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Augustex - 6 months ago
Already said why this ending and arc as a whole was dogshit in the comments of previous chapters, so I won't repeat it all again. But what a tonal whiplash this is, with Sukuna just losing instantly the moment Nobara joins the fight, so she did more than any of the other characters that died along the arc combined, and we get no fanfare afterwards. The same "You are me" Yuji said to Mahito, but now it feels forced. They are nothing alike, in any way. And then we to back to the wacky trio, cracking jokes like this wasn't the biggest bullshit situation they've ever gone through, like they just came back from McDonald's.
Augustex NJOOSHY - 6 months ago
No he didn't. Nothing about the domain was explained at all, as it didn't actually do anything a domain's supposed to do, the "sure-hit" effect and all that.
Augustex gundam-nymphali - 6 months ago
Don't get me started on Hakari, I really wanted to see more of him during the arc, but his fight with the ice twink was relegated to being off-screen exclusive. Fucking robbery. What I hated the most was how this arc could've been split into two, one for the fight against Sukuna and another where these flashbacks at the start of every other chapter aren't flashbacks and actually happen. It would've flowed so much better, plus we'd have gotten a way better look and feel for the characters that were introduced to in the Culling Games only to die to Sukuna and have nothing in-between. Only Mappa can salvage this shit, and I pray for it to happen because Gege can't write by himself.
Augustex - 6 months ago
Man, what a dogass way to end the fight.Girl hasn't been seen for 100+ chapters, dead for all intents and purposes, and now she has to come back from the dead to bail Yuji out of the fight because he can't end it himself because despite all the people running hands on Sukuna, he still can't do anything because Gege wrote Sukuna to be too powerful, even with his domain that apparently does nothing? If it was stated somewhere that it's incomplete or something, I must've misses it. I mean, what did it actually do? Just a talk? That didn't achieve anything? The sure-hit was instantly negated by Wicker Basket so it did actually nothing. I guess it gave that worthless bum Fushiguro the will to do something, even if it was the bare minimum.Seeing Nobara again just cemented that Gege was the real fraud all along. What a fake feelings merchant. Only people that stay dead were Gojo and all the "people that could one day rival him in power", as if that meant anything.
Augustex User-7293455965 - 7 months ago
I'mma be 100% real, the tittle alone makes me never want to come close to it.
Augustex - 7 months ago
1 month for 8 pages...
Augustex User-7302859619 - 8 months ago
Spit your shit my brother. Preach.Harem manga is generally garbage.
Augustex - 8 months ago
Has to be the worst concept for a fictional game I've ever read in any of these stories. Dating sim that's also an MMO I guess, with PVP but some characters are extremely efficient and easy and the rest are hard and garbage... And it also has endings but the world still works on MMO conditions with continued and active development changing the conditions of the world. Yeah, that shit wouldn't have survived even a single year, let alone 10.
Augustex WeebLord - 8 months ago
He "mastered" it, like when you master flipping a coin so it always lands on its side... somehow. Actually stupid explanation, but the entire description of the "game" was equally stupid so I guess it makes sense it the author's head.
Augustex - 9 months ago
>Archmage so powerful she had to split her soul and power to survive
>Runs out of mana after a few seconds of a telepathy spell
Pick one. You can't have both.
Augustex - 9 months ago
An interesting take on the old "isekai'd into a novel", which isn't really what happens, but it's still strange that the MC still constantly refers to it as such while knowing full well that it's not really the case.
The art is generally good, with some angles looking somewhat odd and a weird inconsistency with the color of the MC's hair, often changing between brunette and blonde.
Genuinely interesting so far, hope it keeps it up.
Augustex Phyrite - 9 months ago
Idk what you on about him dying, we weren't told anything sbout them dying to be here, but that first part could make sense.
Augustex - 9 months ago
Everyone else got a custom design when they became gods... And he's just an old, fat dude? In the glimpses we got of him in the earlier chapter, I thought it was just his irl version. Why would he stay like that?
Augustex User-7477255839 - 10 months ago
Because he is. This is Sukuna's show, Gege doesn't care about anyone else.
Augustex - 10 months ago
I get that this is the artist's fetish, but aren't they supposed to be beautiful by our standards and ugly in-universe? In this chapter they got armpit hair, way bigger and saggier tits, not to mention the nipples. So by the story's logic, now they're beautiful in-universe? That was the whole joke. Just draw the porn you wanna draw if being consistent's too hard.
Fucking it up how? I haven't read the novel, so I'm curious on how it's been different.
Augustex Thatch Netherfold - 11 months ago
That explanation would at best fit a God of human origin or nature, one from a pantheon from Earth like Greek or Korean in this case. To apply that logic to something out of this world, literally, and that has nothing to do with human logic at all doesn't work. Lovecraft Gods are bullshit because of that, written to be extremely vague beyond "incomprehensible".
I think a different angle would've worked better, like it discovering that it's just from a story or just have 4th Wall overpower it from the get-go (would've been a way less satisfying conclusion honestly), instead of forcing it to understand something like human suffering that, by all accounts, shouldn't bother it at all for it has nothing to do with us and we're insignificant to it. If anything, I imagine it would just be amusing to it.