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  • D
    5 years ago
    Hopefully by the time MC arrives the shithead warrior and that thot priestess are already dead. They don't reserve to be saved.
    • I
      I watch AnimeDepression9000
      5 years ago
      Very much agreed
      • M
        MoonLight ↖(^ω^)↗Depression9000Hopefully by the time MC arrives the shithead warrior and that thot priestess are already dead. They...
        5 years ago
        uhm that's way too easy.. Just cripple them and let them humiliated from their failures and then die..
        • L
          Lumen DragonixMoonLight ↖(^ω^)↗
          1 year ago
          No no no, let them live a long time!
        • C
          Chun ∞ω∞Depression9000Hopefully by the time MC arrives the shithead warrior and that thot priestess are already dead. They...
          5 years ago
          umu, i wholesomely agree with you
          • H
            HuizhayeDepression9000Hopefully by the time MC arrives the shithead warrior and that thot priestess are already dead. They...
            5 years ago
            Agree i hope so too that warrior just eugh... Makes me sick
            • d
              disqus_0H3oCH710XDepression9000Hopefully by the time MC arrives the shithead warrior and that thot priestess are already dead. They...
              3 years ago
              No no no.. don't kil the hero and the priestess.. it's even better to make the hero get an injury that will not let him move forever and the priestess being forced to live with the hero
            • C
              5 years ago
              That Nun constant Smug face pisses me off...
            • H
              Harry Siestanto
              5 years ago
              Party members: Sorcerer, Bear, and Carpet.
              The future looks bleak...
              • L
                LT FHarry Siestanto
                5 years ago
                a certain streetrat managed to snag a princess so it may not be that bleek
                • G
                  GurrenVanLT F
                  5 years ago
                  If you say that he only lacks blue Will Smith...

                  ...I will break your leg.
                  • L
                    LT FGurrenVan
                    5 years ago
                    wht? not like he needs one when he has a cheat book...
              • J
                Jones Crimson
                5 years ago

                • M
                  Man LilJones Crimson
                  4 years ago
                  IT IS GUS!!!
                  • D
                    Darkun2Jones CrimsonGus!
                    4 years ago
                    Oooh shit how could you spotted someth8ng like that
                  • D
                    Dat Folk
                    5 years ago
                    this is ain't nice or good or whatever you call it just fucking pure stupid. you got slapped on your right cheek by some asshole who would kick a child because bumping to his fugly self then you gave your left cheek so he can slapped you again. now this is what i call NICE.

                    so you save the fugly dickhead so he may wreck havoc some more right? great. now i think i may get the few reasons why japs got their declines birth with high rates of suicide. because they rather kill themself than kill the dickhead who makes the problem.
                    • z
                      zagyuDat Folk
                      2 years ago
                      really this close to drop and blacklist this title right now...reading some more chapter before deciding...

                      my head starting to hurt reading this kind of mc....
                      • D
                        Dat Folkzagyu
                        2 years ago
                        and guess what, this shit still ain't got axed yet but the good ones always get targeted first. sorry for my rant mate
                        • z
                          zagyuDat Folk
                          2 years ago
                          ikr, dude i come from reading an isekai manga where the mc got attacked by bandit with intent to kill...the mc defeated them and heal them and let them go...

                          im like WTF, are you frikin joking with me authors!! instant blacklist that series....and that series still aint got axed
                          • D
                            Dat Folkzagyu
                            2 years ago
                            right? if it was me and my batshit self i would totally wreck them then heal em and wreck em again whilst their mates is watching. based on reason and logic it ain't their first evil deed and you forgive em way to ezly. a limb or two won't be enough
                            • z
                              zagyuDat Folk
                              2 years ago
                              and its your usual *author self insert* "muh japones modeeern peppul, muh iz pacifist" live in a kill or be killed world now and you show kindness to a bandit (who already showing they're already doing this for a long time), do you not understand the future consequence when you healed and leave them?? ffs....sometimes i cant understand what the authors logic is.....
                      • k
                        khrisCAODat Folkthis is ain't nice or good or whatever you call it just fucking pure stupid. you got slapped on your...
                        5 years ago
                        Calm down, it's not that serious.
                      • Yo author. If you're going to make a logic less story for self satisfaction the least you can do is make the guy who robs and beats up people die. Anyone who beats a child deserves torture.
                        • 52
                          That boy should be dead not unconscious, dude basically hit him in the head with some hard wood boxes wtf
                          • - Learns Flight at Lv29
                            - Needs a carpet to catch up to people traveling on-foot

                            • Uchiha-DeadPoolNot Important
                              999+ points8 months ago
                              flight is slow in almost all forms of media that has a leveling up system
                              so yeah that
                            • 89
                              User-8731350889Not Important- Learns Flight at Lv29 - Needs a carpet to catch up to people traveling on-foot What
                              963 points6 months ago
                              It almost as if these different means of travel have different top speeds or something....
                              • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                999+ points6 months ago
                                It's almost as if people conveniently forget what kind of speeds are needed to generate lift in most objects not born to fly....
                                • 89
                                  User-8731350889Not Important
                                  963 points6 months ago
                                  It's almost as if they're using magic and that doesn't apply...
                                  "Why, this magic carpet and magical bear golem aren't generating enough lift to fly! It's highly unscientific!" 😂😂
                                  • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                    999+ points6 months ago
                                    "It's almost as if the author needed a convenient stall for a character that's been OP as hell until now..."

