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CoolWhipShe said they can do anything in this mindscape, so why not make her bat super gigantic and crush all the zombies at once like some one piece shit
Master GeassIt has been a while and I forgot what they were doing here. I do remember the bearded man. He was spying on the orc army and warned Vandeliu that the humans had been preparing an army to exterminate the orcs and would likely switch their targets to Vandeliu's group out of fear of having someone stronger than the orcs so close by. That warning let him save his people.
XaduHe had his qi sealed, remember? So during the first trial he can only use his physical strength and instincts, and during the second he can only use up to 10 years. I assume youre complaining since this training seems less intense than the battle?
KinKin KloudMake her the main character bro. I'm tired of Suchan. Corny ahhhhh. You just watched a girl get tortured to death essentially. "I don't want to dirty my hands". No way bbg huijin has to clean up this often after him. I can't stand our MC bruh😭. (Which sucks cause literally everyone else is cool as shit, power and personality wise 💀)https://i.postimg.cc/NMRHJ0yF/i.jpg
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