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223 points
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oonhas - 1705955839
I really would prefer if MC took the "higher road", and left the civilians alone. It's the leaders/military who attacked him and his forrest. He's just acting as barbaric as the people who attacked him first. He should try to make a point of having the control over the beasts, and that he ultimately doesn't want war with the humans.
Not really a great lesson to learn from this.
oonhas - 1702430687
And nobody's still dead...? (I'm not counting the vice-president guy. I mean villains killed by MC & his dad friends)

It kinda takes the credibility away from this story.
oonhas - 1702426056
It's criminal how MC still hasn't murdered anybody, or at the very least, put into wheelchair/hospital bed, for the rest of their lives.
oonhas - 1702420928
If a young person is already that evil & violent (minor or not), his life should be forfeit, and totally worthless.
He's just gonna cause more chaos and misery in the lives around him again when he gets better.
Would've been morally right thing to just end his hateful life there and then.
oonhas - 1700399359
This part really feels like a huge flaw in the writing. If MC acts like he doesn't like Kim Dojin's company, then how/why would KD (shortened his name for convenience) feel the need to kill MC?
And why would MC feel that his life would be in danger, if he just would kick KD from his life?
Surely, it would make no sense, for KD to kill MC, since MC's family would then become his enemy, and they would be wary of his excistence.

I get that the author tries to create tension in the story this way, and also uses it as an excuse to have the original psychopath "MC", be part of the story, but the reasons/motives behind it just completely fails to make the whole situation seem natural/believable. I just don't buy it, how MC couldn't just keep ignoring KD, until he just gave up. I get that he's a psycho, but he can't be that stupid to kill MC, because of a failed manipulation.
oonhas - 1699746816
His natural sense to survive and adapt in new situations is plain shit.
Honestly the skill to regress is totally wasted on this individual.
He just tries to escape when he should be grinding goblins and every other possible low level monsters. (which is clearly the only route for him)
oonhas - 1699745689
I don't really get this author. You create a setting like this, and this is type of protagonist is your choice?
The guy is just barely not unlikeable. I mean, his adaptability is shit. It took literally the 3rd time for him the get any progress in that world. And even now, when he knows he has the skill of regressing, he's constantly finding excuses of running away/not helping other people in need...
And what the hell, you know the exact countdown to the beginning of the end of the world, and you're wasting your time at work? REALLY?

Just making a point here, but making a likeable protagonist, who you can look up/relate to, is a key to success.
As if being successful creating LN's/mangas, wasn't hard enough, seems like this author even still decided to choose the harder way.
oonhas Donny_Dont - 1699739305
It's all fun and games, until you have to empty Samia's litter box