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742 points
108 Comment(s)
130 Upvote(s)
Well, the magic stone is like a newborn baby. We all cried at some point after we were born coz it was too bright and too cold after getting out into the world... Just because its sentient enough that you can have a conversation with it, doesn't mean it's mature too :D
Yukina Thelord - 1710877903
The thing is that if she didn't carelessly open her mouth, those trash papers wouldn't have anything to latch on, then the enemy wouldn't have any flame to fan to the point of no return.... And let's be clear that she simply jumped to conclusions without really hearing out the other party, or even trying to find out in the past(now it's a bit late for that, really.... commendable that she's at least trying now, but can't change what has happened), just been going after MC without care.... I just really hope that after she learns of everything, she'll do everything in her power to help MC with his mission and understands him and his standpoint.... although, that part where she felt the MC's feelings, I hope that drove the point home
Yukina - 1710687611
So, basically it's because of her that MC's being misunderstood by the whole world and has to do everything thrice as covertly as he originally should've. And of course the real culprits are more than onboard about pining the blame on a scapegoat that come on a silver plate, while they can operate more openly since the attention is on someone else, meaning more ppl are dying.... I'm starting to really hate her >.>
Yukina Uchiha-DeadPool - 1709469199
Oooh, yes it will... But it's still an amazing story even if it's frustrating :D
Yukina - 1709062756
This is all funny, cute and whatnot, but there's a huge question.... Since when does the grandpa have a say in Judith's marriage? First of all he didn't even know she existed, now he plans to play house? I'm super pissed when ppl try to make decisions for other ppl when the involved party has no desire for it. Just let her be with the one she loves and in case something goes awry, hug her, tell her everything's all right and let her live her own damn life! If this stalemate goes on for too long, I'll drop the story. It was cute and interesting until that old fossil started meddling in everything. He's doing the same mistake all over again >.>
Yukina - 1708633459
*gags* Fuck off, idiot -.-

Hes, go and hug Cael for healing both yourself and us, readers, please <3
Yukina - 1708453943
Well, this kind of entrance was definitely not very discreet, Kahil :D

It felt like he bashed the door open and shouted: Mofos, I've come back for your asses heads! X'D
Yukina - 1708092456
That's what they get for ignoring your beauty, Xavier! Let the revenge arc begin! :D
The best of the bests way to describe this arc *o* Take my upvote :D
Yukina Kami-sama - 1706317789
The most accurate way to describe this whole webtoon X'D
Yukina - 1706113207
Uh-oh.... Aisha, with her love turning to hatred, became the weapon for Hades to kill Gaionia for good... Procreator, did you really envision all of this happening? You really are a pro-creator of miracles, my man! This being is not playing 5D, but a fucking 1000D chess with different worlds and souls and variables O.O Luv it :3
Yukina Kale - 1706027971
And where's the announcement of the bebe??? I think this is all hinting towards side stories(or epilogue?)
Yukina yilo - 1705951782
Nope, I believe it's worse ^^'
Yukina - 1705843482
From now on, this webtoon will be a worthy read :3 We have been so pissed for the past 150 chapters, now it's time for the sweetest ever revenge :3
Yukina GotMyEyeOnYou - 1705791408
Your comment with your profile name? I had to laugh out loud X'D
This would be a pretty valid option if MC was the real Rubia. However, since MC took over Rubia's body, MC is bound to fulfil Rubia's wishes at least, and since Rubia wanted nothing but to be loved by her father, MC has no choice but to stick to this rotten tree and try to fix the problems within, before she can even think about leaving for good...
Yukina - 1705179277
Ooooh, boy.... these sound reasonings he says are what makes me love this story more and more :3
Yukina - 1704657785
Wait, so the one who got into Anthea's body was none other but the past Liontel??? Holy moly! That's sick! So her soul reincarnated in the modern world, then she came back into her, well, rightful body to finish this unfinished business that fucker Philip started.... Ooooh boy O.O
Yukina - 1704574424
I was about to murder Simon!!!!! He was asking so many unnecessary questions when Kalia was in pain and needed the help I was screaming in anger!!!! I will definitely choke that bastard!!!! >:(