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Demonh8 - 1713796782
So, the spider was the Wingman? or that should be WingArachne?
Demonh8 - 1713745720
well, there goes the broken doll, how many will you see next time you walk around Downtown? or the Mall.
Demonh8 G-Fischj - 1713745299
Hero or villian are relative terms, depend if the resoult of their actions is convinient or not to the wants judging those resoults, Remember, The Hero of Some People is the Terrorist of their Oponents.
Demonh8 - 1713745164
So basically an imbecil with more pride than brains chew way more that it can, and forced the hand of the MC, well, it's not a bad way to speed up the plot, not bad at all.
Demonh8 - 1713717789
mmmm is she a terminator? XD
I'm glad this one is back
Demonh8 - 1713676489
and now you lost me, what a piece of crap, i really hate that from japanese authors, the bowing down to autorithy figures, too bad, it was going well, but it's not worth it, wame as with slavery, being subservient of a king is something i can't get behind.
Demonh8 - 1713632747
los perritos van a salir a jugar
how much do you dudes think this cheweing toys will endure before braking up?
Demonh8 - 1713631850
Will you fight a good with me my friend?
Well you usually start the fight, so i would only be accompanying you

Brilliant dialog, great ending of this arc, if there ever be a 3rd season, we might see it animated.

Demonh8 - 1713570174
Yeah right, a drug that give f rankers the power of an S ranker, who else will develope that than the beings controlling the ranks, and who else distributed than the ones controlling everything in the school, kinda way too obvious, unless of course, they are not as powerful as they make everybody believe
Demonh8 - 1713559798
Nice Drunk existensial crisis, really hits you after a couple of submarines, but it's nice to see some real good people on the world, weirder than an otaku that showers everyday yes, but good people XD.
Demonh8 - 1713558862
I know why the autor did that but i still find it so so stupid, anybody who has betrayed once, will betray again.
basless acusations always work if you scream them loud enough, just see how many have been destroyed these days thanks to social media, how many are in jail trough false acusations, how many governments get their political rivals either in jail or powerless trough baseless acusations, is actually a really a very smart and useful strategy, and depending of how much influence the church has in the kingdom, they could easily scream that the royal family has been possesed by evil entities and call a cleansing against them, i don't think that's gonna happen because it's not that kind of manga, but they could do it.
Demonh8 - 1713454602
Ah yeah, gringos always wat to apply the Obama/bush/ reagan/vietnam strategy, bomb all the place with drones, civilian deaths? urban destruction? all that is acceptable, drop some napalm and white fosforus just for fun.
Demonh8 - 1713453424
Nice, really one of the best magic swordfights i ever seen, love the fact really incorporates the magic atacks in the sword atacks, kinda like jedi techniques XD
Demonh8 - 1713400144
well, it's one of those cases where both are right MC reason to save the kid are correct since avoid her own death and probably some bigger problem un th efuture now that the game has change, but the Vice dude is also right, she is saving one she favor leaving all the rest with false hopes, also what organ he needs to replace? who be the donnor? how is she gonna protect the donnors life? all those are true factors that an alleged grown up should considerated, unless you know, her mind age is reaching her body age.
Demonh8 - 1713395397
i don't like the direction this is taking, don't hes goal was to be free to explore? MC even reject a similar deal before, kinda not makes much sense this ark
Demonh8 - 1713372896
i am confuse, does the Rangers knw by now that he is an invader? or just the green batallion knows? because D wasn't very careful during the las fight, plus he spent a year on the cell with a known ejecutive, so he hsan't been really stealthy.
BTW the Anime is going great, animation is amazing, voices are really good, they arrange some things different but nothing mayor, the only thing i find weird is the fact that so many reactors on youtube, seem totally unable to understand the obviously obvious visual cues, well that and the fact that is on Disney+ and not on crunchyroll.
Demonh8 - 1713229878


Demonh8 - 1713199901
i feel i'm repetaing myself a lot, but this is a fiction manga, a cyberpunk style fiction manga, yet it reflects the reality of the streets so accuratly.