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Demonh8 - 1707758334
Ah yeah, the church,my old enemy, i guess it was mainly my fault for bringing science to a dominical sermon and bringing logic ans History to the Sunday childs class, or perhaps for making jokes in the middle of the cantics and cause the hole chorus to laugh and miss the notes.
Demonh8 - 1707689848
i really liked this issue, believable medical drama, treasons and world building, love it
Demonh8 - 1707689398
Neil, always the stupid Neilm but anyway, is Otokonoko time XD
Demonh8 Ov3rCl9cK - 1707579330
oh that, yeah, that's a manga artist problem, you see mangas mostly have the camera paralel to the subject, so they almost never practice other camera angles like over the top, and anime faces, wich are basically flat, are really hard to portray in 3D enviroments, again like over the top or from low angles, is not impossible, i have seen some artist do some amazing camera work, especially for action escenes, i guss this artist haven't practiced enough.
Demonh8 Kami-sama - 1707578849
of course is suspicious, is a true trading monster, will trade he's own mother for what he wants, and usually people like him follow the contracts with almost religious fervor, of course, be sure to read the small print.
Demonh8 - 1707489283
I'm glad there is gonna be a season 2, season 1 was well recived, wasn't on the top but people like it a lot, so it's great to have a second season.
sorry, it was on the twitter account of one of the Mapa artist, so it's hard to track that again.
yeah season 1 is pretty much the same as the manga, few details change and less sex, but same story, season 1 ends a little after this fight ends, so at this point, manga haven´t even reach the end of season 1
Demonh8 - 1707409089
those overzised claw machines, are really fun, a company installed one in a mall near my home and people love it, they played a lot and since you could see it from several metters away, it was a good fun, and people cheered up a lot when someone was able to get one of those gian stuff animals, was honestly a fun factor for the mall.
Sadly it took too much space and i guess it was too expensive because it was retired afther a few months.
Nice move from the MC, make your waifu happy and shen love you even more.
Demonh8 - 1707319530
I don't know what was the idea of this filler, i'm not mad, just happily confused
Demonh8 - 1707319107
You know what's funny weird, that in Mangas and Anime, A groups are protrayed as so damn powerful, not only having economic power or even political power, but so much physical power, in mexico the A group yes it be mostly formed by rich kids smart kids and the teachers pets, but they mostly are either average or weak in physical power, menwhile the F group that's usually the last group on a high school have average to low grades and middle class to lower economic class students, but they excel on physical power, when i was at high school, i was on F group, first day of school the viceprincipal come to inform us that basically we where considerated problem cases and a few steps away from being criminals, of course A group was the proud jewel for the principal and teachers, yet they didn't even dare to look at us in the eyes, they move away when we walked on the halls with fear and never even tried to do anything against us, heck it was normal for many of my friends to go to A classroom to borrow books because they forgot theirs at home.

And yes, we where kinda violent, but mainly betwen us, unless someone challenge you to fight afther school of course, i guess, they get scared when we started playing Canibal Basketball, a mix betwen Basketball Rugby and American Football, it was fun, and even girls joined into the teams.
Demonh8 Meringue - 1707318230
actually, thats pretty much how a 100+ kilos dude looks near an average teenager, and remember that many japanese girls aren't tall, so they look smaller near someone so fat.