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  • Nonsense quiz is like "Who created God ?". A lot of people think that God is created but religious scriptures says otherwise. The simple answer is that God is un-created, most people want to deny this answer cuz it's far too simple an answer and yet some thinks it's complex is what they want to believe. No formula can explain it, it's just an already answered question. Basically a known fact

    It's like how to breath air, u just do it. There's already an answer
    • Dito DestoniProvider-34
      999+ points8 months ago
      The simple answer is: there is no god.
      Life develops to more complexity not the other way around. God is a tool for people to bundle their inferiority complex. When you hear a voice, that means you are going insane. Simple!
      • Provider-34Dito Destoni
        999+ points8 months ago
        This statement itself to me personally is insane. And no, it's the other way around. Evolution is the tool, every existence was designed to adapt in their own environment. Chaos doesn't bring about existence. Creations need to be designed, it needs to be stable to exist. Or else, u couldn't even come to a conclusion with ur brain wouldn't u. Just like how everyone breaths they don't need to know the process, only on the subconscious level is enough to make people breath

        If u say ur iphone in ur hand just came to be by itself, no chinese workers working their hands to assemble them needed to make an iphone. Then I'd call u retarded. Evolution is just a tool
        • Dito DestoniProvider-34
          999+ points8 months ago
          Nah. Life is what survives chaos. Not all live survives chaos and it is sometimes surprising what does. Nothing of that is intentional: giraffes, platypus, people with sickle cell anemia, flesh eating bacteria. You have to be crazy, insane, evil or in case of the giraffe be pretty gay. Do you see this long neck, those long eye lashes, the way it walks like drag queen on high heels and the long blue tongue? Yeah only a gay person could come up with this.
      • casein nitrateProvider-34Nonsense quiz is like "Who created God ?". A lot of people think that God is created but religious s...
        999+ points8 months ago
        iirc, korean has its own way to describe 'nonsense quiz' if you ever watch their variety shows, for example 'what's the number that can make everyone stand up?' the answer is five since the word 'five' can also mean 'stand' in hangul, cmiiw
        • Croaker512Provider-34Nonsense quiz is like "Who created God ?". A lot of people think that God is created but religious s...
          999+ points5 months ago
          Lmao. That's one of the least intelligent things I've read/heard in a while. Saying that the answer to a question is a known fact with no evidence other than "it's simple" is shameful. I'm disappointed in u my dude.
          • Provider-34Croaker512
            999+ points5 months ago
            I guess someone's mind just exploded trying to comprehend that fact hmm?
            • Croaker512Provider-34
              999+ points5 months ago
              Lmao. U clearly don't understand the words you're typing.
              • Provider-34Croaker512
                999+ points5 months ago
                Dang i realized too late. Ur name. That's the only thing that u can do lol
                • Croaker512Provider-34
                  999+ points5 months ago
                  Lmao if all u have is personal attacks I hope u know it makes it look like u don't know what ur talking about. "It's a fact" "u have no evidence" "oh yeah well ur a meany poopoo head." That's how u sound when u resort to ad hominems in a debate.
                  • Provider-34Croaker512
                    999+ points5 months ago
                    U can't do anything other than croak. Keep doing just that. I can i managed to tick u off. Since i managed to make u reply. Croak more
                    • Croaker512Provider-34
                      999+ points5 months ago
                      Nah if anything ur immaturity is entertaining.
                      • Provider-34Croaker512
                        999+ points5 months ago
                        What's the matter? Was that ur last croak? Did a fly got stuck down ur throat? Where did the little croak go?
                        • Croaker512Provider-34
                          999+ points5 months ago
                          Lmao. Make up ur mind. U want me to keep going or not?
                          • Provider-34Croaker512
                            999+ points5 months ago
                            Just croak whatever. Who cares really. The fact ur wasting ur time here says a lot about ur character. Petty and bland. Im pretty much done so have fun solo croaking in this web
                      • Provider-34Croaker512Nah if anything ur immaturity is entertaining.
                        999+ points5 months ago
                        Keep croaking. Maybe it'll lead u somewhere in life lol
                • Provider-34Croaker512Lmao. U clearly don't understand the words you're typing.
                  999+ points5 months ago
                  Dude really replied so freaking fast. Bro has too much time to waste, lemme guess? Another reply from mr.clown king after this reply
                  • Croaker512Provider-34
                    999+ points5 months ago
                    Ur one to talk. Ur spending ur time evangelizing in the comment section of a manhwa. I'm just enjoying my weekend.
          • Bob (Rex Bones)Provider-34Nonsense quiz is like "Who created God ?". A lot of people think that God is created but religious s...
            999+ points8 months ago
            Och, but we do know how to breathe air that isn't just "u do it?" I'd say bad example but there's no good example when the premise itself is broken.
            • Provider-34Bob (Rex Bones)
              999+ points8 months ago
              .....??? U said it the first time that we know how to breath. Basically u just do it since "u know" how to do it. By "design" we "just do it". Design is an opinion, therefore there is a creator. Simple😚👍
              • Bob (Rex Bones)Provider-34
                999+ points8 months ago
                We know how, and it's not just "u do it." Bad example, and not even the right premise.
                • Provider-34Bob (Rex Bones)
                  999+ points8 months ago
                  ???? Not really a bad example to me. Bro really expects me to agree to him when he doesn't even explain. I reject ur rejection cuz ur rejection is invalid👍