                                    Fixed your statement. I'll bill you at the end of the month.
                                    • 89
                                      User-8731350889Not Important
                                      963 points6 months ago
                                      Also I'm just gonna write one last reply cause i really can't be bothered continuing this wen u keep changing ur argument. It's perfectly logical that different modes of transportation would have different top speeds.
                                      I.E. if i walked to the shops and back yesterday, it doesn't matter how fast ur car is today because I've already beaten u there. It's not contrived or cheap, it makes perfect sense if ur IQ is above room temperature.
                                      Whether the character is OP or the story as a whole is bad is irrelevant, this one part is perfectly fine.
                                      • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                        999+ points6 months ago
                                        No one's changed the argument, you're just upset I'm not taking your thoughts as gospel. I don't have to. And you're free to stop replying. In conclusion on speed:

                                        Teleporting > Flying > Horseback > Running > Walking > Crawling
                                        • 89
                                          User-8731350889Not Important
                                          963 points6 months ago
                                          Lol fine I'll do one more. ur first comment was u saying how it shouldn't be hard for him to catch them while they're on foot and he's flying (which is why I'm saying ur argument changed, i mean that whole thing about them needing to generate lift was pointless cause magic) But that completely ignores that they started out first. If it takes u 1 day to fly there and 1 week to walk there, and i started walking 1 week before u start flying there, who gets there first?
                                          • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                            999+ points6 months ago
                                            The hole in your logic is it applies to the carpet, and still ignores my point. The only logical argument in regard of the opening comment you could have made, someone already made for you:

                                            "... most of the times a flight spell is extremely mana-hungry, and he's about to fight an enemy that's actually stronger than him, going with empty mana reserves would be a bad move"

                                            Wanting to conserve strength at least serves some logic. You, however, fired back as if different objects going at different speeds would be a factor between MC flying and MC using the carpet. Memory erodes as obviously I haven't touched this book in months, but the mechanics to my memory for flight in this story aren't broken down. But if a carpet can be counted on to expedite the trip from point A to point B, then so obviously could a caster doing it all his own. Given no reason to believe carpet is different from caster, there's no reason to assume magic flight of a carpet will be different from magic flight of a caster, aside of MP consumption.

