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biology doesn't stop at physiology only , the brains present some difference according to gender , and the difference in hormones also affects decision making , in any case politics sucks ass just make it a battle royale
gundam-nymphali Augustex - 6 months ago
sad to see that you're getting downvoted because it's terribly true , out of all the fighters , the waffled one , the missing loving femboi one , the lawyer and stuff , it's actually the initial trio that will win , with two of them being technically gone for half the serie and being useless bums ? nobara nearly lost against haruta for christ sake's and she was out just after . hakari is just getting clapped off-screen for months now , we're getting a mha ending with this one
wouldnt anno domini timeline be a better example ?
gundam-nymphali Artarion - 9 months ago
g gundam reference are always welcome
wasn't the goblin saved by some divine intervention ? because i remember him getting back up . the gods seems to have weird laws
weird way of saying you want rape or extreme gore every chap ? we literally got murders and spiked people last chap , if this could not turn into an edgelord fest but continue like this it would be the same nice pace as before , a lot of chill part with a sudden snap back to reality , and i can tell you that next chap we will see a torture method quite gruesome even for goblins so don't start with the complaining
it's insane how media litteracy died in only a few decades because people think they know so much , personally if a group of five rabid toddlers with claws and dagger and even armor rushed at me i would just die , and you obvioulsy didn't play actual survival games where being outnumbered generally means death . BUt MuH CQc TechNIQUEs fROm Mgs , just stop , the average adventurer is 15 , men usually don't have even finished the grow spurt of puberty at this point , it's rash teenagers thinking the world is a game . and if the guild put all your criters like , decent shape , decent equipment etc they would see no one showing up and all the easy quest pilling up causing massive issues

it was also made clear in spin off and later in the manga how much money is important , you are either a rich and cocky adventurer , or an optimistic poor one with no equipment , in both cases you die . the country is at war with the chaos forces just like in most dnd games , crazy right ? they won't use their army on goblins , oh wait that was a point made in volume 8 , or the last 4 eps of season 2 ?!!!! their kingdom would be humiliated to admit they suffer from goblins and have to use their army on it and other races can't send their own units because it could be used as a casus belli !!!!!!! omg basic political knowledge who could have predicted that .

goblins are greedy and sometimes tactical enough to kill far stronger than them alone ,it reminds me of a certain species that actually control the world rn but individually is extremely weak compared to half the fauna (us btw) . Gs trained for killing them using a lot of war tactics (sometimes costly asf) because otherwise you would just die , i mean totems to take your attention from holes , spear traps , poisoned weapons , fckg tunnels that can knock you out if the rubble lands on your head ? gs is far smarter than any adventurers because like the slogan says "he does not let anyone roll the dice" , he is prepared for any eventuality and won't see it as a simple game where you let luck decide if your sword hit a wall , if you do a crit , if you block an attack etc etc

it's a good manga and character that gets more and more enjoyable with the story progressing , as shown by the review of the novels that are nearly always 100% positive . it shows a bit more how a world with actual monsters would go , and not some disney princess shit where the goblins just steal things and kill a farmer every full moon , + search actual goblins history in books , they were represented like this . we get to see a mc slaying absolute trash mob that should be extinct , and trying to socialize little by little , despite suffering from ptsd .
gundam-nymphali - 12 months ago
placeholder69 comment is what happens when you give an illiterate kid a book to judge , it's not based on a video game , but dnd like table games . they have rules that makes nearly every of your point wrong . some class cannot wear certain equipment because it would throw their stats to the trash , peasant war were attrition war where the side with most cannon fodder would win , not some highly tactical battle , tools were used in some chapters but it was made clear what makes goblin dangerous is their numbers , savagery and that they attack at night when your average 10 hour shift farmer would be so exhausted a single hit could make him collapse . that's the basics ffs , big cities with guards are safe because they have the menpower to make shifts and cover a whole perimeter , your average uneducated and broke peasant village don't have this luxury . hunters are also either too bothered with actually hunting or butchering and usually in small village you can have only 1 or 2 hunters at most .

goblins are underestimated due to something called survivorship bias . you either die in their nest as a nobody and no one notice it , or you are lucky to find a small nest and absolutely curbstomp them , so the only adventurers that can go back and brag about it are the one that won , giving the false impression that they are weak when they are not . as for the girls that gets assaulted ? it's easier for the other cocky institutions and adventurers to mock them than actually care .

due to said class system , people will just rush a nest thinking it's easy fodder and won't bother taking other equipment , the same way people in both dnd games and video games have particular builds they nearly never change because they are accustomed to it , crazy right ? . From a character pov , helmets are so claustrophobic and cover so much of your own pov that you need proper training to actually rely on your other senses , you think knights in medieval times could see shit ? it's also common knowledge that you can't move properly your head and neck with a helmet , let alone breath enough.

your molotov comment also show that you are no better than the average npc in a game . ceramics cost a lot and if you have ever tried to make a molotov it doesn't work like video games or movies lmao , if the concentrations in ethanol is not high enough it's super slow , if the cloth is too dry or wet it doesn't work , the average molotov would just shatter like 300 ml of alcohol on an area so small it would be useless , flint and steel spark might not be enough and they still require you to take position , luxury you don't have in a battle where 10 ennemies rush at you .