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918 points
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Augustex - 1706103096
So she was about to be killed but was instead saved, yet the moment she realized they were humans the entire catboy goon squad shows up? So it was a trap set by the cat people then? Without knowing that there were humans in the forest in the first place? Hopefully next chapter says something about it, but I have a feeling it won't. This scene was so weird...
Augustex - 1705875022
Bachira is just not in the story anymore, huh.Thought him and Isagi would've gotten at least a match together or against each other in this final stretch, but I guess not
Honestly cannot tell if this is bait, this comment is too ridiculous to be real, but I'll play it straight.Philistine is a real word, straight from google: "a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them." Completely unrelated to Palestine.
If this comment is indeed real and made completely unironically, you need to get out of your house more. If it's not real, nice one.
Augustex - 1701185630
That's AI, or at least based on it/helped by. It became less noticeable as the chapter went on but those first pages were looking mad artificial.