                                            That his targets started out way before him is irrelevant. It's still just a stall technique for the writer to stretch out the saga another chapter or two. If I have to rescind anything, it's attempting to follow your silly argument over speed to begin with.
                                            • 89
                                              User-8731350889Not Important
                                              963 points6 months ago
                                              Yep that guy made a good point, which is why i didn't make it again lol. Tho speed and when the targets start their journey is entirely relevant, it's the bases for countless mathematic problems given to u in school for calculating time over distance. U argued he would catch up cause they're just on foot, but that depends entirely on when they started their journey compared to the MC.
                                              Plus i never actually said the carpet was faster than flying with mana, just that it makes perfect sense that different means of transportation would have different top speeds.
                                              And I'm not even defending this manga, i agree it's pretty terrible and I've already dropped it lol. But this one particular point here is just fine.
                                              • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                                999+ points6 months ago
                                                This ain't math, though. It's a story. The transition of one scene to the next is entirely up to the author. And any author worth their salt is going to be diligent about creating enough details from scene to scene that their reader has a sense of time going one page to the next for every event. And the fact I even called it into question means that the writer done goof'd. Unless caster's really amateur hour, aside of MP saving there's no reason to not fly himself to his destination.
                                                • 89
                                                  User-8731350889Not Important
                                                  963 points6 months ago
                                                  I'll definitely give u that, this writer goof'd it up to heck and back. Everything is rushed, and u gotta make waaay to many assumptions about wat's going on just to keep up with the story. I mean for one, it's supposed to be an encyclopaedia but it's more like a constantly updated god-wiki? I figured there would be some old knowledge that MC has to figure out but it's all neatly updated in real-time with literally everything.
                                                  And that other guy's point about not using flying cause of mana makes sense but it's not like the author tells us that lol. It's just a mess.
                                      • 89
                                        User-8731350889Not Important"It's almost as if the author needed a convenient stall for a character that's been OP as hell until...
                                        963 points6 months ago
                                        yes, the author creates the story. How observant of u. Ur also a moron who just argued that the magic carpet doesn't generate enough lift to fly and u'll never live that down 😂😂
                                        And if i wanted to pay for bullshit I'd go buy manure
                                        • Not ImportantUser-8731350889
                                          999+ points6 months ago
                                          You don't have to with the shit you're spewing. Just don't direct it at me from now on & we're square.
                                • S
                                  SixtasyNot Important- Learns Flight at Lv29 - Needs a carpet to catch up to people traveling on-foot What
                                  999+ points6 months ago
                                  What about Gladius??? You want the big bear golem to go running?? 😂😂But jokes aside, even though I don't share the same opinion as Uchiha here (since most of the mangas I read where the MC can fly he is quite fast), most of the times a flight spell is extremely mana-hungry, and he's about to fight an enemy that's actually stronger than him, going with empty mana reserves would be a bad move 🤔👀
                                • D
                                  3 years ago
                                  Oh fuck right off with that garbage. The two-faced fighter bitch doesn't get to have a nice "i'm glad..." moment and if mc is honestly stupid enough to try and rescue them after hearing and experiencing how low they've fallen, he deserves something worse than being kicked out of a trash party.
                                  • h
                                    3 years ago
                                    stupide move
                                    • j
                                      4 years ago
                                      shut up you ribbon girl. You didn't help him at all.
                                      • Bruh 😔
                                        • i wish the hero and the healer dies... and ribbon girl will just cry as she sees Magnus happy being with Aria 😁
                                          • C
                                            Constellation: [System]
                                            1 year ago
                                            wtf is really about to go and try to save them?
                                            • S
                                              2 years ago
                                              Magnus, NO!
                                              • K
                                                the female warrior acts like she hasn't done anything wrong, wth?
                                                • M
                                                  3 years ago
                                                  Dont do that there is a arrogant warrior, you have a girlfriend, and there is the forbidden tag in the main page this is not going to be safe
                                                  • Y
                                                    3 years ago
                                                    You know i'm okay with him saving them provided that he actually is strong enough for the fight, but if he's just gonna go on some self righteous self sacrificing attempt for them, that's just plain stupid.
                                                    • I
                                                      3 years ago
                                                      Another flying carpet, this time something that can lift a 90 kilo iron bear
                                                      • X
                                                        shit man...

                                                        that kid.. holy jesus what have you done!!
                                                        • 𝘿𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙚 ®
                                                          4 years ago
                                                          Eugene got anger issues like
                                                          • M
                                                            MoonLight ↖(^ω^)↗
                                                            5 years ago
                                                            Is that warrior's brain empty?? Or full of poops.. Gahahahahahawaaaaa..
                                                            • B
                                                              Bestest Brother Christian
                                                              5 years ago
                                                              Do the MC has a cuck fetish?
                                                              • z
                                                                zagyuBestest Brother Christian
                                                                2 years ago
                                                                most of jp isekai mc me like to think....
                                                              • B
                                                                Blood Stew
                                                                5 years ago
                                                                Please let there be an update soon
                                                                • C
                                                                  Chun ∞ω∞
                                                                  5 years ago
                                                                  i hope they all get handicapped, & MC finds a new party
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                                                                  Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai · 7 minutes ago

                                                                  User-6203359859 It's kinda funny for someone like me who started right at around Ippo's transition from boxer into coach/ second, I quite enjoy the story as opposed to many who are more eager to see Ippo back in the ring again. Honestly I'm kinda OK for both. Ippo the boxer or Ippo the Second are fine. As of now (ch 1487) the author still keep the story open for both option too. Idk. Personally I think I'm leaning more towards Ippo the Second. I think despite Ippo still being an able boxer and keep improveing, I feel that ship has sailed. But eh, seeing him sparring with Mashiba is quite exciting, so yeah, I don't him him unretiring. Just, feel like the story is going back to start again or something.

                                                                  Hajime no Ippo · 7 minutes ago

                                                                  Wes688 Waifu wars :D (execpt I want to put a gun to Asahi's head :D)

                                                                  Chapter 54 - My Charms Are Wasted On Kuroiwa Medaka · 7 minutes ago

                                                                  DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCheap If you get it you get it. I'd say the series starts off sort of cookie cutter at first but after a while it ramps up. The meta jokes and the other series references in the series is heavy as expected from a manga series revolving around otaku and manga as its basis. The eye candy is good at first but it does get censored which I assume is due to the didgital copy being censored. Lastly, for some reason you will not be bored reading it and weirdly this series has some life tips or stories that might make u think it might not. Overall a pretty good read would recommend

                                                                  2.5D Seduction · 9 minutes ago

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