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93 points
78 Comment(s)
21 Upvote(s)
If you want a series where something happens instantly then this type of series is probably not for you.
User-8431956713 Zakomimi - 10 months ago
You must be new to the whole manga scene.
User-8431956713 Den Tweed - 10 months ago
It doesn't seem like they lost their way at all. Perhaps you simply didn't like it as much as you thought you did.
From who's perspective? The only people who think that are people with some kind of warped sense of what a main character is supposed to be. The brother most certainly does not seem more like a main character.
User-8431956713 king_midas - 11 months ago
I mean she did say it could summon any kind of spiritual entity whether it may be demons, angels or spirits.
User-8431956713 Doremiva - 11 months ago
His change of heart does make sense since all he ever really wanted deep down was acknowledgement from her.
Your comment is just plain stupid. You act like he would be troubled by being a nameless farmer. In case you forgot he was trying (and failing) to keep a low profile and just kept getting dragged into things.
User-8431956713 Skay24 - 11 months ago
That's honestly a stupid comment. They are mercenaries not part of the guild. It's hard to verify who is or is not a criminal when it comes to mercenaries especially in a world like the one they are in.
User-8431956713 - 11 months ago
In so many of these series the comment section seems filled with people incapable of actual thought. "Why doesn't he just kill them?" or "Why doesn't he just use his godly strength/powers to defeat the enemy or bring them to justice?" Such people seem to have comprehension problems. It doesn't matter if he is a demi-god there are rules to follow in the world he is in. Self defense and defending people in immediate danger is one thing but if he were to start doing whatever and started abusing his powers or simply started killing everyone bad it would make him a tyrant and no better than Aaron or any of the other antagonists.
User-8431956713 Cursen - 1 year ago
Not true. One such person who didn't die from a truck got reincarnated in another world as a slime and gained much adoration in that world.
It sounds right to me. The head fire spirit views lesser spirits as children and Hawa is a spirit. So them calling Hawa little spirit makes sense.
User-8431956713 - 1 year ago
So apparently Carol's name has been changed to Kal.
The punishment was overly harsh but it was completely Elle's fault and the queen didn't do anything stupid at all. If one is to guard a lake then there is obviously a reason for it to be guarded. Throwing something in it is the opposite of guarding it. It is doing the very thing you are supposed to be preventing. If you would do the same thing in that situation then you would be just as in the wrong as Elle. It's really not that hard a concept to understand even just from the words "guard this lake". The queen gave at the very least enough information that knowing what not to do should have been obvious. If your employer told you to guard a safe it's honesty obvious they wouldn't want you to open it. Same if you were asked to guard/watch a house. It's obvious they are not saying you can make a mess of things in the house. As much as I hate to say it Elle was the stupid one in that situation for not thinking before acting.
User-8431956713 - 1 year ago
It definitely sounded better when they used honorifics in the previous translation than in this new translation.
User-8431956713 - 1 year ago
I'm not really a fan of some of these changes in these newer chapters. Particularly in names or how some characters are referred to in different ways now. Like why is Mei now called Baah? It's definitely obvious someone else took over.
The main character never told him not to as far as I can tell. Probably only told him about Laila's race. He is still the one who decides whether or not he can look past the differences.
User-8431956713 - 1 year ago
I guess the egg really was Mee's after all.
User-8431956713 - 1 year ago
Watch it not actually be Mee's egg but an egg Mee found, that then hatches into a dragon. I can totally see that happening. Lol.