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SimulatedGrowthSo they did KNOW other thing is why no one reported one of their party member was missing or dead they didn't went to the guild at all ig?
R TuinSou, trying to make a Yuri pairing out of your own little sister is kinda cringe. The discussion does make you wonder what Mommy Akane Satou was thinking, wanting to have another child despite hitting the proverbial jackpot with Sou. I hope it's not something lewd because it might lead to that...
Mf-doomhard cope, this is def middle school syndrome, who tf even names themself as "SonoftheJester" seems like the shit i would do if i was 13 or smt. Chūnibyō looking ahh calling me a a weeb lmao
SimulatedGrowthdo the party members are not registered officially in the guild? why didnt they know Dion was supposed to be in another party for example
simba666wait... that makes his older sister's statement a lie! little sisters are actually rare to nonexistent to guys. yes you can make as many but no one actually does
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