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Beatdown dungeon
1500 points
33 Comment(s)
36 Upvote(s)
Tysm I had no idea what was causing it
Just incase, no. If u have any remaining braincells, spare them from this. Trust me.
Theres a 3 year old comment with a detailed answer of why this sucks, scroll well lazy.
I'm officially banning adjectives for 1 year and 2 days.
Beatdown dungeon Adam - 1724397624
The art style also became bland in this one. Is the author cursed or something?
Beatdown dungeon - 1724397550
Bro?? What the fuck happened to the art style? It was so good and expressive in the first 30 something chapters, but suddenly degraded and became blander than the current isekai protagonists. The story also started somehow getting worse, chapters feel rushed and so does the plot. Did the author just throw his creativity away or something???
Make sure to check out the other two. They'll hit u in the feels when u least expect it. Actually had me in tears at some points.
It's not axed, it just has slow updates lol. Still, since you liked this one, have you checked out this?
I think it's decently knows so you might have already read it.
Beatdown dungeon uCoex - 1723768321
Alr I fixed it, it was cause I didn't put space 🙃
Thanks for the heads up.
Beatdown dungeon uCoex - 1723768205
I have no clue why it doesn't work. Just search it in the search bar "the hero, the demon, and the villian" ill try to fix it for now
Absolutely. I was thinking u already read them, thankfully not lol. Have fun bro.
Daamn...I'm already following this one lol. The protag (a demon lord[?]) Is dressed as a boy because they're actually a princess of the lands she's on and has a right to the thrones...I don't remember what happened exactly, but the other family members do NOT like the mother and attempted to kill both of them (Mc and mother) so the mother, as a last ditch attempt summoned a demon into her daughter's body asking them to make her (make the daughter) the ruler of the land. So now the demon has to hide the identity of the body he took over so he doesn't get hunted again. Ik I summarized in a shitty and sloppy way, but I'd make an entire book otherwise. As for some recommendation, I've got some neat ones:
Doesn't need explaining, just read the first 2 chapters.
I consider this on par with "one step to the darklord" or whatever it was called (yuria)
And lastly, am absolutely favorite:
This is a MUST read. Not a single chapter goes by where you'll be bored, and it updates pretty often. Although I recommend waiting for the second season to finish before reading it, it's diffently worth it.
Also no sexual stuff where I left off in these, so I do not take accountability if anything happens. GL.
Ending it with a meme? Weak. Still the most optimal choice ig (aside from the hypocrit part? Very rude.) I mean, what did you expect? I'm so bored I'm watching a Dbfz combo vid and arguing with strangers (no, you can't call this a debate.) If u have any recommendation for a good read (just please no harem or sexual stuff) then ples help me. Or we can go back to arguing, that works as well.
That's not education, that's brainwashing and propaganda. There's only 2 genders, and that's it. Ur just butthurt from my comment so u opted to acting like the bigger person, when in reality ur seething and coping over a single comment. And what, u don't know the gender of the mc??? Just goes to show u have no clue what the fuck ur trying to say, the protag is female and there's a gender bender tag, how easy can it get? Get that reddit bullshit back up ur ass and please stay away from children because I guarantee they don't want ur bullshit either.
No the fuck they aren't. If they're women, they wouldn't be labeled TRANSGENDER. Quit being a pussy and sugarcoating it. I don't care if you believe in the transformer nonsense, but keep that bullshit to yourself. You know damn well you wouldn't ever even consider dating one.
Yeah, this is gonna need so many damn chapters for a chance to improve. I mean, 14 chapters in and we still haven't reached the academy? And then we have the cliche "mc sucks at fighting but their epic cool instinct takeover and they suddenly become good at fighting!!!". That shet was so edgy, coupled with the "pleasure" nonsense it was a turn off in more than one way.
Gender bender story try not to forget the mc is not actually the show gender challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!)