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Okeanos - 8 months ago
This is Elden Ring / Dark Souls level of roofs platforming
Okeanos - 8 months ago
So if she already found an “answer” to get out of her terrible loop in her fifth life as to where to go and who she should seek for help, how come she still needed to make it to seventh life to finally give up on her family? Are you telling me after the fifth that she met him, in the sixth she stupidly wagged her tail to her brother again?? I hope I will get an acceptable explanation for this in later chapter.
Okeanos - 8 months ago
Time to recount all your sins
Okeanos - 8 months ago
Gabrielle is alright I guess, so far that is. She is just a spoiled brat and selfish, but that’s all she is. When I was her age, I could do much worse myself, But the redeeming point about her is that after all that harsh treatment she gotten whether directly or indirectly, she has yet to show hate and contempt to Hilise. That is actually admirable.
Okeanos - 8 months ago
Chapter 7, hundred of pages went by, and still we have not seen one…. Fuckin ONE person who at very least I can call decently likeable… Anyone??
Okeanos - 8 months ago
Coldest line in this entire series’ history. Absolutely nobody expected him to win, but he actually did with One Move.

Man was only introduced a few chapters back as if he was a fodder to introduce an even stronger fighter, but now he is already one of my favorite.
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Lol, that’s harsh Kiyomaro. Coral Q once gave him and Gash a hard time too so he should know they are okay as an ally. But I love seeing he still have grudge over his Robo transformation.

Also Vino looks so damn normal, He was a baby in the war, but a baby with massive heart energy with his partner the most powerful “Demon killer”. But his partner Clear no longer existed. At the end of the war he reincarnated into something else entirely and I dont think it can fight lol.
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Wait, we still havent get a clear tragic background story of the girl. She looked like she suffered a lot for sure.
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Sickkk.. It took so long for Gash and his friends to defeat even one of them, and she made it look like they were all fodders.
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Goddamn the groove
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Man Apollo is just bitter. Zeon beat them fair and square without any cheap tricks. He even held back from completely obliterating him with a Gigano spell, showing some compassion towards him. He is just too powerful, end of story.

Once you get to understand him better and his misunderstandings, you’d also see that Zeon is actually the one possessing the quality to be a great king, even more than Gash.
Okeanos - 9 months ago
Koruru and Shiori were such minor characters in this series but their story left a long lasting impression to me ever since I was a kid. Even now when I reread this, I’d brace for it
Okeanos - 10 months ago
What the hell up with Arashiyama and his dumb obsession over Meguro who was far beneath him roflmao. Arashiyama is a dope character but this crap about Him and Meguro is just purely bad writing.
Okeanos - 11 months ago
Since sideboobs girl actually whacked that level 30 thief like a bug, does this mean she is actually effin strong lol?
Okeanos - 12 months ago
Refresh my memory, I dont recall Raian ever get humbled by those 2. Even in the clash against Edward Wu, Edward ended up dead which is a victory for the Kure. So when did he actually got his ass handed to him, became a junkie, and lived a thug life because he lost all hope in the world?
Okeanos - 1 year ago
Lame background story. He is one of the strongest in the country. He could squash those bullies like bugs and make their lives a living hell worse than death if he wills it. But going all that extra steps just to kill a few weaklings that he cant bring himself to do?… Lol
Okeanos - 1 year ago
The hent*i anime protagonist is here but it’s already obvious he’s gonna lose because Suho Kang is an important piece of the plot that makes it impossible for him to lose here
Okeanos - 1 year ago
the reason Suho Kang quit the gym is most likely to protect the gym itself. I mean, we already know how bad it had been for the gym when MC got it involved with the PVP stuffs. Hanlim even got hospitalized a few times because of it.
He was a good kid since childhood, it’s hard to imagine he could change drastically after he gained strength.
Okeanos - 1 year ago
Cant believe they made a chicken head character that looked like a mob from Fist Of The North Star series and looked to be forgotten after the first chapter into one of the strongest, noble, and great rival lol
Okeanos - 1 year ago
Ah yes…. The mightiest $500,000 punch. The Rolex punch.