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User-8431956713 - 1726718125
Honestly it's beginning to look more an more that the whole situation with Reina is his own fault. She probably pretended to be dating someone behind his back to get him jealous, possibly because she thought he might be cheating on her with Ayaka since he was pretty much always hanging out with Ayaka. So he possibly is the one really in the wrong here.
User-8431956713 - 1726710580
We will probably find out Natsuki was friends with Reina and was the person holding hands with her. Many girls seem to hold hands with each other in manga series. He possibly just assumed it was a guy and when he confronted her, Reina was hurt and figured that he had already made up his mind and wouldn't believe anything she said. If that ends up being the case it will certainly make him look bad.
User-8431956713 Labrys - 1726709507
Actually it's not impossible, if he never met him before or seem a picture he wouldn't know his face. Also it could have simply been a friend of hers who could have been homosexual and not into her like that. There are honestly a few possibilities. He could have easily just jumped the gun and automatically assumed the worst. Hell it could have even been a possibility that it wasn't even a guy she was holding hands with. He didn't really get a good look at the person.
User-8431956713 - 1726636589
I'm honestly disappointed he turned into a monster. I wanted him to return to find all his buildings destroyed. 🤣
User-8431956713 si1foo - 1725910248
If it does turn out that Curran is bad it's not that Ars chose the wrong side because neither side would be what can be considered good. Basamark was certainly not a good guy.
It's either the manga itself was axed or they are going to continue with a separate manga since the series goes further than this. It is most certainly not the true ending.
The thing that is trash is your comment.
It appears, based on your comment, that you don't know what arrogance is. He is trying to save him, not kill him.
User-8431956713 - 1725116922
I bet one or two of the Latoli members will end up joining them in the maze. 😹
User-8431956713 Ddog - 1724077917
Even if Basamark "explained things" there is always the possibility that he would simply be lying. The letter that said that Basamark was to be the next on the throne could have easily been fabricated by Basamark and he could easily just have been making things up simply to cause doubt on Curran. Curran probably is hiding something, that's usually how these stories go, but that doesn't mean that Basamark is a better choice. This is probably setting things up for Ars to be on the throne himself.
That is why Zat was put as second in command of the squad. He is there to keep him in check.
You seem to be the one with a lack of reading comprehension.
How would she have finished the potion if she didn't have access to all of the ingredients until now?
User-8431956713 Skay24 - 1720593735
If you think there was no story target you obviously have not been reading from the beginning. That or you have problems with comprehension.
User-8431956713 aFFi - 1720593617
Many of you for some ridiculous reason seem to think that this entire story revolves around the damn potion. It's honestly getting childish and annoying how people keep whining on and on about it.
I can't decide whether you are just complaining about nothing simply because you are bored and just want to be annoying or simply can't think straight as to why the potion potion isn't finished even though it makes perfect sense why it isn't yet. All in all your complaints are nonsensical since the potion, despite being talked about quite often, is only a side thing anyway and not the main focus of the series.