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I like that Creati actually has a decent costume now instead of the stripper outfit lmao.
I always thought those were just Yuji's bros being sweet on the idea of what could've been. Would be interesting if it turns out to be something to do with his domain!
OneWingedRose - 1721283993
Aw, that chapter brought a tear to the eye, good on you Clara!
Keep going with the ba boom and va vroom and the metaphorical pew, pew, pew!
OneWingedRose IMD25 - 1720772619
That is the best use of that image I've seen lmao
Oh I'm dying
Almost as much as Sukuna might be from this attack
The art in 262.5 was fire in places, hopefully they return with some more kickass art for next chapter!
Yo I'd be into that tho!
Tho boxing is like the one source of fitness I get irl lmao so I might be biased.
OneWingedRose Tomoya - 1720701320
Going from memory, I think the current situation is this (or something similar):
It's believed by most of our heroes that Lynn herself was created by Kriemhild's wish on a reality-altering magic ring.
There's a lot of mystery about the ring's intentions/ways, so most of our heroes are now curious to see what will happen if the ring's wish comes true.
They all believe the wish was for Kriemhild to be as strong as Brunhild and fight alongside Siegfried and go on adventures with him.
And thus they think getting Lynn to that level of strength will help fulfill the ring's magic wish.
I am unsure if anyone's told Lynn this, I think from her perspective she's just training because she wants to be with Brunhild.
Oh, and they're currently doing this training in an alternate reality where they can train for hundreds of years in one night.
After her fight with Orochi, Brunhild is no longer cursed when she looks upon beautiful men.
So she's now chosen of her own will to go have some smexy times with Gunther (her arranged husband).
Beowulf was feeling satisfied with his King battle with Atilla and thus finding it hard to get excited about the upcoming final fight of the tournament.
Realising his victory as a warrior was still his defeat as a King, he looks to fight under Atilla's leadership to get excited again.
To convince Atilla to go along with this, Beowulf has promised Atilla the right to propose to and possibly wed Kriemhild.
Some guy just stole the magic ring from Kriemhild (but I didn't recognise him).

Hope that helps!
OneWingedRose uCoex - 1720210908
My guess is because the chapter released before this one was unfinished?
So this is meant to be that same chapter but just released later due to the author taking a WELL DESERVED break.
OneWingedRose - 1720167578
Assuming it is the win that is... which it probably isn't, but no complaints cuz this fight is fire! We're back baby!
OneWingedRose Brik - 1720035821
I actually kinda wish it DOES get one man!
I'm normally pretty prudish/put off by nudity/sex stuff in manga and stories, especially when it's unequal and exploitative.

But not only is this manga pretty equal in its nudity and sex stuff, but it's never felt exploitative to me either.
And it's just kind of straight up hilarious!

I'm sure someone's masturbated to this but for me it's never really been titilating, instead it's been a manga that I guess celebrates(?) kink stuff in a funny way while telling a fun fantasy battle manga story.
And I lowkey think that's kind of a really healthy and positive thing.

tl;dr - Give it an anime you cowards! This manga slaps!
I'm of a similar mind to you on most of these points, but do just want to chime in with: I find the killing-off-the-mentor an EXTREMELY tired trope at this point lol.
Personally I'm more of a fan when stories avoid doing it, so I actually like that All Might didn't die.
And in one of those series you mentioned in comparison (being vague to avoid spoilers for others) I'm not a fan that they walked right into it! (Though it was a ballin' fight lol)
OneWingedRose Eknek - 1719303322
The hypersonic lion tamer!
OneWingedRose - 1717693043
Ahhh, I don't think I can remember a time when I was honestly THIS into a battle manga's fight.
But I respect the breaks authors need, just super looking forward to reading more!
OneWingedRose - 1717057305
Lmao, it's been so long I forgot how much I love Iruma's shocked face XD
I wonder what's going to happen next, it's gotta be extra steps right? No way they just flat out deny our boi Iruma like dis!
OneWingedRose - 1716561584
Ngl I was a little confused at seeing Yuta randomly cleaved in half on the table like that. When did that happen? I thought to myself.
Went back and it's in Chapter 252.
Was a pretty rough chapter visually, no hate, weekly manga is like that from time to time, but it made it really easy to miss!
Sad tho, I hope the anime version gives his og body a good last stand! I like his og body D:
Harem King Iruma Isagi.
Ngl, that's how I feel most of the time when this manga talks about its magic system, I'm so lost on the rules of it lol but I still have fun!
I can follow Todo's stuff though, he just swaps people, and now with his instrument he can swap 'em roughly 50 times in a single second!
OneWingedRose Genos - 1715971623
I'm honestly surprised by how big it blew up, it's kind of like Snape kills Dumbledoor all over again.
You can't escape it if you're within certain social or online circles lol, you just gotta hope you read it first!
OneWingedRose PixelOni - 1715953109
Yeah I get those thoughts on the arc as a whole, I've not been immune to the fatigue of this one either, and AFO coming back was even more stupid than that ninja guy becoming Bakugo's heart out of nowhere lol, Shigaraki deserved to be the main villain after AFO was gone. I just felt like the chapter before this one was pretty good individually and this one wasn't bad either.