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oonhas - 1717344572
This is just a wild guess on my part, but I would bet my money that Rifreya is actually Nanami. Except she was reincarnated, (her memories locked) 16 years before the people on earth transferred to that world. If it's a God, then doing something like that is easy.

Also, MC should've just told her, that there are numerous spirits watching him right now, and making love with her, while they watch, would dirty her "honor" etc.
oonhas - 1717341723
I think MC should've told the beast girl his name and reveal himself to her (and tell the inn he's staying at). You can never have too many friends/connections, especially in a new world.
oonhas - 1717341245
This is so ridiculous. Why would MC think his family is no more? Just because they're not in that same reality, they are very much still alive, and if not for yourself, then for them, you should try to speak out. This dude is so pathetic. He's just escaping reality, instead of speaking out. Just by stating the name of the real killer, he would help with the investigation SO MUCH. They would actually have another suspect, and a lead to follow.

I really don't care for how this author deciced go on about this plot development.
oonhas - 1717340645
I really hate this type of drama that essentially comes from a lack of communication. It's such a cheap, lazy way to create drama.
This is so used trope, where a victim of false persecution, is an introvert japanese person (a guy mostly), and they just decide not to stand up for themself. They wont even try. They just shut up..
For example if I were MC, I would speak out loud to myself (to the viewers, that is), when nobody was around, that "Nanami was killed by "the name of the f*cker". I would just repeat it to myself. They could easily check on it, and investigate. He could have a "streaming" sessiong just alone, where he would explain what happened.

If I was MC, I would paint it on walls in every dungeon "Nanami was killed by [the name of the guy]". Actually, I'm pretty sure the killers name wasn't mentioned in the 1st chapter?
If I would buy a house, I would paint on the side of the house. Heck, I would paint it on a side of a mountain.

That's a huge character fault. Also, this dude just collapsed after one stab. I would release a literal hell on that guy, despite knowing I was gonna die soon from a lack of blood. I would try to kill him with every second I'd have before passing out.. While this dude just gave up instantly..

It's such a shame. Almost every time japanese authors create these protagonists, they just end up being below expectations.
oonhas - 1716823988
The chapter where MC murdered a sick and weak slave woman (his first murder of an innocent person), because of a social pressure, I was like damn, this is so disappointing, I'm never gonna be able to relate with this MC, but I'm gonna still keep on reading, if this gets better...
Until we get to the chapter where MC gangrapes 3 villager slave women with his friends, and thoroughly enjoys it. That was a cue for me to drop this since clearly I'm not the target audience of this type of content.

P.S. The fact that in the previous chapter, before that rape one, MC's dad says to MC's elder brother before making him a knight: "Love justice and hate injustice, so that God may love you", is the peak of hypocrisy with these nobles.
The men of the nobility are like the ultimate human scum of their society in this manga.
oonhas - 1716763975
Killing an innocent person, whom only "sin", was being a slave that's weak and sick.. That's like selling your soul to the devil. That's a one way ticket to hell. There's no redemption or excuse for our MC.. What's the point of being a +40y old soul/reincarnator, and knowing better, if you're willing to murder an innocent person, doing the ultimate sin there is.. because of what? Social/peer pressure? What a joke.
Maybe, if that geezer threatened to kill Roro, or his sister/the slave girl, if MC didn't kill that woman.. Then at least there would've been an excuse to act that way.. But sadly, there was no excuse.

I really hate that the author decided to take this route. Not that I had any respect for a fictional character, but this is the most disappointing moment in this manga. Disappointing because I saw potential in this.
Ofc this can still be "great", but it's none different than knowing that a person you knew and respected, that they actually were a rapist, or a murderer of innocent victim.. You just will never think about them in the same way you did before.
This would've been a great character moment if MC actually stood his ground here, even if he was beaten and abused by that psycho geezer for standing his ground.
oonhas - 1712764211
The fact that this angel took 4 swings with his sword (4 times attempted murder) At Dou-chan is just unforgivable.
oonhas - 1710674978
Such bullshit from that "police"(?) guy. Regardless he should've done anything, except give moral lectures full of hot air, without using all of his resources to help the guy.
oonhas - 1709907675
So a Baker, with Holy Knight and Martial Artist skills? I seriously wouldn't think any less of them, if a pretty woman had those skills in a fantasy world like that. She doesn't have any reason to feel embarrassed. If anything she's make a great wife. She can cook, and keep the family safe.

I'm guessing on average people/adventurers have way worse skill-combinations than her.
oonhas - 1709181959
If there's a retard student who thinks it's okay to pull out his sword in class (why the hell is he even allowed have it on in class?), and make a threat on another person's life, let alone teachers, because the person said something that the retard didn't agree with..

