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I get it, tldr is he thinks he doesn't need anyone and is fine alone but by cutting off connection he had he gets shocked and realize he doesnt want to be alone, and thats fine but message could have been missed so easily,
cutting off bad relationships is a good life skill to have and relationships with two completely different mindsets can work but it's really hard and needs two really mature people which in today's day and age its hard two find, especially cause one side forces their mindset on the other party instead of trying to understand them and be on an even playing field,
also not wanting to hurt the other person is really really bad for both and goes downhill easily hurting the other person more in the process, character development is nice but it couldve been worded and done better
Dang I hate when series do this where if enough people put pressure on you that you'll change both dramatically and dynamically. Most people do small or subtle changes at best towards what many would consider a positive attitude but can change dramatically or dynamically due to sudden trauma. I know when I was in jr high I had a similar confrontation with the "in crowd" and shocked them telling them I didn't really care about them, what they thought, and will most likely not even know or contact them after high school what's worse for them they'll be the same way with each other (this is before mobile phones so I expect this would be slightly different now). The looks on their faces was sheer shock and something they didn't expect nor think about it. Some of us are loners by choice, whether we like it or not, but some of it is because we know we're different and unwilling to lie, change, or compromise what we are... the mc to a certain point is like this except it seems to me he erodes when enough pressure is put on him.
Wolves almost always travel in packs. A lone wolf is a wolf with a tragic backstory. Like his entire pack was wiped out. Or he is very old or sick and is about to die.
Alright we get it that you're a "Lone Wolf". Now stop saying this shit because it's getting old and cringe due to the fact that MC said it at least 10 times a chapter. Well, at least mc finally got some development.
It's always plots and MC's like this that have a mindset issue. Of course, he's just worried about "bothering other people" or "dragging others down" (I personally find her personality abrasive and kinda mean) but he's absolutely okay with all that. He just "doesn't wanna be a bother" which is possibly the lamest friction you can have. Hachiman and Araragi are self proclaimed loners but they've got at least something else to that idea. I think Hachiman is the true "philanthropist" here using his self-proclaimed loner status to play the villain and help people.
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SirTerrorizerA few times, mostly when it come to his sister and the knight lady
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