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Okeanos - 1726316815
And Fern, honestly I thought my memory is failing me but I looked it up and she/he didnt exist in the prequel. If I have to guess, she’s the child of Kafka Sunbeam and Sister Elle.
Okeanos - 1726316597
Lmao, I have come to terms that not everyone get to grow up as handsome young men in this manga, but Jesus Christ he’s ugly af 🤣🤣. He wasnt even THAT ugly as a kid. We still love him tho. He even dressed like a proper gentleman now. Cant wait to see him in action.

Now, whatever you do, please dont let us down when you reveal Patty and Laila, sir author 🤣🤣🤣. you’ll break many hearts.
Okeanos - 1725642832
Sorry Justin, I like you but this one is no newbie pretty boy. It’s the Thai God Of War.
Okeanos - 1723611381
What a terrible day for rain…

I didnt expect they’d kill off one of the main characters to start off with the prologue. But he died for a good cause. Rest in peace, Dr. Riddles.

And it’s Vino, he really showed up at the worst possible timing. But Vino as well as Dufaux was the 2 superhumans that’s on par or even better than Kiyomaru. While I dont really care about Vino’s partner Clear. I cant wait to see Dufaux and Zeon, especially the former after he had done a lot of soul searching around the world.
Okeanos - 1721446044
It’s crazy how the author can make one simple explanation and suddenly Agito, Kuroki, and every other fighters will have a sudden massive power ups and no one can complain because the explanation is perfect.
Okeanos - 1720652731
Uh… What? Over 30 years that this shit has running and both Jack and Kaoru, both are major contenders have never met?? Jack never even seen him at all?? For effin real??
Okeanos - 1720595018
What a good girl. She is so considerate of her surrounding. She realized she’d be singling out Charlotte if she admitted she forgive him first.

She cooks too, and she licks. Prime Housewife material right there.
Okeanos - 1720594355
At first I thought she was just a glutton airhead, But she cooks, she licks, and her housewife material point is through the roof. I’m sorry I judged you too harshly.
Okeanos - 1720502609
Calling it now, that cat is the dragon who got beaten on purpose in the first chapter.
Okeanos - 1720502365
This is Elden Ring / Dark Souls level of roofs platforming
Okeanos - 1719946802
So if she already found an “answer” to get out of her terrible loop in her fifth life as to where to go and who she should seek for help, how come she still needed to make it to seventh life to finally give up on her family? Are you telling me after the fifth that she met him, in the sixth she stupidly wagged her tail to her brother again?? I hope I will get an acceptable explanation for this in later chapter.
Okeanos - 1719945917
Time to recount all your sins
Okeanos - 1719942646
Gabrielle is alright I guess, so far that is. She is just a spoiled brat and selfish, but that’s all she is. When I was her age, I could do much worse myself, But the redeeming point about her is that after all that harsh treatment she gotten whether directly or indirectly, she has yet to show hate and contempt to Hilise. That is actually admirable.
Okeanos - 1719934580
Chapter 7, hundred of pages went by, and still we have not seen one…. Fuckin ONE person who at very least I can call decently likeable… Anyone??
Okeanos - 1719065076
Coldest line in this entire series’ history. Absolutely nobody expected him to win, but he actually did with One Move.

Man was only introduced a few chapters back as if he was a fodder to introduce an even stronger fighter, but now he is already one of my favorite.
Okeanos - 1718375581
Lol, that’s harsh Kiyomaro. Coral Q once gave him and Gash a hard time too so he should know they are okay as an ally. But I love seeing he still have grudge over his Robo transformation.

Also Vino looks so damn normal, He was a baby in the war, but a baby with massive heart energy with his partner the most powerful “Demon killer”. But his partner Clear no longer existed. At the end of the war he reincarnated into something else entirely and I dont think it can fight lol.
Okeanos - 1717244600
Wait, we still havent get a clear tragic background story of the girl. She looked like she suffered a lot for sure.
Okeanos - 1716986568
Sickkk.. It took so long for Gash and his friends to defeat even one of them, and she made it look like they were all fodders.
Okeanos - 1716977543
Goddamn the groove
Okeanos - 1716921817
Man Apollo is just bitter. Zeon beat them fair and square without any cheap tricks. He even held back from completely obliterating him with a Gigano spell, showing some compassion towards him. He is just too powerful, end of story.

Once you get to understand him better and his misunderstandings, you’d also see that Zeon is actually the one possessing the quality to be a great king, even more than Gash.