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I dunno aboutt zero g yet... They're probably gonna experience about 3 g's
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Ghastly nightshiftIt’s getting better. At the start i found it to be quite boring and copy paste since the powers were given with such ease. Now it’s getting more complex
ChingarunaWell, good to see that there is a non-erotica version of this story but still retain some of the sweet and spicy from the erotica counterpart.
Bob (Rex Bones)Thank you for directly clarifying and explaining it as literally as possible; however, that is not my piece of contention with the statement. I did in fact understand what "without mobility arts" meant in a literal context, and my exclamation was meant moreso as a form of disbelief.
ChingarunaPersonally, I don't mind some Hentai artists actually doing something else other than the NSFW art and story for once. Actually, I am lookin forward to see more
ChingarunaPlaying a soul-a-like video games and then doing squats every time she got a game over of said game? Hey, at the very least good for exercise because it build some thigh muscles. Well, this is what I think. Looking good
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