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1264 points
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Okeanos - 1716877812
Koruru and Shiori were such minor characters in this series but their story left a long lasting impression to me ever since I was a kid. Even now when I reread this, I’d brace for it
Okeanos - 1714624236
What the hell up with Arashiyama and his dumb obsession over Meguro who was far beneath him roflmao. Arashiyama is a dope character but this crap about Him and Meguro is just purely bad writing.
Okeanos - 1712983815
Since sideboobs girl actually whacked that level 30 thief like a bug, does this mean she is actually effin strong lol?
Okeanos - 1711043249
Refresh my memory, I dont recall Raian ever get humbled by those 2. Even in the clash against Edward Wu, Edward ended up dead which is a victory for the Kure. So when did he actually got his ass handed to him, became a junkie, and lived a thug life because he lost all hope in the world?
Okeanos - 1710521121
Lame background story. He is one of the strongest in the country. He could squash those bullies like bugs and make their lives a living hell worse than death if he wills it. But going all that extra steps just to kill a few weaklings that he cant bring himself to do?… Lol
Okeanos - 1710520169
The hent*i anime protagonist is here but it’s already obvious he’s gonna lose because Suho Kang is an important piece of the plot that makes it impossible for him to lose here
Okeanos - 1710516768
the reason Suho Kang quit the gym is most likely to protect the gym itself. I mean, we already know how bad it had been for the gym when MC got it involved with the PVP stuffs. Hanlim even got hospitalized a few times because of it.
He was a good kid since childhood, it’s hard to imagine he could change drastically after he gained strength.
Okeanos - 1710513665
Cant believe they made a chicken head character that looked like a mob from Fist Of The North Star series and looked to be forgotten after the first chapter into one of the strongest, noble, and great rival lol
Okeanos - 1710507704
Ah yes…. The mightiest $500,000 punch. The Rolex punch.
Okeanos - 1710496357
Caught me off guard. Didnt expect Orochi Doppo would be mentioned…
Okeanos - 1710420632
I still dont understand what’s the big deal. I mean so there is someone else inside and he needed two clones. But so what? What makes Kazuo feared it that much? Their objective remain the same, keep him from getting the two clones he wanted.
Okeanos - 1710347825
I forgot Oudou was alive. I remembered he was dead but apparently I was wrong. Strange he never appeared again though when he is the most powerful villain Chinmi ever had… Or number 2… I can think of only one who might even be stronger than Oudou, but that’s it.
Okeanos - 1710182312
where is the damn tsuhaiken…. goddamn Master Yosen must be hella disappointed…
Okeanos - 1710182127
how long are they gonna act like Chinmi never learned the Tsuhaiken that could obliterate armors easily..?
Okeanos - 1710055438
I really thought they’d use Ryu a bit better than this. It’s be interesting to see the growth of a humiliated talent clawing back to the top. But I guess he was just a past ghost at this point huh. Once the diamond breaks, it’s broken forever.
Okeanos - 1710050400
So J is another Monster like Aaron Tide but with a complete control over his power. Unlike Aaron who struggled to hold back, J has been holding back all this time as he did not after wealth and fame, and has only been going around making friends among fighters lol.
Okeanos - 1710049676
Yeah the blonde b*tch who could have solved so much just by meeting Yu one more time but didnt do it and instead placed the burden on someone else, and the puppet garbage mc who is nothing more than a puppet who cant think or feel for himself. The “villains” has been the only good thing going in this story since day one.
Okeanos - 1710008156
Finally!,.. This is Boxing. The real boxing from a real boxer. A clash of efforts, power, technique, and sheer will. Not a fantasy superhero Superman bullshit like what went with Yu… I was ready to drop this manhwa because of the sheer bullshittery of a teenage wetdream hero character who shitted on real techniques and efforts of pro boxers with his children-fantasy supertalent. But with Jay and (possibly) Ryu, I guess this might actually be worth the read after all.
Okeanos - 1710001124
Felt bad for the red head. I mean, the coach didnt have to be that blunt. As a fellow non-superhuman, I feel for him too.
And IRL, those who puts most efforts always overcomes those with only talent. But this is fiction, so whatever.
Okeanos - 1709992070
The Manji I knew from the OG Blade of The Immortal was crap in swordsfight. He acted high and mighty like he is now, but in the end always got his ass handed to him by his enemies… The only saving grace is that he was immortal and his enemies were not, so he always won in the end since he cant be killed. But he was weaker than pretty much all his non-mob enemies if he didnt have his immortality.