-Then you as a teacher shouldn't enable this idiotic/dangerous behavior, disarming the situation by apologizing. That's basically saying you were in the wrong, and that it was okay for the retard to have the intention to murder you. It would only be a matter of time before a guy like that would end up dead or in jail, if someone understanding/forgiving person didn't correct him first, without cutting off his head that is.

oonhas - 1708593224
I guess it's too much asked to think that MC still has those gems in his ass? Because if he doesn't, what a waste.
oonhas - 1708591492
Tbh I think MC is pretty stupid for not creating new alias, since he's wanted man in another town/country, with adventurers guild. It's fair to assume those guilds can change information between each others, and MC being in another country isn't an obstacle if there's a manhunt started by a noble.

Actually I wouldn't think that the guild master from the Rock Cliff town would snitch MC up if someone asked, but he was well known in that place regardless, it's fair to assume that the noble who MC punched, already knows the name he used there.
oonhas - 1707709478
There's no value in killing you

Sure there is, just imagine the food you'll save when you have one prisoner less to feed
oonhas - 1707705972
The art style really is 5/5
I think admiring would be actually proper term in this case.
Extremely cute & wholesome regardless.
oonhas - 1707095379
The premise seems quite unique in this, but I also think the character writing is lacking. I mean, it's like these people don't act or talk like real people. Everything is so plain, and we don't really get any inner thoughts of these people..
Why would any sane person give up all that treasure just for pennies? Yeah, maybe on the 1st time if they didn't know any better, but I would just hide it somewhere after that, to get it back later.
The MC doesn't seem to have very high intelligence stat. He thinks it's fine to have his sister to work in a sleazy place like that? What, no comment/thoughts about it?
Nah let's not think about it. Let's just get drunk instead..
I hope nothing happens to the sister, but I think it's already quite obvious that the people of kingdom are not good or honorable people. Probably they're all psychopathic predators, since most of them aren't even human beings.
Even if the MC is dull brained, I hope at the very least he's is likable, because many authors overlook how important it is that the MC should be likable & relatable.
oonhas - 1706628537
Let's not forget that at any point:
-not once have these criminals shown any remorse for their crimes
-have these criminals asked for forgiveness
-have these criminals asked to be taken into the village

This is the ultimate way of ridiculing the suffering of all the people whose lives got lost & ruined because of those bandits.
Instead of trying to ask the victims, and following their hopes, how this matter should be handled, instead this MC forces his own ideals onto them.
Ideals he learned from a totally different world. By doing so, he rather takes in the criminals, who should be hanged & killed, and drives away the victims, who feel even more wronged here.

NOW I REMEMBER, why I dropped this the 1st time I tried reading this.
F-you MC. F-you author. I hope you slip onto dog feces and break your ankle and wrist while at it.
Publishing this sort of excrement is a waste of paper it's printed on.

If there's any karma in this world, this author deserves to experience have his own family sold into slavery by a group of bandits (if he's ever isekai'd himseld).
Let's see if he then wants to have those guys be "rehabilitated" after he has been the one suffering from their crimes, and his own life ruined.
oonhas - 1706627214
Just imagine some slaves in some noble's basement talking:

Slave1: Hey, you remember those guys that kidnapped us, and sold us into slavery, basically ruining our lives?
Slave2: Oh yeah, they murdered your whole family, right? And my wife and children too after r#ping them. Yeah, I remember.
Slave1: Yeah those guys. Well hear this. They invaded this other village, and tried to murder & kidnap everyone there, but they got caught instead.
Slave2: Wow, holysh*t. Maybe there's a god somewhere. At last we got some revenge for our loved ones *cries a little*. My dear, you have been avenged, thank god!
Slave1: Well, actually... I heard they didn't hang them... Or kill them in any other way..
Slave2: WHAT!? So you mean they got turned into slaves themselves? Well that's also a type of revenge I guess. The irony finally caught up to those slaving, murdering bastards!
Slave1: Well actually.... No.. They didn't end up as slaves... They are forced to live in a "Rehabilitation" center...
Slave2: What? What's that? Is that a place where they torture people until they die? A place where they stay forever from the rest of society at the very least?
Slave1: Well actually... It's a place where they teach grown people how to act and be good again... And after that, they get released back into society..

Slave2: WHAT!? Hey Hey heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey wait a minute.... You mean those, murdering, no, mass-/serial murdering bastards, who räped, pillaged, assaulted, destroyed, and sold to slavery, all of my village, and a couple other villages I know of too... get to come back into society? Why?

WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY? How does that make any sense at all? Who would do such a cruel thing, that makes a joke of the suffering of all the people who died and whom lives got ruined because of those bastards...

Is it some demonlord, who just wants to see those demons, wearing human skin, back creating chaos and misery into world, is that it?
Fück you world, fück you GOD if you're watching. I hate this world and I hate you. I hope this world burns, and especially that village that took them in, and I hope the guy responsible for this rots in hell all eternity when he dies. *cries*

Slave1: Yeah, me too bro, me too..
oonhas - 1706106580
I have a faint memory of reading this once before, and dropping this eventually.

I can't remember why, but I'm guessing it's because I dislike protagonists with soft hearts. Just like this MC, he has clearly no balls to kill anyone. Of course, I wanna see this story to prove me wrong, because this just might be a readable manga in that case.