                  How did a bot enter this site anyways
                  • Bob (Rex Bones)Provider-34
                    999+ points8 months ago
                    Your argument is literally "a nonsense quiz is this thing I'm saying that isn't at all what a nonsense quiz is, and as another example here's a point that only makes sense because it's asserted as a point ('you breathe because you can breathe')."
                    Not only is that not what a nonsense quiz is, we know how to breathe because our diaphragm contracts and relaxes so our lungs can expand/shrink to intake/exhaust air.
                    I have also probably been on this site longer than you, but I'm not gonna resort to ad hominem 😊🤗
                    • GalomirBob (Rex Bones)
                      999+ points8 months ago
                      i dont see the issu
                      the breathe argument make sense
                      we know it by design, but to know how it WORK we add to learn it, we add to understand, even if every one can give you an answer, there will be different one every where

                      it maybe dont make sense (what i'm saying) but it how i get it
                      (+ english can be hard sometime for me, so i mayeb not get every thing you 2 said, (i'm french and dont get every single english word))
                      • 999+ points8 months ago
                        Ce n'est toujours pas ce qu'est un "questionnaire absurde", et vous ne faites qu'écrire des mots vides de sens pour vous faire passer pour plus intelligent. Ce n'est pas "we know it by design, but to know how it WORK we add to learn it, we add to understand", c'est littéralement tout ce que nous apprenons. .Just take the L and move on.
                    • Provider-34Bob (Rex Bones)Your argument is literally "a nonsense quiz is this thing I'm saying that isn't at all what a nonsen...
                      999+ points8 months ago
                      That is indeed how we breath thanks for explaining it genius👍
            • NotReinyaProvider-34Nonsense quiz is like "Who created God ?". A lot of people think that God is created but religious s...
              999+ points9 months ago
              Nah that's ez, human created god.
              As someone who believes in German Sciences, this is my answers.
              • Provider-34NotReinya
                999+ points9 months ago
                Is that a jojo reference? Im not trying to be funny here
                • NotReinyaProvider-34
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  Why add "Im not trying to be funny here"?
                  • GraveNotReinya
                    999+ points9 months ago
                    He is being serious by asking if it's a Jojo reference or not
                    • 999+ points8 months ago
                      Why he tryna be serious? Why don't wants to be funny?
                      I thought peoples likes it when they're called funny, it's a compliments...
                      Bro watched JOJO, he knows Kono Dio Da, he talks ZAWARUDO.

                      Ya it's jojo ref...
            • W
              MC is missing some brain cells. "We need to get this OP dude on our side. Let's push Flame to grab the staff to spark his interest" --> fast forward and all of a sudden he has the staff and the dude is interested in him. MC, "wow I need to make it so I never interact with this dude again"
              • 999+ points5 months ago
                he didnt grab it tho, it reacted to him
                • W
                  WeebLordStar Cerberus
                  999+ points5 months ago
                  I was actually trying to show the ridiculousness in the MC saying he doesn't want to interact with the other guy again. He wanted to push Flame to grab the staff as it would spark his interest in flame and would lead him to joining Flame's party. Now it didn't go as plan with the MC getting the staff, but the overall goal is achieved by getting the OP dude's interest. However, the MC seems to forget the original goal was recruiting the OP dude and claims he is going to avoid him from this point on.
              • B
                bro showing people right path
                • alrighty, this is what i'm talking about!
                  • I like the princess more
                    Latest Comments
                    E P! I assume they just found it too depressing and cynical a note to end on (which I do understand. Good series, but not exactly a feel-good story).

                    Chapter 115 - Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru · 2 minutes ago

                    E P! Can't believe this series is at its end. Nice closer though. Sweet, simple, just enough.

                    Chapter 115 - Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru · 3 minutes ago

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                    krimoid 80 more chapters for an actual kiss

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                    Chapter 198 - Solo Max-Level Newbie · 14 minutes ago

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