back so we don't have to pay a writer? Cell! But people have seen Cell, what can we do to make him intimidating? Make him bigger! Now he's totally a unique villain!"
"Toriyama wants this to be a Piccolo movie but we can't have that, it needs Saiyans, let's bring back Gohan and give him a new transformation, people love new transformations!"
"Okay, but what will it look like?" "It has to resemble what he looked like against Cell, we need the nostalgia bucks. But... different somehow? Make the hair bigger! Now it's totally a unique transformation!"
OneWingedRose - 1700246801
Came back here to see if I was remembering things wrong or if the Netflix adaptation changed things in a really bizarre way and... yup, it was the adaptation, thought so!
Bummer, I wonder why they didn't want to adapt the original story and instead did something new, I liked the original story :/
I think it might be the reverse, he says it won't end until his love of comedy is satisfied, so giving him the best show he's ever had where he's applauded and loved and cheered for and gets nothing but laughs (maybe even out of Kenjaku himself too) might be a way to end this and let Kenjaku go in for the kill.

Poor comedy guy, this fight has made me love him lol.
I think you're high on copium, but LET ME HAVE SOME OF THAT!
Lol, I think he's probably perma-dead in the story now, but you're not wrong that there are a few ways within reason that he could be written back in if the author wanted to.
OneWingedRose - 1700227742
This is one of the best battles I've read lmao.
Not big into comedy acts but this is hilarious!
Imagine if Baal starts accidentally building up a harem as well.
The perfect narrative foil to Iruma! :D
OneWingedRose Neurofez - 1699663516
I'd take an additional 3x the length of this arc's chapters so far if they were all really well drawn chapters of Bakugo kicking ass!
OneWingedRose - 1699616740
While I get the war arc has been a draaaaaaaaaaaag in a lot of places.
Was this not a FIRE chapter?
Maybe I'm just too much of an Explosion Murder God fan, but this chapter was cool af!
More of these please!
That was my thought/hope too!
They say you feel laughter in your bones, maybe comedy is the way to get that old body to remember more!
OneWingedRose - 1698886547
Imagining this manga turning into a proper battle manga for an arc or something gets my blood pumping lol.
I want to see Iruma taking on folk like Mephisto!
(though I of course love it as is too, this manga is great!)
Not ALMOST certain death, but ACTUAL certain death!
He was dead dead! :(

Glad he got better.
OneWingedRose Henrul - 1698358160
They don't seem to be doing so hot these days tho...
OneWingedRose Leon - 1698351403
Ooh, that WOULD be a fun way to end the fight.
Give the side-cast some fighting with Sukuna time (remember when Itadori was the main character? Lmao).
Then have Sukuna about to win when Gojo revives cuz they bought time and it's enough to end the fight but obviously not in a win because Sukuna would just get away.
Sadly I think Gojo is perma-dead now, but this would be much better if it happened! Give us Gojo back! :(
OneWingedRose - 1697732977
The new main character is here!
I'm sure we didn't want to look at the fake main character Itadori fighting the big boss Sukuna did we?
No no no, we all wanted to go listen to Kenjaku talk to himself and then fight the silly monk guy!
... lol, still a fun manga but I wanna see the fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
OneWingedRose - 1697732485
Fingers still crossed Bakugo gets One For All again (and they make it Two For All).
I was thinking the same lmao.
Bakugo's a pro at managing his forces though, so I imagine he at least did some things to buffer the impact for All Might to keep him from dying, but would be cool if All Might now couldn't walk anymore after this battle lol (at least not without tech assistance).
Welcome to Shonen Manga War Arcs.
They are... rarely enjoyable to read week to week lol, make for some ballin' animation when they get anime adaptations tho!
They were put under the supervision of one of the new 13 Crowns.
Not sure if that Crown did a good job or not yet... would like to be able to change profile pics at least!
OneWingedRose - 1697654605
Did they really get rid of the Disqus comment system? D:
Feelsbad, this was the only website I used Disqus on lol, and I was attached to that profile of mine :L